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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Oh wow, congrats QuietGuy and Maiea! You guys look great!
  2. You are so too kind! It's a little intimidating when everyone is SO FRIGGIN' GORGEOUS -- Saffron! JudyO! All of you!
  3. OK, photo shoot completed and the two best ones sent! Fingers crossed something works! And thank you AGAIN, dear Mara!
  4. Eek! Is it still OK for me to send mine in today? Eek! Is it still OK to send mine, or is it too late? Sister and camera just arrived!
  5. Oh, right, I forgot that this is LP -- no judgment! OK, Heart and Soul, plus Treasured Hearts. I love these for work and I've also found them very helpful in a couple of close friendships. Sexology, because that one actually works as a social for me, I've found. And the one that I'm embarrassed about because as a currently single person I have absolutely no use for it is Sexpionage, but i am trusting both the Boy Scouts (Be prepared) and Field of Dreams (if you build it!) on that one...
  6. I don't even want to 'fess up to everything on the invoice I just paid! I decided to go ahead and get the rest of the Un pheros I've had on my list, so that they can count towards my freebies. Some of them are work-related! I swear! Also got Occo Ambrosia because the new brew is to die for, plus sprays of Terra Mater and Flutterby because I adore them. And another bottle of my Farmhouse PE, but that is to give as a gift. Oh, and Tyvey's Pleasure Island from Artfire because, well, I HAD to.
  7. First full slather with my bottle and OH MY GOD this is so delicious!!! It is definitely reminiscent of Coconut Breeze, but it's got a sweetness to it that makes it much more of a stealth sexy scent for me. But it gives me that same deeply nostalgic summers-gone-by vibe, and that means it puts me in such a good mood! Lovestruck, I've only tried Lace in Garland and Lace v. 5, and it has a giddiness to it that can actually tip over to something less comfortable for me.... before I spring for boosting a bottle, I might grab a sample of an LP phero'd scent so that just in case the phero doesn't work for you haven't a) spent the money and taken a scent you love and made it less wearable for yourself.... As for me: I am going to pair this with Lumina today, because I think this would go really well with the sparkly pretty vibe. I bet SS4W would be awesome with it (another sparkly/pretty one!, and I'm also tempted to try it some time with Cuddle Bunny to enhance the, ahem, slutty girly aspect you mentioned!
  8. Yes, I was so happy to see that, DD! Of course nothing can make what you are going through easier or better, but a big treat for yourself is totally in order!
  9. Oh, YAY!!!! I'll try to send something by the weekend!
  10. Oh, is this true? My photographer sister is visiting this week and I am starting to feel a little wistful about not getting in on the fun... despite my normal photographophobia!
  11. I had just requested this sample as one of my forum freebies, so when I saw it on the sale list, I dug it out. And wow, what an interesting experience! I put some in the crooks of my elbows, and some on my wrists/backs of hands. The elbow patches amped grapefruit to high heaven, and I thought, Nope, not happening. But then that stage ended, quite quickly -- and oh, good gracious, this is what I hoped Sexology (the scent) would be and could never quite get! I was always overwhelmed by sugars in that one. The grapefruit somehow tempers the sugars. Once it's dried down, the grapefruit is this light sharp note that makes all that sweet sugared dirty darkness work beautifully on my skin. Also, it lasts and lasts -- when I woke up, I could still smell strong traces on my skin. Must have a bottle!
  12. Oh my goodness, everyone is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! I am like Vladmyra, totally camera shy, but it is such a delight to be able to put faces to names. And of course makes me want to buy bottles almost regardless of what is in them.... though what is in them is certainly wickedly tempting all on its own!!!
  13. Oh, yay, Invi, I'm so glad these both work for you! And yes, I probably should have posted that one unfortunate side effect.... And oh, man, not like I wasn't already sad to have missed your Coconut Donut -- yowsa! Thank goodness Mara keeps crafting tropical wonderfulness for us. Ducky and Lovestruck, can't wait to hear what you think when the gorgeousness arrives in your mailboxes!
  14. Mara, would it be possible for me to get one more Farmhouse Afternoon and pay for it in my August order?
  15. I can't be nearly as eloquent in picking out the notes, but I have to chime in and say how delightful this one is! The white musk is sweet and sheer, and I get little glints of cucumber that give it a very natural organic feel, as well as adding moisture. I think I am getting the bergamot mostly as a texture -- it adds a sparkle to the whole thing. This is the cleanest scent I've ever worn, I think! I am going to New York on Friday and it's going to be five hours in the car and I think I'll wear this and keep the bottle tucked in my bag to refresh with. Just lovely! Congrats, Celrynnya, and thanks for the fun of watching this evolve from a neat concept in the PE ideas thread to something gorgeous I can wear!
