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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. As others said --- BACON! Sweet and smokey, mouthwateringly so. I've tested this three times now, and every time there is a stage where it threatens plasticky-ness, but that always passes and goes back quite promptly to meaty magic.
  2. It does justice indeed! This is wonderful. Dark, smoky, subtle, tantalizing, mysterious.... this feels like a living breathing entity on my skin. It seems to eddy and surge, and I can almost see delicate wisps of smoke coming off my wrist. This would add a lovely smokey tinge to any number of other notes, but it also works beautifully on its own. Next time the 10 ml bottle!
  3. OMG, Seajammarket! I dug this out today for the first time since spring, and it has, if possible, gotten more amazing. Still wild and earthy, but it's definitely settled into a rich, complex, surprisingly (for something that would work well on a duck's butt!) sophisticated scent. It is a weird weather day here -- almost 70, but the sky is dark, winds are whipping like crazy and rain keeps making brief appearances. This just perfect! I'm going to try the Carbon Black experiment in a little bit... will report back!
  4. Yes, I'm wondering if I can possibly get myself to order every OTHER month so as to be able to justify the set of ten plus freebies... it's such an amazing deal! And I want so very, very many of them!
  5. Ooooh, boosted Sweet Surrender spray sounds amazing!! Also the Sugared Grapefruit. Great call! The theory is that I am taking the month off to nourish my bank account and pay all these stupid bills, then pick up with sampler and another round of sugareds in October. We'll see how well that plan works. :-)
  6. OK, then roses are definitely on the list for the next order! BB, yes, I think it could, especially if paired with something that evokes that more masculine aura... maybe a clean musk, or any of the woodsy ones? As I was walking home from work today mentally composing possible combinations of Sugareds (as one does...) I thought about strawberry with this one!
  7. I was trying to think of some possibilities but fried brain!! For anyone who enjoyed Black Cat Mojo... this with the Sugared Coffee would be amazing, and if I had gotten any of the musks in this round, I'd be interested to see how it would play with those. I am also having a thought that with the right floral or fruit, this could be mind-blowing. I can't emphasize strongly enough how clean this smells. This is not the leather of a saddle lifted from the quivering sweaty haunches of a valiant member of the Pony Express (not that that wouldn't also be awesome). This is the highly buffed and polished saddle being taken down and strapped on for show jumping, or what one would smell wandering into Louis Vuitton. So paired with lily or roses, or maybe apricot or pears... mmmm!
  8. My first thought on sniffing this one was, I don't think I can afford to even smell this! This is amazing, and a little intoxicating. Top of the line incredibly luxurious suede/leather here: think Coach bag, think James Bond's briefcase, think... oh, bother, my brain is fried and I have no more examples. It's a very clean scent with a lot of depth to it.
  9. Just got my first order of Sugareds today and this had to be the first I tried.... my eyes are rolling back in my head! This is a coffee scent to die for: rich, dark, strong but not overpowering. I was worried that "sugared" might make it too sweet for me, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Mara's notes on the Sugared Layerables Labels thread says: For this blend I decided to go towards the smell of fresh brewed coffee, so combined half a dozen of the freshest aromas I have and then took the bitter edge off with drops of caramel and brown sugar, and a tiny tiny touch of sweet cream. To my nose, the caramel and brown sugar are doing the work of taking the edge off without making themselves perceptible to me. I do get the hint of cream, but this is not a latte, it's definitely fresh brewed coffee with a serious kick. I am tempted to get a big bottle boosted with cops.
  10. Black Cat

    Totem: Tiger

    I hadn't worn this since my last outing, and the past months have made it even lovelier! So rich, so lush, with serious throw (and absolutely glorious on a hot day like today -- I think sweat actually makes this one smell even better!) and yet never loud or intrusive. And it lasts! Essence of Tiger indeed.
  11. OMG shipping notice!!!! SUGAREDS ARE IN THE MAIL!!!!
  12. Go for it Stacy! I definitely want to get it, but stupid bank account won't let me order again for a few weeks.... :-)
  13. This is absolutely lovely. For something with so many foodie notes, it's surprisingly non-foodie on me. Everything is blended perfectly -- creamy sultry sweet (but not sugary) skin musk. I can get away with wearing it to work today, but I will be using it to make my brain think I am REALLY at some lush resort vacation spot. If I weren't going to work, I would totally add some Un Cuddle Bunny to amp the sexy playful feel!
  14. I just recently acquired Hot Honeyed Fig as well! Fig and honey equals such total yumminess.... who knew!
  15. I got a sample of this as an extra from a lovely LPer in a trade, and it sent me scouring the trade threads to get a bottle. This is delicate fruity honey, wonderfully sensuous without being in your face dirty. Fig and apricot are fast becoming favorite notes of mine, and they blend beautifully with the sugars in this to create a soft light creamy sweetness. Yum!!
  16. I can't believe I've had a bottle of this for about a year and not tested yet! What was I thinking? This one is very subtle on me. The cocoa butter is quiet and creamy, I can't detect the patch at all, and the citrus notes are a delicate sparkle. I was afraid of the lemongrass but it's not calling attention to itself. I really slathered this on -- at first I felt like I couldn't smell it. Now I realize it's just a much softer scent than I was expecting, and I am enjoying my stealthy creamy cloud! It feels tremendously grown up and sophisticated, almost a little to much to be a "me" scent. But at the same time, I feel myself getting more grown-up and sophisticated and quietly gorgeous by the moment. I feel like some gorgeous European actress in her prime -- this is very sensual but it's an extremely integrated sensuality, if that makes sense. Not an in your face sexy. Just a shoulder shrugging "Of course I'm hot, why wouldn't I be?" kind of vibe. The longer I wear this, the more I like it. It would be perfect for an elegant outdoors summer cocktail party. Or glam wedding reception. But it would be equally great to wear to work and feel stealth sexy elegant. Edited because apparently I suffered from a shortage of synonyms for "quiet", LOL.
  17. Speaking of joy and sense memories.... is there any possibility of a Sugared Linen? I'm thinking that having that to layer with just about any of the florals would be absolutely delightful....
  18. I can already tell you have a genius for this!! Isn't it fun.... I love the sample study, the mulling, the planning, and of course there is the wonderfulness of knowing that Mara can take any concept and make it splendid. I'll keep an eye out for these!! :-)
  19. This is amazing. I am so NOT a pink person and yet I want all of them!
  20. Irish Eyes!! nice to see you! Went ahead and ordered my first set of sugareds: Vanilla Bean, French Vanilla, Iris, Eggnog, English Toffee, Oud, Leather, Coffee, Bacon, Earth, Vetiver and Hay. Plus did one more round of Hydrating Waters from the sale: Buttercream Rose, Essential Bliss, Essential Mystique. And now my bank account has graciously requested that I take September off!
  21. OMG, Birkeys, whatever it is you are planning, I think I want it!!
  22. JudyO! Keep meaning to pop on here and say yay for climbing on the sexy tropical bandwagon. I hope you love it! And I believe it is possible for anyone to order a rebrew of a PE -- you can always email and ask if Mara still has the recipe and ingredients. With my Black Cat Mojo, a number of us asked together so that she knew how many bottles to make.
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