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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Well, I figured I was less likely to succumb if it was out there at the end of my arms than if I had it wafting up from my cleavage, which is my more usual go to spot for pheros! But I was also using it in a situation where I trusted the other person, and I was OK with having my own tongue loosened. If I were going into a situation with someone I knew I couldn't trust, I don't think this would be the phero I would choose. Edited to add: But I've just gotten started with this one! It may be one where I figure out a way to make it work in less safe situations. The above is just where am I right now, as a newbie to TMI.
  2. If there is any left, may I reserve a Wet and Nasty?
  3. OK, you guys, i just have to report: I wore this for my retail shift where I work solo. Every week, and I mean EVERY week, a ton of people come in about starting at twenty minutes before closing and I have the worst time getting everyone to clear out, no matter how nicely I ask. This is about the third time I've worn LFM in La Sylphide and it's effing magic -- some people came in at 6 minutes of, and when I told them how much time they had, they said they were just going "to look around" and my heart sank... and at three minutes of they just thanked me and left. That NEVER happens! I think I might need the Un so I can wear something besides La Sylphide on Sundays!
  4. NuTrix, it's *exactly* what I needed for this one situation, and I have a feeling there will be other times it comes in handy! I think it will come out less frequently than some of my other pheros but I am SO thankful to have it!!
  5. How interesting, mel, that's exactly what pulls me in -- the "wickedly deep and dark". And I'm also a HUGE fan of dark chocolate with chili!! Oh, BTW, caved and went full bottle. With cops. We'll see!
  6. Yes, this one is a winner! I picked up the Un oil in one of the lovely NuTrix's wild sales, and I find it very powerful. I am sparing in usage -- short swipe across the top of each hand, and one on the back of my neck -- and I find I am not overwhelmed by it (I don't have that much of filter anyway, LOL!) but I have used it twice now in a pretty controlled setting, a private meeting with one person, and it helped to finally get the missing piece of info about a painful situation, which was not comfortable but ultimately very healing. In short, as the more articulate donsie said: I definitely would not use at work, and I'm not sure about a social setting with a lot of people, but I'll contemplate and get back to y'all.
  7. If I were one of the X-Men, rationalizing would be my super-power!
  8. Well, under those circumstances, I think it would have been wrong not to!! The bills you will always have with you. These are LIMITED VARIANTS!
  9. Full bottle ordered. I have been craving a coconut scent for summer, and Summer Belle and Lina's Almost One of the Boys made a melon lover out of me, and who doesn't need more cops? Thanks for this one, Luna!
  10. I hear you so loud and clear on this!! I am still waiting on my last monster order from the Totem madness, but I went ahead and ordered full bottles of Tropique and Bittersweet (with cops added) because if they are even half as good as I think they are going to be I CANNOT WAIT to sample, then order and wait again... this collection is so amazing, and there were about 5 other things I was this close to ordering (OK, full disclosure, I considered the Full Bottle set very seriously) but in each case there were notes I wasn't quite sure about, so I will stick to the sampler for the rest. But oh wow, I've been meaning to take a month off from even sampling since April and Mara and Luna keep making me offers I can't refuse! Rose, you are DA BOMB! You go, girl! Can't wait for reports on triple boosted Cougar because I know you will rock it!
  11. Black Cat

    Totem: Deer

    Yes, the linen note captures it exactly for me. I am not picking up earth or green in this one -- it's gently floral and very much like linen -- that clean textured element. The musk gives it an even softer texture. Very delicate and it becomes a close wearing skin scent shortly after drydown.
  12. Black Cat

    Totem: Chick

    This is one of those times when I read reviews and think, Am I sampling the same scent as everyone else?! This is my third try with Chick, and it is determinedly sticking to the first three ingredients on my skin -- I get something that is definitely rice-y, corn-y, oat-y, but no sweetness at all! It reminds me a bit of Mothership but without the sweetness. Kind of like unsweetened cereal. Skin chemistry is so interesting!
  13. I'm very intrigued by this one because I adore all things coffee, but I think this needs to be a sample first because of the cinnamon. I tend to amp that mercilessly, and while sometimes that's OK (ah, LP Red!) sometimes it gets out of control.
  14. I am kind of losing my mind over this one, which is weird, since I keep saying that chocolate is almost never a go to note for me! But this might be a full bottle unsniffed. I'm getting obsessed.
  15. OMG these all look gorgeous, and what intriguing names! Can't wait for notes!
  16. Mmm, chocolate is not always a go for me but the label alone had me wanting to try it, along with the earthiness that people have described here.... it did not disappoint! I get a dusting of cocoa (reminds me a bit of Velvet Kisses) and then a fabulous earthy darkness which I am guessing is the truffles, animalic musk and marshmallow root? And a thin whisper of mint floating above it all. It's a very sophisticated foodie indeed! Only issue is that it can get a bit metallic on my skin in the longer stages of drydown, so I am finding myself replenishing it more frequently than I do some of my other LPs.... but I love it freshly slathered so much (and the scent puts me in a bit of a throw-caution-to-the-winds reckless mood!) that I am in a deeply zen place of acceptance that this bottle might not last too long. Worth it!
  17. This was AWESOME, Lovestruck, it totally made my day! Love Steve Martin, hadn't thought of him in quite a while. And spot on for my reaction too!
  18. OMG you guys I leave town for like, five minutes, and come back to a flood of wonderfulness!! Off to read/savor Luna's magical scribings and study notes and MAKE SOME DECISIONS!!!!!
  19. Seajammarket, you can't know how thrilled I was when it popped up! Your review melted my heart and I am so excited to experience the magic!
  20. These both sound great! Thanks for the ideas --
  21. There was a Jan's Bonne Belle on Artfire for like, 5 seconds. So yeah. That's coming! I also went ahead and got Valerie's Misty Melon Patch which I have been contemplating for quite a while! I don't even want to think what my bank account is going to look like when notes for NRs go up and June PEs are listed...
  22. Oh, WOOHOO!!! So glad it worked it out... hope you like it!! And OlderButWiser, isn't the Snow Leopard FAB?!
  23. Treat was a little cocoa heavy for me.... I can do chocolate but it doesn't always love me. Just read the description of Enchanted Wonderland, though, and I think I need to sample!
  24. I also could not get Tickle Tickle to work for me, and ended up doing my first Gotcha! experiment by splitting a boost between two (of other members') PEs... which has been a fabulous experience. It was a purely intuitive decision, but if a particular scent calls to you, I say go for it! Somehow I feel I get a better handle on a phero when I first try it in a scent blended by Mara, whether it's one of her designs or a boost (or half boost, in my case, since I'm kind of a phero lightweight). Then, I get the courage to get the Un bottle and start working with it that way. So now I have this in Lady Suzy's Snow Leopard and Lindee's Dark and Vampy, and OH MY GODDESS I love it so much with both! Seriously considering an Un bottle next order.
  25. Sorry, StacyK, not sure how I missed this! I get a very similar experience of the scent in both oil and spray... if the oil is pure earth to you, my guess is that the spray will just be lighter earth. I love the spray because for me it enhances the ethereal sense of the scent, but it is not significantly different in terms of my experience of the notes... the oil is pretty complex for me. Sorry it didn't work for you!
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