  16. Congrats to everyone who has moved up! And I can't believe I have posted over 1,000 times in the forum in the past year ... LP definitely feels like home!
  17. Dear Mara -- as always, I am speechless at your extraordinary generosity. How do you always know what I'm longing to try, either for myself or to give to someone I love? You nailed it again! And two gorgeous bags? Oh, you spoil me. I have said it before and I'll say it again: there's no place like LP!!
  18. I ran out of skin testing my goodies after opening today's package, but just opening the bottle and sniffing this made my eyes roll back in my head and I almost passed out. Ye gods! Sweet dark buttery caramel lavender goodness... this might actually edge out my beloved Carolyn's Man Nip for queen of lavender foodie ho-dom. I don't understand how something can be so foodie delicious AND so sexy all at the same time! So glad I snagged a bottle, and a huge shout out of thanks to whoever requested the rebrew. I am going to do my best to tuck this away for the long winter nights. So delish!
  19. OK, just popped in to say: creators of Rebecca's Something White, Lindee's Summertime Classic and Stacy's Lady Luck -- please create review threads so I can rave about these gorgeous creations! You ladies have outdone yourselves, as has the fabulous Potion Master! Since Midnight Snack already has a review thread, I will go rave there now.
  20. Hi Silkilocks! Welcome to the forum! Yes, samples are the BEST -- even today, something that looks like I will love it from reading the notes and description might end up not working for me, and I something I never would have risked a full bottle unsniffed on turns out to be my new favorite! That being said, I might put your Betrothal Potion away for a few weeks and try it again before giving up. It's entirely possible it just doesn't work for you and never will, but sometimes I find that my LPs need to settle a bit after travel. Sometimes I need to be in a different place in my, ahem, cycle. And sometimes it just takes a little while for my nose to really get what's going on with a scent -- sometimes it's not so much that I don't like it, but it's so different from I am expecting that I get jarred. Anyway. Just a thought!
  21. Mmm, this one is definitely as advertised! Wet, I get the cherry blast from the almond -- which I love, it's not a medicinal cherry on me at all. But it doesn't last; as soon as it dries down the cherry morphs into a thick creaminess that is really more of a texture than a scent. I'm not picking up the coconut, just a soft poufy cloud of creaminess with little glints of cucumber popping out here and there. Gorgeous! I don't have any other summer scents like this; it's a lovely addition to the summer lineup, and even though we are being spoiled this year by a mostly cool clear summer, I can see how fabulously refreshing this would be in heavy heat. ETA: I had forgotten the 4th ingredient and had to scroll up to refresh my info -- apricot! Once again, I get more of the texture than the scent. As Lovestruck said, this is one where the notes are really seamlessly melded into something unique and new!
  22. SJM, I get that smoky tinge too! I think it might be the carmelized sugar which makes me so happy -- I am not such a sugar girl, mostly, but I really wanted that glazed dark top layer of the creme brulee in there. This was based on a dessert I had on a birthday outing THREE YEARS AGO -- that was how good it was! And Mara's execution is so exactly what I was hoping for.
  23. Yay!!! So glad you're liking it! Hi Beach Goddess -- I have done PEs where I researched the notes for magical intent, but the intent of Sunset Kiss was pretty much to be delectably nommable! You can look up meanings for lots of notes here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/lore/ingredient_lore And Lovestruck -- so glad you are getting on the delectably nommy citrus train! I hope you like them!
  24. I went ahead and ordered a bunch of things pre-sale because I am a greedy little beast and I could not wait (plus some were from June's PEs list and I felt crummy having them held as long as I did)... and my package just shipped! So getting a *lot* of PEs (StacyK do you have Lady Luck in hand yet? Dying to hear your review!) plus I grabbed Sweet Surrender so I could have it for the rest of the summer. Plus I needed FBs of Flutterby, Exotica, Terra Mater, and Blue. And Unscented Gotcha. It was insane. But there you have it. Depending if my crazy freelance project generates another unexpected round of cash, I might take advantage of sale to get bottles of things that keep dropping off my list, like LP Original, some things from the Crayons Collection... And then I need to retreat to Black Cat Cottage and start using shit up!
  25. First of all -- Luna, BEST NAME EVER!! I chortle every time I see it! I was very intrigued by this one because of the cocoa butter and ginger, two notes I love but I never envisioned in the same scent. I love the lushness of the cocoa butter and the ginger heats up in a very interesting way. This is definitely a floral -- a warm, buttery floral, which is quite the experience! I don't think it's for me, but this is the third time I've put it on, so it might be one of those that takes me a while to "get" and then suddenly I love it. So I'm going to keep playing with it. Because cocoa butter! Ginger! ETA: OK, the tipover happened! I can't stop sniffing my test patch -- everything came together and now it's dark lush tropical!
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