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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I was gleefully smelling all my new order & I had this vial open. My 3yr.old comes up & says 'I want to smell something'. So I wave this one under his nose. He says 'Whee haw' & starts jumping around! I swear he's only done that with this one! I guess Rocketfuel even sets the little ones off, bwahaha.
  2. You're right that story was too x-rated for this scent......unless we added some cops I love it!
  3. I've got it written out now all I need to do is practice I feel a lot better, maybe I'll just wear some OW.....IDK what's a good LP to wear based on intent?
  4. I do have some leather, but it has cops added & it's in P&D. The overall scent is down right smutty, lol. Dominance tends to amp up the bitch factor of Aunt Flo's visit for me ( sadly ). I could try my Unisexy sample that has B2 in it.. that may be the ticket in dealing with this stressfull assignment & my period. Thanks for the advise sweety.
  5. Hmm Open Windows makes me really chatty. Heart & Soul seems to knock down my inihibitions also.....
  6. Gah that's a loaded phrase to label a topic with around here...but I have to give 5 minute oral presentation as part of my Outside Research Project for American Government. I've never even given a highschool level presentation & my tummy's been in knots for days. What would be the appropriate phero. I'm torn between La Vie De Boheme & Money Honey ( thank it all that my replacement came Saturday). Any other suggestions ( Before I go to throw up & cry now ) ?
  7. Got TT a sample of this & he really likes it. It is a nice clean 'old fashioned' men's barbershop smell. Maybe omething Ol' Blue Eyes would've worn himself ( as he was known to use Yardley's Lavender soap). Definitely a full bottle purchase for TT. He really loves his LP#9, but I think he needs something to mix it up with.
  8. First of all let me say I despise anise, as it evokes my insane mother. Who always used to bring me Good n Plentys (gack)! Anything that even slightly has that herby 'black licorice' smell makes me throw up in my mouth a little. This will be the first anise fragrance I can actually say I love! It has a vanillary quality that is the polar opposite of Good n Plenty, while still detecting the anise in it. I'm sure there are other fragrances that have the note in it, that I've liked. I just never noticed it, but this is the first one that I know it's in there & I want to slather!
  9. Beccah


    I scored a sale bottle & I have to say it does have a nice champagne evocation. TT smelled it & actually responded that it smells good, instead of the usual 'I've smelled that before' response. Definitely need to get @ leats one more bottle before it disappears forever.
  10. I agree it's very close to the original, yet softened a bit. It's nice to have a grapefruit option that you can boost with whatever you like also. I find that this handles the cops in the Magnet boost excellently.
  11. Hmm I've done both, but I seem to get more noticeable results from scented pheromones.
  12. Hmmm the spray layered overed the OCCO would probably have the same affect.
  13. Has anyone smelled the 'best of' version yet ? I'm simply going to burst with anticipation ! I've got to learn not give away teh sniffees I lurve
  14. I changed my address with paypal 3 yrs. ago & deleted the address from my profile. When I order stuff it still pops up asking me which address to you use!
  15. Does anyone else ever find themselves going thru the dresser drawer you've devoted to them & stroking the bottles saying 'My preciousssss'.....?
  16. I'm so sorry but that sounds like some kind of Aussie term for VD! Bwahahaha!
  17. Very good point Katz. Another way to look at it is this. With the availability of all the new scents every month, & that fact that stock is rotating. It prevents us from getting into a 'fragrance rut'.
  18. Well if you'd like to gauge how quickly bottles are flying. You could always add a ridiculous amount of bottles to the cart periodically ( making sure to delete them before you move along). The cart will say 'I'm sorry but we only have _ bottles available, & you'll have your answer.
  19. Ah yes I agree with that sentiment. The adult frenemies aren't so bad, lol. If they get too far out of line, I usually won't see them anymore..... ETA: By their choice, not mine.
  20. Congrats deary! @ Halo I had to order to replace the holes in mah perfume rack( not gonna admit to the boxes I have that could've done the same...)! So many thanks to Hmmb1 for the bottle of Wildflower, I'd never be able to fill that hole, lol. To Mara, she sent me a very large GC to help me recover some of my lost items! Which is exactly why LP usually gets top priority in my spending money budget. I will be using that GC to justify an order sizeable enough to be delivered by crate in the near future.... .
  21. Bwahaha! We also say 'frenemy', I know this sounds counter intuitive, but I think I prefer a frenemy to an out & out 'arch'. As long as I know what's up, lol. I don't like the 'surprise' frenemies.....
  22. Ok so I really can't wait for my order. This rebrew of Tangy Ylang is calling my name.......I am the most excited about this one, also about 'Remind Me Again' I didn't get interested in it until it wasn't available anymore, lol.
  23. So I've read & love the descripts. The one that touched me was for 'Remind Me Again'. It is so beautiful, I literally get teary reading it. They are all well written mini novellas though
  24. Hmm...I think whore only applies if there be an exchanging of teh monies..... Intersting trivia tidbit: In victorian times the words whore & slut were used interchangeably because it was assumed that a woman sleeping around was getting paid.
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