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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Well that would make it a bit more difficult to use mine, lol.
  2. Hmm, you're going to need a good intent with it too. I'd stick with TH, & maybe Love Drawing, or LP Original for intent. My reasoning is that if TH has already worked, then why mess with success?
  3. I use mine @ night, when the little ones are in bed, or I wait till they're gone.
  4. I'd say LP Original w/ OW. How can you go wrong with vanilla? & it was a huge hit @ my house party.
  5. TH is a GREAT phero, but you have to remember it's been changed a bit w/ the addition of the 20% A-nol. Also, Le Wiz's brews just feel so positive in general! I love both M & Wiz's energy in their creations, but I can tell the difference. Maybe it's just the difference of male & female energies?
  6. Lol! I'd go without, but I probably wouldn't be buying G&L until fall anyway.
  7. Shhh! Wait till she has a healthy trade page to tell her BTW, hi my name's Beccah & welcome. I just want to add that if you have a preferred scent group; candy, resins, clean, etc., you can always hit the perfumerie & search by that group here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/
  8. Hi Minerva! I have nothing to add, except that whatever you choose, I'd definitely second letting it stand on it's own when first testing.
  9. I've only gotten to smell in vial, as I'm refraining from pheros (at least until Saturday), but this is a lovely floral. I waved it under TT's nose & he liked it also (not easy to get his stamp of approval on scents).
  10. To answer the Est. on a man question. TT hasn't given me the best reactions when I've worn, but I loved him wearing H&S, it makes him so much nicer to be around, when he wears Est & it makes me feel warmer toward him. Also, I would assume that since it's the pregnant woman's fetus that actually produces the Est., then there's probably a quite bit that comes off of newborns. Would make sense with Est's "whole take care of me vibe". Don't most mothers always talk about just enjoying the smell of their new baby's? I did, lol.
  11. The Teddy Bear hamsters are fluffy balls of cuteness. That one was a nervous wreck though, I thought he was going to have a heart attack from sheer terror.
  12. This definitely cherry deliciousness.
  13. LMFAO! I think I got extra cuddles from the little one & I smelled like a freshly bathed bebeh as the 90 degree weather hit my skin on our trek to Petco. Totally off topic, but our landlady says "no pets", so I take the kids to the free petting, er I mean pet store to visit the lonely cuties waiting for homes. They were out of adoption ready cats, because they're switching pet shelters for awhile. So we ventured to the rodents' side, 4 yr. old wanted to pet one, so I ask clerk for the fluffiest Teddy Bear hamster breed. Instead of picking the on eagerly pressing up against the glass to peer @ us, she takes the wheel out & grabs the one hiding. So of course it just screams in terror while we're trying to get my 4 yr.old to approach it...Anyway, we had better luck with the cutey that actually wanted us to pick him up. IDK about holding anything that small & squirmy anyway. As a child, I was the only one of my relatives that would leave the baby kittens alone as well, too small, too squirmy!
  14. These bath salts smell divine! They do smell a little bit like a type of herbal tea you might drink, but it would be your favorite & you's drink it @ night curled up with a goo book. I can tell the lotus is in there right off, not because I can smell it right away, but because it lends a higher vibration to the scent in general.
  15. Received my sample set today, so the first thing I actually sniffed was Le Wiz's prezzie bath. First of all, thank you & secondly, it smells divine! I love the higher vibe the lotus adds to it. Again thank you so much LP for the generosity & excellent treatment you always give me
  16. Well I don't know how M did it, but the intent on this is amazing! I just cracked open my vial to take a quick sniff (eyes open), my eyes involuntarily closed & I was hit with the sense memory of holding my children for the first time. I could see them in my arms, feel them against my breast. & it's ADDICTIVE, I didn't want to quit sniffing the sample! This is the first time a sense memory has been triggered so powerfully for me.
  17. I have a little of this on my arm. It smells alright, I got the slight hint of lettuce @ first too. I get the raspberry & the sugary notes. IDK, the notes in it just don't ring "true" to me, but I am sniffing along side the other samples (to be fair). All in all, this would be a top notch commercial scent & Mara did an excellent job of keeping the aldehydes well behaved & to a dull roar, but it falls flat next to what Mara usually makes. As a side note, my son's nose is pretty much virgin to commercial scents, as I've only allowed him to wear LP's & use natural bath products/deodorant. I asked him to sniff on my arm (after sniffing Rainbow Falls out of the vial), his reaction "eh, Gallimaufrey is ok Mom."
  18. I also peeped out that this a Le Wiz creation, I should've known! K, just got mine & it smells like summer, like y'all took the prettiest day, with the perfect weather of summer & distilled it down into a bottle. Also there's the feel I've noticed w/ Le Wiz's scents, it's just so light & happy. My 12 yr.old smelled & asked if he could have my sample, lol. ETA: this impression is in the vial, I can' wait until I can actually wear it.
  19. Dolly, evil enabler! If you like it, I know it has to be good!
  20. Oh I can't wait! I loved nursing, until they started nipping, then I had to cut them off. I made the same deal with both bebehs, they get a year or until they decide to bite! My first one made it 14 months(he got extra time for good behavior), my second one made it 8 months....
  21. TG, you're amazing & I'm glad you found a blend that truly magnifies your essence. Just one question, is the world ready??? *j/k
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