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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yes probably! I actually noted that word somewhere in my phone so I wouldn't lose track of it. You can see how well that went.
  2. Wow yes on both of these... Love Blue!!! I wore it to bed last night with Treasure of Silver. Occo Blue is perfect on its own though too. To me it is such a comfort scent. Something about the oakmoss. It's perfect all year round. I wish I had it on now...I think I'll wash what I have on off and get into this right now.
  3. Even before I saw this I predicted today too. I was so sure of myself I was shocked to come home to no NR's! I wouldn't mind a little earth. It rained a little today and it smells very earthy. Got my windows open...smells like that weird word that Mara taught me with that one perfume from Sherlock Homes. That earth "after the rain" one.
  4. Well it is based on a pear and apricot cannoli dessert...but it wears very summery on me. OMG I wore it today and I was just swooning all day. Because you like foodie AND fruity I think you would really like it. I know that generally oils are best for warm weather and sprays are best for cold weather but I gotta tell you...when it gets as hot as it does in the summer I like to have a few sprays on hand. I relied on Rainbow Falls quite a bit last year (It's GGG but it was a light spray) and this year I got Dolly's Hot and Sticky in a spray. I can't afford all summer sprays but to have a few pick me up summer scents in spray is nice. No matter how hot it gets though I still love to wear LP Red when I go out at night !!!!!
  5. Welcome Storemy! I also live in the desert and love fruity scents in the summer. Pear is one of my favorite notes but 3 of Pears for whatever reason did not work on me. That doesn't mean it won't on you though...My favorite summer pear right now is Ricotta Sonatta...it is so delicious.
  6. Ech...I haven't felt myself lately but I am looking forward to seeing what's in store for May!
  7. Wow. Free from that AND extra money? That's awesome. Buy everything.
  8. I do love Occo White but I am getting low so will probably get BBM next. To me they smelled very similar but I love anything with buttercream so will probably like BBM a little more. It's been awhile since I tested it though.
  9. I bet it is heavenly. The more I imagine it the more I want to try it!!!
  10. Oh DITZYNESS!!!! Now if that happened to me I clearly would not notice the difference! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!
  11. Ha! Great story BB...I think the dizziness will calm down the next time you wear it. Seems like that happened to me the first couple of times I wore it too for some reason. I still get the awesome happy comfy feeling but no dizziness anymore.
  12. I need to order another sample too. A sample of this lasts a very long time for me because it is very specific as to when I wear it (like not around Michael, he said "throw that one in the terlet" when I wore it to his house one night)...and it does not take much. I like it best layered with Snowbound but I bet it is good with Occo White!! Or some vanilla to smooth it out a little. It's a little strong for me. i would like to try the Fuzzy Wuzzy thing for sure.
  13. LOL..."kept looking at my shirt buttons"! That was a cute report Lala!
  14. Is it the "none" I wonder? Because I got a shocking surge of energy with Leather when I wore it. They have the same none ingredient right? (Get those confused sometimes)
  15. Haha...yeah Sexology scented didn't work for me either...which Occo did you fall for?
  16. Yeah I want to know about this one too!
  17. And loving that you are getting reviews out so quickly!!!
  18. I know! I only have PP in DC which of course I love but thinking I need an UN in 60/40 or 90/10 now after reading all this!
  19. I think this is the only cocoa butter one I can wear without feeling queasy. I don't know why I don't really get it from this one...weird! I can't do Odalisque either. Or the Dance one that came out with the Romance Novel Feb collection. eta: I mean Passionate Whispers. I don't know what I am talking about with this "dance" thing.
  20. Wow! I have wanted Jo Anna's TG! But I thought that was Gardenia in that one..must be tuberose? I get them mixed up.
  21. OMG! I have not tried anything with cherry blossoms after going through that nightmare!! I threw that on in the store because so many people were raving about it and it smelled like feet! I don't get it!! Been scared of the blossom ever since. I have no idea what it is supposed to smell like at all.
  22. OMG! I would actually watch TV if you were on a show!!! Good luck!!!
  23. So glad I got a couple bottles before they flew!! This is the happiest summer scent of them all!! I wore it with Sunfire for shopping the other day and felt upbeat and sunny...wore it with Kiss of Magic and felt like kissing the whole world...planning on trying it with Marigold and Amaranth this week when the sun comes back out. Got that idea from the Trident green apple and pineapple gum I just bought. I just stared at this pack of gum and wanted to scream "Marigold and Amaranth and Dollys Hot and Sticky gum!!"
  24. My mind has been swept of all memory of ATO collection when I was mesmerized by Radium Girl. MESMERIZED I SAY!!!!
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