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Everything posted by Darbla

  1. I ordered 3 must-haves from the sale, but I keep going back to that page and pouring over it, trying to narrow down just how much I really need food and electricity when all these LPs are disappearing forever.
  2. Not a phero, but I just read that the aroma of patchouli curbs an excessive appetite. Don't know if that's true but it's worth a shot.
  3. Thanks, girls. Open Windows it is. I went and read the description since I posted above and it sounds good. I know we're not supposed to heat up pheros in oil warmers and what-not, but is it OK to spray it around? Gosh, that sounds like a tom cat marking it's territory.
  4. I was thinking of getting Woozy Floozy 2x beta to spritz in my office to encourage happy feelings in visitors. Are you guys suggesting Open Windows would be a better choice? Is spritzing the air like that a bad idea or waste of product?
  5. And now the most important question of the day: when can we buy??? That 'Sinful Indulgences' label is too funny!
  6. Since you have the Lace UN, have you noticed any differences in effects between it and 'Garland & Lace'?
  7. How does this compare to alpha-androstenol alone? Most of your experiences seem like they're coming from the a-nol and not the est. I'm trying to decide between this or Woozy Floozy or other straight a-nol.
  8. This is what I'm wondering. What the best vehicle for this particular phero blend is. I'm about out of my 'La Vie Boheme' sample and will be ordering a large bottle of this phero. Sorry to hear you're going thru a rough time, Tee.
  9. Darbla

    Bayou Musk

    I get sparkly light green from this. It's more sun-warmed grass than bayou moss. I LOVE this and am plotting to get a full bottle (if you hussies don't wipe out the stock first!), but it's just not a dark green to me. I am still on the look-out for my deep, black forest, moss and fern green that I may just end up blending myself from my pantry full of essential oils.
  10. Why does this smell so great to the rest of you but stinks so bad to me?
  11. There is nothing I can think to add to the wonderful descriptions already posted. My nose sees colors when I sniff, and this is a cute, pinkie periwinkle blue that is perfect for Springtime.
  12. This is my hair. I'm the brunette in red in the middle. Ignore my ass falling out the bottom of that skirt, please.
  13. I've found lots of people commenting on applying to back of neck, but it seems like that is a waste of phero when you've effectively got a fur coat covering it up. Yay or nay? Speaking of places to apply, I'm wondering about underarms? That is one of the hottest places on your body, and during the summer months I'm always sleeveless anyway which leaves underarms getting more exposure too. It seems like the movement of your arms plus the heat of those areas would be great for getting the scent and pheros out in the air. I'm always animatedly flailing my arms around anyway. Or is the friction and heat TOO much and destructive to scent and pheros? The alcohol sprays would be perfect for applying there, though I probably wouldn't want the oilier stuff. Gives literal meaning to 'grease pits'.
  14. When I wear some pheros, I find it changes my sense of taste. I don't want anything to eat because there's a slightly bad taste in my mouth. Not enough to be offensive, but I can definitely notice it. I have a more sensitive than average sense of smell, and olfactory and taste are so connected I suppose I'm taste whatever I'm inhaling through my nose. And no, I'm certain I'm not ODing on the pheros.
  15. I had never even read this review thread because I have zero interest in copulins. My SO has a high enough drive without me throwing copulins at him, and I have no interest in attracting anyone else sexually. If I could get this scent to replace Mermaids of Atlantis I'd love it, maybe adding a-nol for happy effects. But after reading Geena's review that the guy effects seem softer, I might have to consider this.
  16. I finally got around to trying this thanks to liz sending me a sample, and it is a sexy scent. A lot of rose scents smell fake and cheap to me, but this does not. It is sultry and wonderful. Thank you, liz, for coming up with this idea!
  17. 'Bonnie' was my first LP love, and I slathered it like there was no tomorrow! Then there was no more 'Bonnie'. Blah. I've been on a heather kick lately too, and made some heather scented candles the other day
  18. OK, I've got this now and about to start putting it in action. Is this one I can spray in my hair or is that a no-no? I know we're not supposed to put copulins in our hair, and I went to the Cougar description to see if it had any but the description doesn't say anything about what pheros are in it.
  19. OMG. Somebody give me some oxygen. I just ordered this and I've NEVER spent that much on something like this before (well, not at one time) so I'm in a bit of shock. I need to get my mojo back so if this can help it will be worth it. I feel like a small, mousy, depressed, less hopeful version of what I used to be, so I'm doing a lot of soul searching, journaling, invoking a goddess, trying to contact Higher Self / HGA / whatever might help me figure out what I want to do here for the next 50 years. That's a whole 'nuther thread though.
  20. Did this never become purchasable? ETA: Nevermind, think I found it in the sticky above. Carry on!
  21. Did you mean for 'Bloomin' Naughty' to be in this thread? Anyway, I was looking for reviews and almost started a thread asking about it then found your post here. This is calling to me now, but I think I may just be craving something Springtime because I'm sick of Winter.
  22. I did search on their forum and found little info. Like you said, it is less than helpful. Since they're being sold here, I'd like to know why they were originally put in products here. That would help me decide to buy them here or not.
  23. When I look at the Androtics sales site, they don't have any info describing what these do. It just has the product, cost, and "out of stock". The forum was not much help either. So I'm asking Mara or Danna if you can post here what these do? There's a couple of the sale items with these.
  24. Darbla


    Oooooooo, you guys are making me think to layer this over coconut scents. Will have to try that.
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