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Everything posted by Elliebellikins

  1. This is a lovely summer fragrance. I wasn't sure if I was that wrapped up to start with, but then sometimes things need a couple of tries. But now that it has settled, it is a lovely delicate scent of dewy freshness...
  2. I absolutely loved Invidiana's description of this scent. I think she got it absolutely spot on. My left wrist is currently adorned with this and I love it. It makes me think to those pyjama days, (usually a Sunday) when you and your honey can't really be bothered to get properly dressed and you snuggle on the sofa infront the telly watching a favorite movie and wrap up in a freshly laundered soft quilt or fluffy big towel... lush!
  3. I'm sorry to hear that some of the precious wont work on you. I saw some lovely LPs in your sales list, reminds me that I really need to get round to sorting through mine...
  4. Ha ha! I've only just noticed this. Nope my friend you are not alone, I too have compiled an LP spreadsheet system to track and rate the LPs I own and desire. Including how much I'm spending on them to try to keep my addiction in check - no chance!
  5. They all look fabulous. I can't wait to read the scent descriptions
  6. Eeeeeek! Excited about the new treasures!
  7. I'd forgotten all about the next batch of monthly releases, until I saw this thread! I was too busy wrapped up in the excitement of June's monthly sampler arriving. But I feel that I am suitably excited about the next set of releases...
  8. Welcome to the forum Lionesse. I hope your parcel arrives quickly, so you can get stuck in with that all important sniffing. And so begins a new beautiful obsession. x
  9. Fab reviews ladies, can't wait for my sample to arrive xx
  10. Hi Icing I love Beth's Blushing Milkmaid, I hope you get to try it properly soon. I always get positive reactions! You'll have to let us know how you get on tomorrow. xx
  11. Elliebellikins


    Hi Dimitra I hope you are enjoying the forum and that your fragrant parcel will arrive soon xx
  12. I've got a whopping order coming this time (as part of the Iss UK group order) so fingers crossed for: Monthly sampler Mara's Rocket Fuel with pheros Empress of Persica Caught in the Act Tidesong's Honeyed Amber and Neroli Honeyed Fruit Blossom Smokey Kisses All thanks to a cash reward from work. Yippie!
  13. Thinking lots of positive thoughts for you Mara. I hope it all goes well. xx
  14. Reading your posts makes me chuckle, Azaezl. I'm glad your erm, problem is at about the same level mine. Was worried there was something wrong with me. I had to decide super quick for the last order, as I was just off on holiday. Picked Lisa's Sugared Amber Patch and Ajai's Misty Lavender for me, and Shimmering Gardinia for my mum. Half way through my holiday I saw the sale....noooooooo! There were so many more I'd have loved to have added on (not that I can afford them, but with an additction it's hardly the point now is it), ah well, fingers crossed they ones I'd like last till next order. Eternal chain...you need to be mine....
  15. Hi Azaezl, I think this order round I'm going to try to get sale bottles of: Lisa's Sugared Amber Patch Shimmering Gardinia (for mum she loves it) Not 100% on the samples yet. But I'll have to be quick, I'm off on my hols later today for 2 weeks.
  16. Yippie! Our 2nd group order has touched down in the UK. Can't wait to get my paws on my goodies once I'm back from my hols. Already planning for the next group order (hmm addict methinks)
  17. Hi Kvoneerie Welcome to the forum.
  18. Wow they all look great. I want them all and yet I've no idea what's in them....
  19. Thank you Starlitegirl I'm so excited about the bottle you are sending me, mmmm honey, cinnamon and vanilla Oooo you are lovely!
  20. I hope my recipe instructions made sense. I couldn't find the recipe, only the ingredients list.
  21. Current top 5 at the moment: 1. Sand Witch 2. Denise's Misty White Orchid 3. Beth's Blushing Milkmaid 4. Lisa's Sugared Amber Patch 5. Fade to Black
  22. I think Tyvey put it very well. This is what I will be wearing today for a friends BBQ, if the weather holds
  23. Surprisingly I love this. Not a great fan of pumpkin, but this combination is lush. Big thumbs up
  24. Is this the same thing as Honeyed Sin? Confused?
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