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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. This is a fabulous earth scent! Interestingly, I'm not getting pie or pumpkin of any stripe -- this is a very pure crisp walking in the woods on a fall day scent. It feels truly unisex (rather than tipping towards masculine) for me. I didn't have this one on my radar, but I am seriously contemplating a bottle.
  2. Black Cat

    Red Fyre

    This is quite the surprise! I tend to amp cinnamon, so I assumed I wouldn't be able to do this one, but the cinnamon is amazingly tempered here -- I don't know if it's the pepper or the licorice, but I get a soft slightly spicy cinnamon musk -- I was really surprised not to see musk among the notes. The longer this settles the more intriguing and complex it becomes. It's a very distinct and unusual scent. I can't decide if it's one I'd wear frequently enough to warrant a full bottle, but it's definitely one where I'll have fun wearing the sample.
  3. Black Cat


    This could almost convert me to apple! I was eager to try because I love the salted caramel note in Lady V's Midnight Snack. This is like an apple version! I am also totally getting the butter -- this is sweet gooey buttery caramel apple. I am feeling strongly tempted. Oh, also getting that slightly smokey note Luna mentioned!
  4. I was wary about this one, because while I tend to love the SLF combos, fruit notes can be iffy on me and I've had especially bad luck with the berries. So I applied this with a certain amount of philosophic resignation. And oh my stars and garters, what a win! The fruit in this is not candied in the least -- this is fruit that is ready to drop off the vine into the palm of your hand because it's so ripe and juicy, fruit with the leaves still attached. It's warm and earthy and a little wild and raw and so sexy it takes my breath away. It's the perfect vehicle for cops and Aja -- I think it will be a great way to warm up the winter nights, but I also think this one will be absolutely devastating for summer weather.
  5. Black Cat

    EBIL-ish 2014

    This one was a total surprise to me. When I put it on, I first thought, oh, my goodness, yes, full bottle, perhaps two bottles, perhaps at least one of those bottles boosted with Sexology or SS4W. I got the vanilla and spices and musk and was in heaven. The more it dried, though, the more unisex it became. It settled into an extremely clean, spicy musk. It is in fact a lovely scent, but the longer I sniffed my wrist the more I concluded was that I really wanted to do with it was slather it on an attractive man. Sadly, none is available to me for those purposes. But I seriously think a dude could rock this one. It's almost like a masculine Sneaky Clean. I keep going back and forth on whether I want a bottle or not. I do love this, as a scent -- it's complex, dark and very beautiful. But it may be a little too solidly in the unisex/masculine camp for me. As I said, I think what I want is to smell it on someone else!
  6. When I first put this on last night, I gave it an initial sniff and thought, "Meh." And was really glad that I could so easily dismiss at least one of this month's NRs. Wet, it was initially a little thin and sharp. I got the grains and the sugar, but the notes were poking out individually in a way that didn't appeal. And then about ten minutes went by. And I was reaching for something on my bedside table, my hand with the Animal Crackers test patch on it came within sniffing distance and I was overcome by a soft billowing wave of pure butter cookie goodness. I actually yelped a little. Hoping supplies last until my next check so I can grab a bottle. Best bedtime scent ever!
  7. Black Cat

    A Wake

    Mmm, this is along the lines of what I was hoping for from Love Potion Latte! Wet, I get a big blast of coffee but that quickly settles down to a spicy, sweet vibe that is quite yummy. At a couple of points it has veered dangerously close to LP Latte territory (that one was so delicious in the vial and my stupid skin just instantly translated it to burnt paper!) but it always recovers and goes back to sweet and spicy foodie fall goodness. It reminds me of Cauldron Cake, but a lighter, liquid version! I am tempted to add a bit of Sugared Coffee to keep the coffee note going longer. Will report back! I am also wondering what this one would be like in a spray.
  8. Black Cat


    This smells predominantly apple to me; it is, of course, a spectacular blend of several notes, but everything else is playing carefully and respectfully around the apple. I'm not really picking out the oud or patchouli; they are serving to ground the foodier notes for me, but that being said, this doesn't feel like a foodie so much as an all-round autumnal evocation. I definitely get a vibe of woods, and red/gold maple leaves crackling underfoot (yes, foliage is starting to peak here in my neck of the woods!), evening coming on early and smoke from a distant chimney, etc. It is a little too apple for me -- apple and I are hardpressed to get along (I would like to come up with a clever cider joke here, but am fried from the day's work) but for anyone who loves apple, and fall, this is going to be spectacular.
  9. Black Cat

