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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Michael has finally been wearing his sample of Super and I didn't tell him about the pheros either. But he wore it for the first time to a poker tournament last week and he won!!! So he is sold on this one. I told him the maple was for attracting money. I think I read this in the ingredients but I may have made it up...doesn't matter...it worked.
  2. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! High powered exec type aura is so not me! It made me laugh to think of it so I will wait for the girlie one. Thanks for the heads up Mara!!!
  3. Thanks PM!!! I will def try Pinnacle. Hadn't even considered it. And looking forward to the new one too!!
  4. I had been wondering about all of this too. High doses of alpha nol are good for me. Rainbow Falls with the extra boost of alpha nol works wonders in comparison to regular Treasured Hearts (of course the scent probably helps too) and I add LAM Pink A to a lot of phero blends and I think it definitly makes them better for me. Flying Potion is a miracle in a bottle but I would love a more summery scent in this weather. I am still considering LP Autumn 2011 for a straight Alpha nol boost. (because it smells summery to me...)
  5. Yep this is why I love LAM Pink Amber. It can be layered over everything I wear. Even if it doesn't seem like it would be a good fit for a scent...it works because it is so light, though I can smell it all day. And for such a simple phero it is probably my favorite if I had to a choose an all purpose never fail...especially for self effects. This is the only one I layer with other phero blends because for ME...adding more alpha-nol and cops to anything seems to make it better.
  6. Did you end up getting it with LFM and cops? Or just LFM? Or virgin? Nosey minds want to know!!
  7. That's AWESOME Eggers!! I can't wear MRF but I will try my LAM Pink Amber and UnSS4W next time I have the opportunity. I am very interested in this combo...
  8. Sounds like a very exciting order Moon Bloom! I had also got Darling Clementine unsniffed and was not disappointed...I predict that you will love it. I got it pheroed and unpheroed too...it goes with so many of them!
  9. This one has quite a zing to it! It is very grassy on me. Fresh! I like it and the rose isn't overwhelming, it blends well with the other flowers. I'll wear it a few more times for my final desicion but I think I prefer Butterfly Kisses for a Le Wiz spring concoction. Probably because BK has pear and I am quite a hussy for a pinch of pear!
  10. I told myself NOT TO BE INFLUENCED by the fact that this contains one of my favorite pheros of all time or the beautiful blue cat label. Or Countesszero's review because I thought that was beautiful. I don't think that I am. I think I really like this scent. I am going to wear it a few more times to make sure because it is definitely very different from anything I have or usually wear. It is drying down even better as I am wearing it. Soft, feminine and grown up lady (which I normally hate but this is good) The white musk is NOT PIERCING MY NOSE as it normally does. There is something really different in here that I love but can't figure out what it is...not familiar with the willow so...maybe that? Who knows but this is pretty and seductive and I'm sure will turn into a full bottle by next month. eta: You really cannot stop smelling this once you have it on. Like Beccah said...intoxicating and unable to get arm off of nose.
  12. Well those are the ones I am used to but these new ones, well I dunno what they were like...I was blindfolded for God's sakes.
  13. i hadn't really considered this for me but sugared pineapple and marshmallow clouds? That sounds pretty damn good for summer.
  14. Hi Khandi! Have fun and by all means tell us EVERYTHING!!!
  15. I just said on the other thread that I probably wouldn't get a full bottle of this...maybe just another sample for summer but your kind of talking me into it now with this...
  16. DAMMIT TO HELL! Mine did not arrive yesterday as hoped for. Has to be today then. I spent the night at Michaels (because of the drinking at the funeral) and he jumped up first thing this morning to check the mail even with his pounding hangover! (I get my mail at his house). He enjoys the package as much as I do even though he pretends to think it is silly.
  17. Thats funny you just wrote this...I just wrote an example of this in another thread...about being hungry and accidently blaming the phero for crankiness! LOL!
  18. They also say redheads have a higher threshold for pain!! I'm not sure about this from what I experienced with the new nipple clamps HG used the other night. Geez...
  19. Yeah try it again just in case it was the day and not the phero. I'll never forget the day I wore Allumette for a day out and had a horrible horrible cranky time. So much so that I gave the rest of the sample to my mother because I blamed the phero...later I realized I hadn't eaten all day and I was just friggin' hungry! LoL! I don't know....no matter how old I get still forget to eat and wonder why I don't feel good. When will I figure this one out?
  20. I'm glad you got the chance to try this Eggers! This was my top five last summer. It will be again...I haven't even whipped it out yet this year because I have half a bottle and am nervous because of its GGG status. I also have it in spray but I wore the oil much more. It holds such great scent memory for me from last summer. Michael and I went to the river with Abby (his beloved terrier) one weekend out of every month and I wore this most there so every time I walk by my perfumes and sniff it takes me back to those sunny happy filled weekends. (along with Spring 2011). This is also one of his favorites, it's one he describes as smelling like "fun" like a carnival he said. We plan to do the same this summer and I will probably go through the other half of my bottle so I hope for a rebrew someday too. It really is happiness in a bottle, as are so many of the scents here. I think these scents make my memories so much better!
  21. I'm a coffee addict AND a LAM addict. LAM def makes me happy but the good news is that BAM works good for you so you can have the same scent in that!
  22. My tits are way more wicked than my wit.
  23. WHOOP WHOOP!!! I got my notice already!! My Sunfire is on the way!!! I wanted to wear it today so bad!!! Also can't wait for my Bohemian samples!!! Usually takes two days from notice...C'MON THURS! OR FRI!!! I swear, I missed one month of ordering and it feels like a year since I've seen that beautiful box in the mailbox.
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