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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Oh, Lovestruck and Rose, thank you both for ALL the lovely and loving comments, here and elsewhere. Rose, I remember when you lost Nina. I'll try to beam a little extra black cat mojo Lila's way -- I'm so sorry to hear she is still struggling. And of course you are too. I'm so sorry. I will confirm that I am so glad I followed through on this idea! Honestly, every time I pull out the bottle and look at my happy smiling little girl and then get a whiff of this, it lifts my heart in the most amazing way. It hasn't been an easy year, but my lovely friend told me that at various points when she has really been struggling, she has slathered on some of Olivia's Comfort and Joy and found that it really helped. Mara's magic is potent indeed. And, on the fragrance front -- I can report that the scent is aging beautifully! It's a little richer, a little creamier. As I said elsewhere, while no one can replace Olivia, I might be ready to start thinking about her successor next year. Definitely plan to use this for magical workings when the time comes to draw our next little household familiar homewards!
  2. Oh, Lovestruck, I am SO happy these work for you!! I am in love with both, but it's nice to hear how well they travel! I really like the way you characterize the difference between them, and I think you are right on the money. I stocked up well on both but I can totally see asking for a rebrew at some point, because, well, the luciousness! Anyway. So glad you like them!
  3. Oh, wow, this makes me think of Terry Pratchett and the parallel universes, because of quantum... I wish I could access my Venice Beach life with you amazing gorgeous women!! I bet we have one hell of a time of it there!
  4. Amyrose, your label is beautiful, as are you! And good lord, everyone connected to LP has the most gorgeous children! I feel a little stupid not to have put together from the beginning what an astonishing big deal the Sugareds are. I am so excited to start collecting notes; I think it's going to give me much more confidence in designing PEs. And the ever evolving list of faces -- as others have said, it's been a treat every day to keep checking back for new lovelies.
  5. Oh, Stacy, you look gorgeous!! So glad you got this in! Is Sugared Chocolate Fudge a relation, perchance? :-) She is absolutely lovely too! And Judy, is Geranium your daughter? Yet another beauty. Mara, scrolling through all the labels I am just awed by your creativity and generosity. What an amazing idea you had, and what a special special thing for all of us.
  6. What great new additions!! I love them all, but have to give a special shout out to Bacon -- it was already on the list, but now it's at the top of must haves! And, yeah, what Rose said about Neroli. I really just need to resign myself to needing all of them, ultimately, right?
  7. Ooh, I just got my first FB of LP Orig and I've been eying Quixotic. Can't wait for the report!! And yeah, sugareds....
  8. Argh!! Left the house for one hour and got peach slipped!!! No package until Monday.
  9. Black Cat


    Original listing is here -- http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/SmokeyKisses/ I wasn't here then, but sounds like halfway between -- regular LP collection but based heavily on customer input? Someone else might be able to fill in more detail! And yes, it is a lot of fun!
  10. Cchristy and Elliebellikins, you both look so lovely! And the other new additions are wickedly delightful and delicious looking too! And StacyK -- please beg borrow or steal some internet access so we can get a look at you! :-)
  11. Black Cat


    This went up on a trade page and when I saw the name I had to look it up, and when I read the notes, I had to get it. And oh, wow! Cherry has never been on my radar until the latest Occo Ambrosia, but it sure is now (along with Rose -- I woke up at some point this summer and had officially become a Rose Ho). Wet in the bottle this one is all cherry, very Life Saver -- candied, dense, red and shiny. The moment it hits my skin though the smoke and woods come out and oh my! Smoky, fruity musk with a velvet rose petal tucked in there somewhere. Sultry as all get out, and just perfect for a night that feels like early fall. It's too bad I don't have a bearskin rug, a roaring fire and (fill in your favorite celebrity name here) to roll around with on and in front of said rug and fire, but it's pretty nice with cats and a polyester comforter too. ETA: I am having uncontrollable urges to rub this into my hair. I want to go around with my hair swinging against my face and smelling of warm, smokey, cherry-rose musk. It is DIVINE.
  12. Rose! How awesome! I went back and looked at both your pictures -- definitely can see the family resemblance! And yes, Maple looks fab -- as do they all! And Katz, Saffron, Rose, JudyO, MDC -- thanks so much for the kind words. Very fun to join you lovelies! I am going nuts dividing these into sets of 12 and ranking my need. I can't wait to play around with notes and plan more PE madness.