    Warm & Toasty

    I sound like a broken record, but: fresh banana bread, hot from the oven, slathered in so much butter it drips through and leaves an oily little pool on the plate. This is so yummy and comforting!
  10. My Stamps notice says Out For Delivery!!!! Should be here when I get home from work tonight!!!!!! ETA: WEENIES IN THE HOUSE!!! (clutches box to chest and scuttles upstairs for prolonged testing)
  11. My sampler gets here TOMORROW -- but every time I look at the descriptions and notes for these I come closer to thinking I might need the full bottle set!
  12. This wears fairly light and quiet on me, but I get that chewy brown sweetness others have described! I think this would be more of a layering note for me than one to wear on its own, but I can imagine any number of lovely combos, both foody and floral.
  13. This is delectable! Exactly as described, a very cool damp earth note. It reminds me of the earth notes in Totem Bat and Burnt Umber (as opposed to, say, the earth note in Summer Belle, which was more a freshly turned sun-warmed dirt in an open field). This is cool and wet, deep in the forest, maybe the banks of a stream, with bits of quartz glinting here and there. The sugar is barely detectable. It doesn't read as a sweet note immediately. The sweetness lingers in its wake. I should have gotten a bigger bottle!
  14. Stacy, I'm so glad to hear it's working for you! And the layering for seasonal flavors.... brilliant. Will have to try!
  15. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet, with all my disgraceful pre-test squeeing! I bought a bottle of this unsniffed and it got lost in the little tear in the fabric of the Universe that is located somewhere between my bedroom and bathroom, where things disappear and hang out in a parallel universe for a while. Then they reappear and it's like having New Things. I slathered this on like nobody's business and I am loving it so far. The vanilla has really deepened and gotten richer -- it's oddly unfoodie on me, despite all the foodie notes! I get a soft rich pouf of vanilla and amber, and the chocolate and coffee notes somehow serve to add a darkness and texture without reading to me as chocolate or coffee. In a very tangential way, it's reminding me of Breath of Nirvana. I think the coffee note functions in this in the same way the peppermint did in BON. What would otherwise be perhaps a slightly too smooth (though utterly delightful) creamy silky cloud gets a little earthiness and depth.
  16. I know, I'm wondering if we're in Haunted Hallows territory with this one! I'm sticking to my plan and getting the sampler but it's hard not to start springing for full bottles just off the descriptions!
  17. DESCRIPTIONS UP ALREADY!!!!! Do you never sleep at LP?! Luna, I always love your writing but you have outdone yourself this month! Curiosities, Feed the Flowers, Horny.... every single one of these is so wickedly good, and just the perfect way to usher in fall. Back to reread at a more leisurely pace!
  18. Oh, my goodness, this might be my favorite set of labels EVER!!! These look amazing! And... I can't believe they're up! I cannot wait for notes and Luna's amazing writing. This will make for such a fun week, waiting for those to appear and drooling over the visual feast in the meantime.
  19. Cheesey! So good to see you here! It looks like there are still a few bottles of this.... if interested, I think you can let Mara know here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9437&page=1 Can't help with extra reviews, but I'll just say I have really loved this one. It's my favorite clean smell these days, very soft and green and fresh.
  20. This is GORGEOUS. It has a texture like suede, and it's a complex blend that is mid-range to my nose, in terms of how I see and hear it. Shadowy rather than bright. It's the patch of grasses springing up from the roots of an ancient oak tree that stands right on the edge of the woods, dividing the gorgeous lawn and perfectly maintained gardens from the untamed wild. There is an airy quality that keeps it from being too dark or dense, but it also has a depth and weight that are very appealing. If you like earthy organic scents, this will definitely appeal, but at the same time, it's a complex and sophisticated take on the note. As I mentioned in the other thread, I am testing it at the same time as Hay and the two of them are delicious together when I put the backs of both hands to my nose.
  21. Mmm, this is tres elegante!! It's a very delicate, subtle, grassy hay. Palest straw in color, and if it were a musical note it would be quite high. I think as Katz said it will be lovely with fall fruits. It will brighten up any darker note. I have Sugared Vetiver (speaking of darker notes) on my other hand and wow, these smell pretty amazing together! I also can't wait to try it with Leather.
  22. Aw, Halo, thank you SO much! It's very mutual!
  23. Holy wowzers, what amazing news!!!! Thanks for sharing, Birkeys! I was lucky enough to score an oil roll-on off the trade threads.... need to eyeball the bank account and think about spray. And Mara -- thank you for taking such good care of us and listening our every desire!!!
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