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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. You know it would be me, the copulin queen....hahahahahaaaaa
  2. OH, I agree with you there Lor......apply enough of it, and they'll tell you more than that! LOL
  3. Well, first of all, if you want to aid in the diffusion of LP social pheros, buy them in CPS (D5) rather than in oil.....the CPS takes longer to diffuse than an alcohol-based spray, but diffuses quicker than in an oil-based format. Secondly, most of the social pheros have a very light scent after dry down.....they are no where near as pungent as copulins (EoW). BI contains cops, and that is why it is a stinky one, also. I prefer my pheros in CPS.....sometimes I will apply one of the LP scents, and after it dries down, apply the pheros on top, or even beside the app points. The point is, if you cover the pheros with an oil-based scent, it will further slow the diffusion. I also apply pheros "naked" (with no cover) to the backs of my hands because I talk with my hands. And, I have put them in my palms and rubbed them though my hair too because I am a hair-flipper. Caution about adding EoW to your ISexi.....if you do that, do NOT spray it in your hair.....if you do, you will have a helluva time getting the cops out....it will take 3 or 4 clarifying washes to get them out.....trust me on that.
  4. That is definitely the Alpha-nol effect.....and yes, I agree....the scent does help it diffuse....it also makes people WANT to get closer and smell you. LAM is a great mix, for sure!! I won't be without it, for as long as the ladies are selling it!
  5. SO HAPPY that you got it all sorted out! Keep posting.....glad to have you as an active member!!
  6. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    I have that thought when I am wearing it, too....what is that gorgeous smell? Oh, it's ME!! I wore the phero version with my sweetie this weekend....he absolutely LOVED it....after an hour or so on my skin, it reminded us both of a very hard-to-find, single-note amber that I used to wear (before Ail convinced me to come here and check out LP). We both only had one complaint......but I think it's my skin and not the perfume. The concentrate lasts forever on my skin, but the phero version gets sucked up and disappears within 2-3 hours.....my man would walk over to PURPOSELY sniff me, and would say.....with a sad face.....it's gone....you need to put some more on.... Thats ok though, because the little 5 ml roller bottle is the perfect carrying size....makes re-apps easy.....
  7. If I have any normal LP boosted with EoW, there is still a possibility of bleed through, because you have not gone through drydown of the EoW before scent application (but bleed through doesn't bother me). I can apply LP Black that I had boosted with BI and xtra cops on one arm, and then apply straight LP Black on the other arm. After drydown, I CAN smell the difference..... The scents that the ladies have created with EoW already included are scents that hide the EoW, by using the scent of EoW as one of the notes.....for instance, in Tail, the EoW note is just another fruity note.....the EoW scent is there, but you just don't notice it.....
  8. Yeah, my man definietly doesn't think the high sex drive is a curse....he is thanking his lucky stars......after being with a quite frigid woman, he thinks he hit the jackpot!
  9. SEEEEEEE.....the rest of us are in here, talking about "F*** Me" Shoes, and along comes SG, with some helpful info, that actually answers the question.....
  10. Sometimes, men can be such ASSES! I know it's hard, but sometimes it is best to just KEEP STEPPIN'.....with your hot-ass pumps!
  11. Dirty Sexy is one that I would like to have in continual rebrew status like LP Red, Black, and Original..... CC, I sent you an email.....
  12. I bet if we talked, I might have something sweet that I could trade ya....wink wink.....email me if you're interested......
  13. ABSOLUTELY behind you (and jumping up and down) for the Dirty Sexy!!! Also, what about CFM? Is that one a possibility?
  14. You know, maybe CFM is one that we could humbly, sweetly, and persistently request a rebrew for....hmmmmm......I sold one of my hoarded bottles and am a little regretful that I did now.....
  15. I think that is why Tail hides the cops so well.....I added some EoW to my Mermaids of Atlantis also.....worked like a charm....
  16. Hey hun.....EoW (and BI, which contains EoW) are often difficult to get the hang of on your first shot. HERE is a wonderful post by Ail....read it two or three times if necessary. Also, start out slow....using just a LITTLE bit. How much you are going to need (what we call your "sweet spot"), will be determined by your age and a whole host of other factors. The younger you are, the less you will need. In addition.....my opinion is that your brother is the absolute WRONG person to ask if he can smell it. Cops are not normally something you would wear around family because they are supposed to create a sexual (VERY SEXUAL) response. Your brother would normally think they stink because his mind is not seeing you in that way. You (and other females) may smell the EoW bleed through, but as I have said a million times......women process that scent in a whole different way than men. I proved that point by wearing EoW with no cover to the local grocery store. Women were almost recoiling in horror, and men were following me like puppies, winking and grinning. That said, I get the best responses when I use a cover, but can still smell the cops a little bit...... As for the neroli covering the pheros, you are applying an alcohol based perfume over an oil or CPS based phero blend. The alcohol based scent will burn off quickly.....you may want to try some of the LP oils as a cover. Also, Mara and Danna have created some wonderful blends called LAM (Like a Magnet) and BAM (Bewitch Attract Mesmerize), which are heavy in cops and Androstenols....it makes application a lot easier.....there is even a pink sugar based one....the scent packages in those are just enough to provide a little bit of cover scent, but light enough that you could add more scent over top if you wish......another good one is TAIL....it contains a lot of cops which are neraly undetectable to the untrained nose..... Keep working with it, and don't give up....these are some of the strongest pheros on the market here, but sometimes it just takes some work to get the hang of using them!
  17. WELCOME!!! Glad you are here! Jump into some discussions anytime, ask questions, whatever you like! You have come along at a wonderful time.....check out the clearance sale thread.....it is for forum mrmbers only, so now that you are here, you qualify! YAY!! Check out the reviews thread....if there is a particular blend you are interested in, use the search button at the top right....very helpful indeed! The scented phero blends are reviewed in the phero FAQ section, so you may want to take a peek at that too!
  18. I don't think that a wedding is the wrong setting for sexy.....I'd take some BI along, just in case....wink wink.....
  19. If you didn't already pick one up, I think it is sold out.....
  20. You're so sweet, Starlite....thank you! MUAH! Always willing to help, if I can.....I wish that there had been someone to help when I started out with the pheros.....Ail was right there along with me, and she can tell you, there weren't very many of us to begin with!
  21. You're very welcome! I try to jump in and help when I can, because I know the ladies are so very busy.....
  22. Well, I am not the lovely Potion Master, but YES, that is the way I understand it. WHEN (not before, but WHEN) Mara and Danna post the sale announcement and freebie list, you go to the store, place the order for your full-priced bottles (all at once), and then go to the designated spot to claim your freebies from the list. The ladies will indicate exactly where you should post to claim your freebies.
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