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Everything posted by Darbla

  1. Hubba hubba! Can I buy him? Or just rent him for a couple of nights? Happy Valentine's Day to me!
  2. Katz, do I see a 'Sparkle Fuschia' with the wrapper still on? That. Ain't. RIGHT! LOL!
  3. I too am itching to get the news that January releases are available. I haven't bought the last 2 monthly releases, but Valentine's Day is coming up, I'm in the mood for love , and I'm hoping there will be some good lovey-dovey ones in this batch!
  4. But isn't that talking about scent, not pheros? Does it apply equally to pheros? Are the pheros really able to get out from under layers of clothing to do their job?
  5. To make sure I'm understanding correctly, some of you feel that for self-effects oils are better? I was thinking of getting some pheros just for me, and I was automatically going for the alcohol spray like in the others I've already bought, but I'll get oil if that works better.
  6. Darbla


    Gosh, re-reading this thread is making me wish this would come back.
  7. It's interesting how you all get more of the peach and I get more pomegranate and cranberry. That's why I commented above that it smells "pink" on me. That's good because I prefer pomegranate to peach!
  8. Busting mine out tonight! New Year's Eve and home alone. (((sigh.....)))
  9. Well, I know we have LP 'Pink' already, and 'Sparkle Fuschia', but this also smells "pink" to me.
  10. OK, that's soon enough! What I liked about this one is no copulins. I'll have to check out that announcement and see if it says anything about the upcoming formula. Thanks, Dolly!
  11. I'm hoping that Phermone X will be in December's releases.....
  12. Totally agree that grapefruit is very subtle. I don't notice it at all. I also totally agree on the clouds of marshmallow goodness, but it's fantastic! I have never been much of a foodie scent lover, but there's been a few LPs lately that are converting me.
  13. I gots ideas: 1) gives an elegant classy style, light (delicate), feminine, refreshing, confident MERCURALIA 2) fresh, light, natural, comfy, calming, something that reminds you of clouds/sky? PANDAMANIAC 3) playful, flirty, charming, (she can be quite alpha sometimes... is there a potion that can reveal more of her feminine side?) (suitable for daytime wear) LP ORIGINAL (maybe boost with est) 4) generate happy (content), cheerful, promote good conversation with anyone, clear mind and focus on work LIQUID FLOURITE
  14. Hey, I was specifically searching for comparisons of Synch II with Unisexy and found your comment. The dominant notes in both seem to be vanilla and sandalwood, so I'm wondering how close they are? Have any of you compared the two?
  15. It has a piney greenness to it that I like, but fresh outdoorsy scents are among my favorites. I'd say this gives off a nice bayberry or Christmas tree type of aroma that goes well with the holidays. I'd have no trouble wearing it around the office where getting along with all those other women is a must.
  16. Package came today! And OMG.... I want to drink this stuff!!!! I'm NOT a big lover of the foodie scents; you will find very little comment from me on any of the foodie LPs. But THIS is the most scrumptious thing I've ever sniffed! I'm now wondering how safe it will be to wear this to work? There is absolutely NO ONE there that I have the least, itty bitty interest in attracting sexually, so I'm always downplaying that side of myself there. As a matter of fact I'm usually trying to discourage any guys there (trust me; you would not want this bunch after you either) from eyeing me that way.
  17. The description of Bosom Bows 2 states social dominance as a factor of the G2 phero. Can I get a little more explanation of what exactly that means, please? And how does this compare to 'Dominance' and 'Leather'?
  18. If it is that coconutty, seems like it will be awesome for Summer!
  19. Oh well. I've been going through the 'Gift Shoppe' and then 'Sets and Specials' for so long now that's what I defaulted to.
  20. I just emailed them. I'm sure it'll be alright. Now I have to go update my document I keep of all the pheros I have and what they do, because I can't keep all that straight in my head. I'm probably the only goof on here who has to keep a chart of all the phero info to know what to pick each wearing!
  21. If you're talking about that very first entry at the top of the page for the link you gave, that says full sizes. I ordered the monthly sample set here: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Specials.html It says nothing about women's or men's choices.
  22. I did not see an option to choose either the women's or men's set. I want the women's set so was there something special I was supposed to put on the order I just placed to be sure I got it? Maybe there was an option and I overlooked it?
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