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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Beccah


    221B Find yourself Sherlock'ed? Female fans of the famed detective now have their own fragrance to pay tribute to the first male fictional character who proved that Smart Is Sexy...a Victorian black tea accord is made elegantly sensual with the addition of tonka and teak, and sultry with touches of honeyed tobacco and vetiver. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: TONKA BEAN ~ Love, money, courage, wishes granted; wards off illness. TEA ~ Invigorating, refreshing, mentally and physically uplifting, lust. Riches, courage, strength. HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment. TOBACCO ~ Healing, purification, spiritualism. An ode to the Gods. TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance. VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.
  2. PAPERWHITES (NARCISSUS) ~ Egotism, formality, sweetness. OAK RESINOID ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism. PINE ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life. WOODSMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. SUEDE ~ The musky scent of leather inspires feelings of lust, personal power, and provides a hint of danger. TEA ~ Invigorating, refreshing, mentally and physically uplifting, lust. Riches, courage, strength. BRANDY (FERMENTED ALCOHOLS: WINE, BEER, HARD LIQUOR, ETC) ~ Intoxicant, used as an offering or appeasement for Gods, used in love spells, and celebratory spells. SPICE ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money. BUCHU ~ The indigenous people first introduced buchu to the European settlers at the Cape in South Africa. The use of the plant subsequently spread to Europe and America where it was used extensively as a medicine. In 1821 buchu was included in the British Pharmacopoeia. This blend is crafted for men, but many women will enjoy wearing it too.
  3. Beccah

    Hungry Heart

    Hungry Heart A mouthwatering Autumnal scent for inspiring insatiable cravings...a swirl of thick maple into luscious vanilla buttercream, further sweetened with a sprinkle of muscovado sugar and a drizzle of sweet dark amber syrup. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: MAPLE SYRUP ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant. BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. MUSCOVADO SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
  4. Beccah

    Gilded Season

    Gilded Season Every season has its character and its charm. In Autumn, the world seems to turn golden before our sight: the light is deeper and warmer, illuminating the landscape in a magical way. To give scented form to this lovely phenomenon we've combined the delicate aureate aroma of white nectarines – now in season – with the dry aura of hardwoods (cedar and redwood), topped with a few drops of labdanum absolute. This combination produces a perfect representation of the shining days of Autumn: ripe and sweet yet also crisp and woody. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: WHITE NECTARINE (PEACH) ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted. REDWOOD ~ Protection, love, success, power. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification. LABDANUM ~ One of the oldest known perfume ingredients. Considered holy, used in tribute, and as a sense-memory tool to stimulate the subconscious. Saidtorevivelong forgotten memories and feelings.
  5. Beccah


    BURNT BROWN SUGAR, CARAMEL ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted. BOURBON (FERMENTED ALCOHOLS: WINE, BEER, HARD LIQUOR, ETC) ~ Intoxicant, used as an offering or appeasement for Gods, used in love spells, and celebratory spells. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.
  6. * A base of FRANKINCENSE RESIN cleanses the aura, dispels negativity and soothes injured feelings. * OAK MOSS encourages luck, charity and nurturing. * FERN represents sincerity, confidence and creates a perimeter of protection. * BASIL EO creates empathy and mends quarrels. * CARNATION ABSOLUTE contributes protection while inspiring admiration, affection and consideration. * WHITE SUGAR brings forth sweetness, and represents luck and wishes granted. * YLANG YLANG soothes misunderstandings and promotes harmony. * And finally, the scent of orange - from our essence of TANGERINE - not only represents thoughtfulness and happiness, but is meant to speed the process along, to help aid in a swift resolution to your woes.
  7. Beccah

    Autumn Wishes

    Autumn Wishes Dandelions symbolize divination, adaptation and transformation. They change from buttery-yellow fluffy blooms to feathery white seed pods, ready to travel on to new destinations, starting their life cycle all over again. What better flower for the season of change than the hearty dandelion? This is the scented setting of an Autumnal stroll: the air clean and the earth slightly damp from a recent rain, as your feet crunch upon fallen leaves and then you come upon a dandelion stalk, ready for you to make a wish. You gently blow upon it and the seeds spiral upwards, carried away upon the cool freshly-washed breeze…we’ve recreated this moment with a blending of dandelion milk, crisp woods and wet leaves, and a fuzzy whirl of powdered vanilla sugar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: DANDELION MILK ~ Fertility, abundance, wishes, intuition, faithfulness, happiness, promotes psychic powers; aids in psychic communication. DOGWOOD ~ Wishes granted and protection. DAISY ~ Gentleness, innocence, loyalty and romance. Love, reunion, luck. DRY VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. POWDERED SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  8. Beccah

