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Everything posted by luna65

  1. Today's SC observations: -my immediate co-worker (who sits on the other side from me) thought I was hilarious. Normally I can get her to laugh pretty easily but she was almost crying with laughter when I was riffing on how dull Ohio is (no offense to anyone from Ohio, but I will say the great thing about Ohio is Fabienne and her lovely Possets). I know I'm funny ever now and again, but this was something more than that. -We have a New Guy who is sitting in my space with me (it normally accomodates two people but I don't have to share) while I train him. He's been there two weeks so I know he knows what I look like, but today he couldn't stop staring at me. It was rather amusing. I'd say that's a typically why yes I am wonderfully sparkly, aren't I reaction.
  2. luna65


    Oooh shiny...and oh so lickable! I wouldn't think so just because the blends are already-made. But...maybe we can talk Ail into accessing her inner dominatrix and coming up with something commanding. cc: Hee! I will say that I've never used Dominance in a sexual context, but I imagine it would work; it's just that it makes me bitch-on-wheels, and when I'm topping I don't want to be a bitch...I want to rule with a velvet fist, not an iron one. Of course now that we've discussed this I'm going to have plan a scenario. Y'all need to stop giving me ideas, bad girls!
  3. luna65


    Maybe combine Dom and BI...if BI didn't have any EST, it would be a contender for Shut Up and Lick My Boot.
  4. luna65


    Oooooh, I wish we did! NOM NOM NOM
  5. OMG, you know why I love that video? Because it was directed by Michael Bay. Well okay, Christina was hot too.
  6. Hmm, I'll have to try BBM again then and try not to touch myself till drydown. Iz verrah hard, u no, I am irresistable!
  7. It may not be the vanilla per se but if it's a buttery type of vanilla, for example, then the dairy notes may not be playing nice. I know that happens to me sometimes with certain dairy accords. BBM did not like me at all. But other vanillas usually play nice, unless they're paired with honey or amber and then sometimes not. It's a very tricky thing, this scentual compatibility.
  8. No they're not available in sample size. Hmm, Tears of Joy, it sounds like you and I have the same kind of vanilla-reaction thingie, so I'm thinking I should avoid the White.
  9. I'm saying "yes" because some of the pheros used in LPs were originally alcohol-based, IIRC (watch me be totally wrong ).
  10. There IS one situation in which a quickie is good...it's the one you can't walk away from...because you either lost your underwear or you have to crawl...or both. Sometimes you can get lucky like that.
  11. If it's unscented then I imagine it would be okay except that it's alcohol-based, right? So you have to make allowances for that in terms of blending it with the oil-based scent (like shaking it up before you apply it, for example). I never tried IS but I've read good things about it over the years.
  12. Again, it depends on what you want. It's got enough cops to start the engines, but how fast do you want to go...are we talking drag racing or multiple laps?
  13. Ail's Open Windows would be your best bet for the pheromone. I'll let others speak to your other questions, as I only use the pheromone-enhanced perfumes (or those with add-ins) and I don't use commercial scents at all anymore.
  14. Yes, it's an oft-stated axiom that pheromones will only enhance a person's inherent qualities, not create them. So it's like extra frosting on the already delicious cake.
  15. Yeah I have yet to try Stone Cougar on Quince...I had it added to Adrienne's Tangy Ylang to recreate the original CP vibe, but as he dislikes citrus in perfume (except the cologne his father wore) it wouldn't work in that instance, he'd just make The Face. But my boss always seems to like me more when I wear Cougar, heh, and he's pushing 60 as far as I know.
  16. IMO, it depends on what you want to achieve. If you want lots of sex, get BI. If you want lots of attention from everyone, get Cougar.
  17. That's what Evil in Carnation is, actually. Sometimes vanilla and honey can be innocent, but I swear, there's something about the combination of the two which can either be utterly delicious or just UGH...YMMV of course.
  18. We don't know what's in Stone Cougar specifically, it's a proprietary blend. The original CP thread probably mentions what the original CP contained (I know it was cops and -nols and some EST, maybe?). But as far as I've experienced it the new version still provides a "sparkly" aura...interestingly enough some say it works better at attracting older men, not younger. As far as scent, if you want to recreate the original scented Cougar Potion, you need a grapefruit-based scent (or something citrus-like). Grapefruit is known for bestowing a "youthful" perception in the minds of those who smell it on a person. Shelly B uses Cougar the most out of all of us, probably, so she'll have some good suggestions. Also: you can edit your posts after the fact, if you have more to add, rather than post again.
  19. luna65


    This is...like a lighter version of Aura Armor, I guess? It's like sweet dusting powder to me. There's initially a fresh note from the bamboo, but over time it settles down into a soft veil. It's the kind of scent which is really nice for summer, but you could wear it anytime - layered or not - especially bedtime, I think. It's very comforting. Djac and other baby powder fans I think this is what you wanted, if it does the same thing on your skin as on mine (and my co-worker).
  20. Awwww, aren't you nice?! :bizoo: Well I would love to pay you for half a bottle if you're okay with that. You can email me at wickedquim@gmail.com with details and whatnot.
  21. I think you might have brought that up a while ago.
  22. I love that three of my favorite musicians have their birthdays in the same week as me.
  23. The 14th. So do you have a Scorp too then, sweetie?
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