  13. Thank you, dear Halo! I am one of those people who can't handle Facebook -- LP is my safe online place! As I said earlier, it was a little intimidating to ask to join the lineup later in the game, since all of you up already are so AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS! This was kind of a big deal for me -- I am very camera shy normally. And you can't really see it unless you look closely, but I had a substantial surgery on the right side of my face about a year and a half ago when I had two basal cell carcinomas removed -- the scars are not that noticeable, but they are well-defined (my wonderful mentor friend says I should just refer to them as my duelling scars!). So when I asked my semi-pro photographer sister if she would take my picture, she just about fell over! And it made for a lovely little time for us together when she was here visiting with her family. We popped into my mom's backyard and my sister snapped a bunch and we picked the two best ones and I let Mara work the magic from there.
  14. Oh, Mara, I am thrilled beyond thrilled! Thank you for my label and letting me be part of this!
  15. I wore this for dinner with my folks the other night, and when I walked in, my mother inhaled sharply and said, "What are you wearing? You smell like pure summer!" Might need to get her a bottle!
  16. I can't believe it! My (first) sale order has shipped.... are you guys cloning yourselves as well as working around the clock?! This was a really hard day, and this little stamps noticed has turned it all around.
  17. Oh, this is lovely news! I am OBSESSED with the Sugareds and knowing I can happily and exclusively focus on that for the month to come is very reassuring.
  18. I am going a little crazy looking at the Sugareds! I made a list of all the ones I just have to have.... my wishlist for September order (we'll see how the funds shake out) for a set of ten with the extra two freebies would be: Leather, Oud (Invi! congrats on such an AWESOME label!), Copal Resin, Earth, Vetiver, Patchouli, Oakmoss, Eggnog, English Toffee, Figs, Coffee, and I'm wavering between Grasses and Hay for the last one. And OMG yes, Halloween!
  19. Oh, DD, just seeing this now. Sending lots of prayers out for you and your Mom. Hugs to you.
  20. This arrived with so many other wonderful things that I had done a few bottle sniffs but had not taken out for a proper slather testing until tonight. I really love this! The name says it all -- if the scent were an object it would be a rose made out of white velvet! Hearts already described it perfectly so I can only echo what she said: very delicate, very soft, very pink. I am not really a pink girl in general, so I am kind of surprised by how much I love it. Definitely not foodie, but I can feel the creaminess of the rose milk. My sense is that I will save this for spring. I am enjoying it today but for me the heat makes it almost a little too much, in terms of the "perfume-y" aspect others have mentioned. I bet that in fifteen degrees cooler weather, though, it will be PERFECTION. And Saffron, I know what you mean about the fruitiness! Very slight, very delicate, but just rounding out the floral and making it deliciously sweet!
  21. I have a review in the Heart and Soul thread about a really amusingly strong kitty reaction -- I lay down for a nap and my big twenty-pounder Siamese spooned me from behind (which is usual) while tightly gripping my neck (which is not) and moaning at regular intervals....
  22. Mmmm, this is just wonderful! I was especially excited when I saw ginger as a note, because I LOVE ginger.... but until now I've had it for the most part in cookie/bakery type scents. This is quite different, with the sultry fruitiness that is the main vibe of the blend... the coconut creme gives the perfect summery base, and then the fruit is sexy and luscious, and the ginger makes it wonderfully warm. I got mine with cops, which felt like the perfect choice. It's a very grown-up sexy scent; it has the feel of a James Bond movie about it -- resort life, luxury, gaming, decadence and just a hint of danger to keep it exciting! And while it's perfect for summer, I agree it would be a great one to pull out in the dead of winter, to transport you to the beautiful sunny beaches in your mind. Congrats, Stacy -- it was really fun to watch this evolve in your journal!
  23. Fingers crossed for both you and me that we made it in! And yet another round of congrats to everyone for being the most phenomenally hot and gorgeous community ever!
  24. First of all -- Fleur!!! So good to see you here! And what a marvelous creation Soft and Summery is. When I read the description I knew I had to have it -- creamy, citrus, and white floral combo sounded so delicious. It actually goes on me pretty quiet but the dry down is truly fantastic. It's delicate, subtle and quite complex. Definitely a skin scent and very natural. It's so well-blended I can't pick out any notes -- the citrus is translating more as a very quiet sparkle than a scent to me. This could be worn in any setting -- church, the office, anything -- and be entirely appropriate, while still making the wearer feel feminine and beautiful. I agree that it is clean, yet not laundry clean -- more as if I were a fairy tale princess living in a cabin in a clearing and washing my face with the dew off the flowers first thing in the morning. While butterflies and birds brought each piece of clothing for me as I dressed. Absolutely stunning, and I'm so glad I got a bottle!
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