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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Or just look in the 'Specials' section ladies,lol. I always check that area out.
  2. Hmm from personal experience OW would be the better choice. That way people would still be in a good mood & be able to focus.
  3. I was thinking Leather might be a good option also. As I definitely don't want to come off as an easy, good time lol. I think PP might be the ticket to give the powercouple vibe. I could probably layer PP on my forearms & hands & then Leather in the 'danger zones' in case anyone gets to close for comfort. Husband could probably dab some Legend on with his PP application TY sweety.
  4. Ok TT's birthday is coming up so I've agreed to buy him a VIP package with his favorite artist. Well his favorite artist is a rapper. They're are actually six of them on tour together & they're still pretty underground. We have to go to the bad part of St.Louis to see their show. Anyway, from my personal experience it's seems like I get more sexual reactions from social pheros like popularity potion with the comediens that come thru the Lake. So I'm hoping it won't be the case with rappers. Anyway, I was hoping the TT & I could both wear PP. Any suggestions for scent & phero ??? I was also considering OW....
  5. Well I just went for a monthly sampler & a sale bottle with a boost for me, & a bottle of WoodLand Man for the TT. I had to grab @ least one more bottle of 'Sweet Revenge', that one literally changed my life TT's birthday is this month, so I bought him the nookie jackpot scent, lol.
  6. OMG I totally relate ! I sent my best friend 'Frigid Winter Sky' , because her mom's dying & I wanted her to know I was there for her. Poor dear sent me a text telling me I was loved, bwahaha! Isn't that the equivalent of giving Stephen King a nightlight, so he won't be scared of the dark anymore ? Or giving Luna an intervention for being a sex addict (after reading teh stories) ? It's not like we can control the muse or it's nature...LOL.
  7. Worked @ a place called 'The Lumberyard' in DM,IA....."Where real men go to get wood..." & no I shall never tire of the double entendre either,lol! I love your writing Luna, it's amazing how much creativity that comes out of your brain lady
  8. I have to say Mahvelous job on the descripts Luna, & tre magnifique on the artwork SLG. Also, PM if you need anymore palm ash or holy water I can hook you up. Might as well get something out of my husbands familiy's catholiscm besides guilt & pressure to procreate, LOL!
  9. Just checked out the descript for Dagmar's Flower Power...what are y'all trying to do to my wallet here??? LOL! ETA: Although Shelly & I were enjoying F/B vigil..I miss SG & Ail taunting us!!! How are our lovelies?
  10. I love this one. It's very green & floral. I seem to get a hint of skin musk when it dries down & the violet mixes nicely with that. Almost as if you've been rolling around the forest floor.....
  11. Maybe this blend's just not for you sweety. I get more of a 'popularity' effect from H&S personally, but the TT wears this phero blend magnificently. Maybe it's because he's so tall???
  12. Hmm...I was thinking this one was akin to Thane, but maybe it's because of the sword.
  13. I feel like people gravitate toward me & hang on my every word. It's a bit of a popularity blend for me. @ Luna I think Cougar has est. in it also, because TT doesn't really react to that one.
  14. OK I tried out the OW amped Original & that's the magic blend for dealing with TT! He responds the best to this & TH. So weird, cus I get the best self effects from H&S
  15. My fav est. blend is Ail's Heart & Soul. I swear I get the strongest reactions from this particular blend
  16. I like est., I think it even smells good w/out a cover ( so does my bestie). My husband has mixed reactions to it, but women respond wonderfully as well as men I'm not married to
  17. [quote name='liz' date='Apr 27 2010, 05:46 PM' post='100990' me TOO !! (catholic grammar school though, I never had recess 6th,7th & 8th grade *8th grade was because I cut my uniform so short I wasn't allowed to be seen in something THAT SHORT !! and I've copied (written) the dictionary & religion book more times than I care to remember ) My MIL is a former nun . All I have to say is where's the duct tape when you need it!? I hope I get a sniffee of 'Cherry Pepper'
  18. The releases are actually April for May..... I wonder what they'll do with the Spring Equinox LP variant (if it's getting released this month). I really enjoy the seasonal variants
  19. So I got my LP Silver+ TH. I decided to mix it with my regular Silver bottle, to get a nice strength for TT. Also made a beta spray with my leftover perfumers alcohol (gah that 8 oz bottle lasted forever). This seems to be a good ratio to use with him. He responds so much better to this than H&S.
  20. Have it in P&D+cops option. Definitely a sexpot blend, I would consider getting it in Original - cops for day to day wear
  21. Wanted to join in the love fest :abvb: !
  22. So I didn't see a review for this one. I hadn't give this one a second glance before. I got a sample in this last order & it is heavenly. I love the fresh watery aspect of this floral. If you're a fan of 'Wishcraft', then I'm sure this one will be a must have
  23. Beccah

    Top Five

    You haz to try 'Morning of Glory'. I got sample of it in my order...it is so fresh & watery. The perfect floral.
  24. Ok ladies, I'm going to venture that the LP Spring Equinox varient is in this month's releases ....
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