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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. That's just a line. I use it all the time but with my cats when I have men over. They get so flattered when I say "Oh my God! They are laying on your clothese! They really feel comfortable with you!!" Men seem to perform better with the inflated ego provided by this trick.
  2. Wow! Never heard of such a thing! Very interesting. Thanks for the info!
  3. LOL! Thank you Arianna and QG! I know...an odd way for Pheromans welcome to turn. I've had a horrible night! (should go to bitching post) so thanks for giving me something to giggle at (that "not sure what I am allowed to say in the way of compliments thing" was funny!)
  4. Venus has the best suits! Something for everyone! (No I am not a paid spokesperson, LOL!!)
  5. Awww...thank you E!! I sure hope Pheroman doesn't mind I've turned his welcome post into a MDC lovefest...
  6. Thanks PM! That's my new Goddess bikini from Venus .com! It does look pretty with the water. Too bad those cute matching sunglasses snapped in two later that evening...
  7. Ha! Thanks ladies! That's my first trip out to the resort for the summer!!! My favorite place! My favorite time of year!!!
  8. Where's Tyvey? She makes these sprays all the time. I am too scared myself to be mixing and sloshing with the beautiful oils!!
  9. I know...as you travel through LPMP your previous opinions on the scents change dramatically! I will try a sample that I did not like a year ago and love it so much I can't believe it now. Try not to get rid of the samples you don't like too hastily! You may find a change of opinion in a couple months.
  10. Nice reports! I also am a huge Pink Amber fan (but I am more of a LAM girl) and the Brown Sugar one has been on my full bottle list forever. Good idea to mix the two. The scents of these are indeed very light but they come in handy that way because you can layer them with all the other LPMP scents. I wear Pink A under just about everything.
  11. I don't mean that I saw HIM for real! LOL! I mean...I thought I saw a recent post of his. But when I looked around I think you're right! He may have jumped ship. Yes that's me...I kicked off my cowboy boots for the summer!!!
  12. lol! I swear I saw him recently somewhere...
  13. Welcome! Can't wait to hear what you think of everything you got!!!
  14. OMG!!! You evil evil scribe you!!!! You are so very lucky to know what's going on!!!!! I shall not attempt to guess!!!!
  15. Well my head is spinning after reading these lasts posts and trying to figure out what happened to the missing posts and who's crazy and why and where and what to do about Darling Clem & Cat.
  16. I was wondering about you too!!!! (between stalkings of course)
  17. Also depends on the scent! Cuddle Bunny is kinda strong on me. I remember my sample lasting forever...but something softer like Goddess of Blue Moon...well she's going fast!!! I'd go by the smell.
  18. I just wanted to say Welcome Pele! You've already gotten great advice from everyone...can't add anything other than to let us know what you end up using and what results you get i case someone else needs it... Also, don't want to threadjack but isn't it time QG gets a journal of some sort possibly in the form of an advice column for us ladies for our men?
  19. LOL! Lady V you are an absolute angel! Always so willing to help...
  20. SON OF A BISCUIT!! Here's the deal...my second oil of Darling Clementine is still sealed up...I could always give this as a gift!! And therefore be able to morally get away with ordering a Darling Catalina!!! EEEEEK!!!
  21. Yes...welcome!! I have BI in the tester spray and haven't really given it a chance...I've ben so obsessed with LFM lately. I can't wait to try it out socially now.
  22. Oh criminey!!! What are you saying?! I must get another bottle?! Even though I have 2 oils and 1 spray of Darling Clementine?!
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