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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. This is constantly running through my mind during certain sexual adventures. Kind of ruins the mood.
  2. Hi Ion! Welcome to the adventure!! Velvet Kisses is one of my favorites....keep us posted on what you get next and what works for you!
  3. I agree that it is now just a classic collectors item. We will demand a rebrew next year, Mara will correct the spelling, causing the worth of our original bottles will go through the roof.
  4. I know!! I've read the descriptions a million time and cannot decide which ones I will like best...and couldn't resist Topper, seems like a great social blend and even more fun over cops!
  5. Whoops...in my haste to get my order in I forgot to order this sample...sorry Gaby, I will be of no help to you!
  6. Oh! I thought we were having similar problems. Still don't know what happened with mine but oh well...got it through!
  7. Well I had every intention of sticking to just the sampler this month but Topper sounds like such fun for summer activities! So I got both and some samples. Hoping it gets here sooooon!!
  8. What's up with this? I had problems too. I have always "paid as guest" with my debit card. It kept saying "will not accept payment with this card" or some such thing. I called the bank...no problem with card. Hmmm. I tried on three different computers too... Right as I was panicking (I really wanted my order in today so that I have a chance of getting my goodies before my next weekend trip) My mother called in a panic of her own!!!! She needed my help with a class she is teaching a youth group. WELL... I am not one to pass up an opportunity to take advantage of someone if I must, so...I said I'd love to help! Oh and by the way can I borrow your debit card number real quick...just want to see if it will work...blah blah blah. Well...her number worked! (oops!) So...not sure what that is all about...I have paid with my debit card this way no prob for almost 2 years. Oh well...and now my mother knows how much I spend on Lp's too! Crap.
  9. Well....I love Clementine and have plenty of it but I have been harassed into at least getting a sample of this. I can let you know what I think I the difference is but you'll have to wait until I get my order!
  10. Yay Mara! Such a trooper. I'm not screwing around this month, I am ordering the sampler as soon as it's up so I don't have to sit around and cry while you guys are writing your reviews.
  11. The name of my skincare salon used to be Salacious Skin!
  12. It's ok, we'll just go back to harassing Luna. So, you are saying...the Occo Ambrosia is indeed an Ambrosia salad scent, yes? That's what I am hearing.
  13. You better get a sample Synergist, I think it is hard to explain. It didn't smell too musky to me but I am not too good at picking out particular notes. And it changes every time I try it! Last time I wore it it was very Lotus-y. It is pretty light though...so it won't be intrusive at all. I can't imagine there is anything in there to really dislike. If you don't want to wait for sample and then bottle...go for a bottle and if it doesn't work you can always throw it on the trade thread. The phero ones are usually fairly easy to sell or trade I've noticed. The phero is one of my favorites for sure.
  14. My cats are just really used to people and laying on clothes. When I had my skincare salon they would come with me when they were tiny kittens. They grew up with my customers. Many of them wanted them on the bed with them while they got facials! When I closed the salon I had to start having a lot of men over to make sure they did't get lonely.
  15. We are driving Luna loco with these occo queries!!! TELL US AND WE WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE!!!!!!
  16. Welcome Barbar!!! You'l love it here...the scents...the people...the phero fun! Might as well get the new sampler...it's the best way to jump in!! I love LAM too...Pink Amber is my favorite. Let us know what you order please!!! We like to hear about everything!!
  17. I know...definitely a sampler and if Ambrosia sounds like a go...I've been wanting another copalicious to go with my LFM.
  18. Dammit!!! I thought I could trick you into spilling the Ambrosia!!!!
  19. Me too! It's my favorite part of the whole thing!! Because it is the calm before the storm...the stress of choosing what you can and cannot live without...the scheming of monies....I get such butterflies at this point in the process.
  20. Glass Slipper probably has white musk in it so it can't be for me...
  21. Welcome back! Out pherobombing bitches I suppose while we've been playing on your thread...
  22. YEEKS! I hope I love the new Occo!!! I need one!! Summertime Blue!!!! Spark In the Dark?!? Well those are the ones piquing my interest!!!!!
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