    A Lick Of Pink

    MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading. BERRIES ~ Healing, protection, money attractant, a food of the Fae, love inducing, stamina and vigor. ROSE ~ Self confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance. NIGHT BLOOMING JASMINE ~ Love's vigil. The intoxicating scent of these heady blossoms is fabled to inspire lust clouded sleeplessness. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  9. A Taste for Luxury A fragrance which recalls the glamour of a wealthy woman: the sensual softness of a fur coat which retains a whiff of expensive perfume from its wearer. For all who have a taste for luxury, look no further than this scent: the lavish richness of a blend of Indian musks is infused with a lush bouquet of cassis, fig and tuberose. Utterly decadent, thoroughly feminine and timelessly beautiful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: CASSIS ~ Aids success in love affairs, and a magical representation of blood. FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality. TUBEROSE ~ Dangerous pleasure. Excitement, sensuality. INDIAN MUSKS ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
  10. Hmmm, I wonder if Flambe is based on bananas foster? Bananas Foster is a dessert made from bananas and vanilla ice cream, with the sauce made from butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, dark rum, and banana liqueur.
  11. If you don't mind watching on the computer; you can find new episodes of anything here: www.projectfreetv.org I've had to watch Breaking Bad there since Dish dropped AMC, grr. Anyway...NRs are here...I HAZ to have an LP cream!!!!!!
  12. Beccah


    Shake your sample up, I find mica likes to settle at the bottom of vial or bottle. Personally, I love it when they put mica in the LPs, it makes them just look like a magic potion when you shake them up
  13. Sometimes potions are brewed with special ingredients (expensive or hard to get), & sometimes they're just one time only offerings. Most of the Love Potion variants are one time only.
  14. Beccah

    Top Five

    1.Love Potion original 2.Celebutante 3.Cougar 4.Blessing 5.Blue Moon
  15. Beccah


    I'm wondering if having my bottle boosted with cops didn't change the fragrance a little? The coconut really comes out for me in this one, like a nice skin smell after you've been at the beach. So maybe try it with cops if it's not working for you ladies.
  16. Beccah


    I just put it in the cap, then I can just screw it back in really easy.
  17. Beccah


    I guess I got lucky, the mica comes out nicely from my bottle. You know if you're already taking barber scissors to the top, you could just shake it up & then pop the top out completely & dab it on. I would & I have done that when my bottles get too low for me to get the last little bit out.
  18. Beccah


    You don't? It's more of a subtle sheen on the skin, just barely catches the light. That's good for highlighting, though.
  19. Beccah


    I may have to take it off your hands.... Holy disco balls, Batman! There is a powerful intent to this one. Wore it out last night & yeah, had a girl with her boyfriend stop to tell me how great she AND her b.f. thought my rack was... they were in their early 20s. Ladies, if you can rock this, you will be cooking with gasoline. ETA: I need to hoard this one like there is no tomorrow! Also, with the sparkle it highlights the cleavage nicely if apply to the top of the rack instead of you neck
  20. Autumn Equinox scent will be in next month's NR's, iff'n there is one. Stalk WAY ahead of time, but ooh I wonder if LP will do a winter solstice scent? You know if the world doesn't end?
  21. Beccah


    Got mine today, yaya. Put a small bit on for testing. K, first not is coconut, then the lemongrass comes forward. It only amps for a little while, then it backs off & blends nicely with the other citrus. The vanilla & coconut are kind of blending into one. I think this smells like a tropical drink a little bit. Now, to my nose when the lemongrass is upfront, it reminds me of bug spray a little bit, because I wear the natural scents that rely on EOs.
  22. As an experienced user, I say NO! Testosterone regulates the sex drive in males & females. If you want to walk around feeling the need f**k like a rabbit, then by all means use more casually. Otherwise, save the heavy doses for playtime, lady.
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