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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Ha! Good to know, Chai...what scent did you pair it with?
  2. I there is any Pussy cat left I will take one please!
  3. missdarlyncherie


    I actually may give this a try now. I didn't think I liked plum...but after Black Panther I am rethinking that. Plus I love sandalwood for sure.
  4. I wish I was more familiar with Ylang...is that sweet? no idea. The only one I have smelled it in was Celestial Body I think. eta: oh you said sweet slut scent so I guess that answers my question.!
  6. OMGGGGG!!! BELIEVE THE HYPE ON THIS ONE!!! So good. Straight from the bottle I thought...Oh dear. I made a mistake. It seemed TOOOO strong for me. But I put it on and after it mellowed out it IS PERFECT. It IS fuzzy. It is so different from anything I have... Everything in this is so smooth..the musk is perfect...nothing is too sharp. I wore it all night and the next day, couldn't get enough. Will be pairing this with LFN as soon as opportunity arrises. Thank you Mara and LV for a beautiful scent treat and DD and BB for talking me into it!!
  7. I have no idea what happened to my post but I love Maieas personalized label! And LV's Pussy cat is probably awesome and Brown Sugar Black Amber looks good too.
  8. I guess I only tried V2 and it didn't work on me at all so I skipped V3. If they are different I guess I should try this one in case it works!?
  9. You better get one unsniffed Raq. You are a spice ho and besides looks like you'll be able to unload it easy if you don't like it.
  10. Oh great! Glad to hear it worked out for you. I have always been in a good mood myself when wearing it. I am not wearing it today (or any pheros for that matter) and I am not feeling too sparkly. I guess I am indeed a phero addict.
  11. Oh yes I must chime in and say this is my favorite phero too. Eggers! I was going to suggest this for your work when you guys were all talking about pheros for the service industry. The only reason I didn't is that when I wear it to work (which is all the time now) I get a lot of clients stopping to hug me before they leave...much more on a daily basis than normal. I work one on one with these people (almost all ladies) so that's ok with me...but I wasn't sure if you had time for all that damn mushyness while you are running around managing all your guests at the restaurant! But I hope you do try it because I would like to hear how it works for you. It is the ultimate bonding feel good drug to me. It is what I have been looking for for my work because that feeling is what makes people want to come back and see me...and tip bigger too. Fabric Softener for people! That is perfect!
  12. This is my current favorite scent right now. It is so much better on me than when I first tried it. It is so much CAKIER now and the spices aren't nearly as prominent as they were, they are just perfect! I have been wearing it for days now and it has just been amazing to smell this all day at work...sweet iced cinnamon cake I thought it was gone after working all day since I could no longer smell it but I went to pick my truck up after getting new tires put on and the mechanic who was ringing me up and all just swooned "What is that you are wearing!! Smells so good!!" Well naturally I said "Oh! It's called Sveet Tooth" and of course he said "SWEET Tooth!?" And I felt the need to correct him and say "No, SVEET Tooth..with a V...like Dracula would say..." and that is where I lost him. His eyes just glazed over and I thought...I don't know why I didn't just leave it at "Sweet Tooth." Anyway...I am going to be careful with the rest of my sample until I put my next order in because I am definitely getting a bottle of this.
  13. I would go FB unsniffed based on that but maybe I will want to boost with something?! I'll sample first!
  14. And I just died laughing at your "I feel like I need a cigarette" comment!! I always feel like that after a mad panicky ordering episode.
  16. Yep I wear it over my Dollys Hot and Sticky (cops) all the time!
  17. Wow! I didn't expect that. I just ordered a sample so I haven't smelled it yet but I def thought it would be all foody. Can't wait to see what happens with this one.
  18. Oh what a great story...to accidentely discover a new LP favorite that you wouldn't have chosen on your own! How did your sister in law like it? It did not work on me but it is great on my mother...got a sample of Lick of Cream coming my way though.
  19. YES. I will live vicariously through you. oh the LAM Buttercream Peach is a given for me that's for sure...as far as everything else...dying for Lunas 'scrips! ETA: OOOH! Spicy girls will love that Everything Nice one!!
  20. I have it in spray and smell zero cops.
  21. Ha! Never tried white B either but Blue Bikini sounds more like my style!!
  22. I know that NR's are probably moments from being released but I had to order anyway. I haven't gotten anything in months and I just had to know SOMETHING was coming my way soon. I got my Black Panther and just random samples from the last few months that i have been wanting to try.
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