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Everything posted by LadyVictoria

  1. I have been wearing this a lot lately. It's delicious cushy pumpkin on pillows or cream and marshmallow. It's such a snuggly comfy scent perfect for this cold weather we have been having in CA.
  2. Pheromones enhance what is already there, or so I think - so perhaps why you didn't think you were a sexy bitch before, maybe you have always been and the pheromones helped push that out and there you go!
  3. I wore this the other day, virgin - I was staying indoors, besides the fierceness, it also has a calming effect. I haven't been visited by panthers in the dream realm, and I miss seeing how sleek and beautiful they are, but now there is a new sheriff in town.. The KING COBRA SNAKE WATCH OUT MOTHERFUCKERS..
  4. Mara makes incredible tarts with throw! I remember my rose cookies one burning for days and even when I wasn't burning it - WOW
  5. Craving LPs delicious scents, I have cheated and bought some non phero elsewhere: ( We shall see if they are as amazing as Mara's. I am thinking of getting some simmer oils actually.
  6. I love Open Windows, I wear this shit to family events. I don't think it makes me anymore chattier or whittier or more confident, but it does make everyone have a good time when I wear it. it's perfect for family get togethers. I prefer this to TH because TH has made me so weepy in the past. Like weepy for the world type of thing.
  7. That's a great story!
  8. Thats funny cutie pie! I am dying for an LP green rebrew, Whisker Wishes, Glamour Puss and anything that is a pink cupcake.
  9. No like an actual baby. Baby skin and cucumbers, maybe some vintage paper- because of the pic.
  10. I was expecting baby cucumber smell lol
  11. Did the baby note come out more this time?
  12. I think so, mulberry kinda does smell like a red rose in a way almost purple kinda.
  13. I have a question will I be affected since I am preggers or should I just abstain?
  14. That's interesting. Maybe travel shock?
  15. OMG this is how I lost my favorite Levis 517s in 11th grade!!!
  16. I am sooo glad I held on to my bottle! I finally get the whole banana orchid thing. Wet it smells like those plastic cake holder things anyone know what I am talking about? It's not a bad smell, it just reminded me of that for a tiny second, then it becomes a creamy banana fluffy dress that twirls and when it stops twirling soft and delicate orchid petals fall out. it's not a blatant orchid- like YO BITCH WHAT UP.. It's more like a shy... hi.. kinda orchid. Love it!
  17. I have one bottle left of this and I think I need another one. When I was in the Bahamas, every time we would come in to the hotel from the hot sun the doors automatically open and you get hit with a blast of cool air and.. CARAMEL MUSK! I spent 2 days trying to remember where I new the scent from. I found myself looking forward to going in to the hotel just so I could smell LP! I swear the hotel must have purchased gallons because it smelled so rich but sexy at the same time.
  18. This has become my go to scent lately. I slather myself in this almost daily. I had to hide the bottle from myself so I wouldn't use it all, then I panicked because I couldn't find it. This really does make you feel warm and toasty. It smells exactly like warm buttered toasty kitty right out of the oven! I PURRRRR when I wear this. Okay maybe I snort because it relaxes me so much I have actually fallen asleep on the couch and strewn across my the bed. I wanted to see how this one varied from the Halloween release, but since the Halloweenies are playing tricks on me right now I can't compare.
  19. This immediately reminded me of Dominance Chocolate Rose. I forget what it was called but something like that. I immediately got the cocoa and then I picked up on a very pointy red rose. I am not a fan of pointy red rose, it gets a bit sharp and ends up murdering me with an ice pick to my frontal lobe- but I did enjoy the cocoa part of the scent. Another retest to determine the fate of this one.
  20. This smells almost pink to me! I get very creamy pink with a bit of milk in there somewhere. Or maybe it's churned butter. The 7 times I tested this I kept thinking.. this is like a trio of Merry with Eggnog Riot and Blushing Embers.. I think I need to retest 7 more times to see if my hormones make it something its not supposed to be.
  21. You only need a little bit of this one as it stretches into tomorrow. I got the same comparisons to Sneaky Clean and I like Sneaky Clean, but not all the time. I had to wash this off after a while because it became a bit rapey. I have to retest to see if I get more cucumber.
  22. OMG PINK SPARKLY CUPCAKES WITH BABY PINK ROSES AND DIAMONDS AND JALAPENO PEPPERS! I can't even think of NRs right now. I lost my Halloweenies! WTF? I thought.. what a nice Friday evening, I am going to settle in smell October and December and shop a little.. only It's Tuesday and I do not remember for the life of me where I put the Halloweenies!
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