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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Oh I KNOW!!!!! I have to have at least a couple bottles of the new Dark Seductions variant.....and a bottle of Naughty on the Nile (I LOOOOOOVED Isis), and maybe a bottle of the Mr Right.....the only thing that scares me is the ylang.....my body amps it and turns it into something VERY ugly.....I couldn't wear Tantric Butterfly because of it.....
  2. Well, I've never tried it on my man, but there have been a couple of men who popped into the forum here and said that they liked it on themselves....I love it on ME so much that I don't want to share.....hehe.....
  3. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    It is my understanding that the concentrate (in the blue bottles) is supposed to last a very long time.....Mara added no dilutant or alcohol, or anything that could break down over time....the phero version may not last that long, but will probaby have a life similar to that of other LP phero versions..... I am wearing a little dab of the phero version right now.....anyone who hasn't tried it really SHOULD.....it is totally LOVELY, and extremely sophisticated.....
  4. OH yeah, we are all stalking.....in a BIG way.....and will be for the next several days, I'm sure....
  5. Dolly

    Cocoa Sauvignon

    Yeah, this one is going on the potential full-bottle list.....that list is pretty long now, so I am going to have to start tossing a coin or doing eeny meeny miney moe.....
  6. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    I haven't noticed any more problems with my bottle.....no leaks....and the presentation is absolutely gorgeous....not to mention that the potion is breathtaking....it still takes me aback every time I decide to try a little dab.....gonna try it on my sweetie next week....
  7. Dolly


    So, I think this one is going on MY list for the sale.....I have almost burned through my last full bottle....
  8. If you buy 4, you get 3 free, buy 8 you get 7 free, buy 12 and get 12 free....I think that is how Mara explained it....
  9. Sure will....I still have your email in my address book, I think.....
  10. LAM and BAM are both just absolutely superb.....I am another one that is so glad these are on the market....they are also fab for applying a good amount of cops without stinking up the room.....
  11. Yes, it absolutely was.....they are pretty heavy on the -none.....
  12. I am SO getting a full bottle of this one....loved the original Dark Seductions, so if this is anything similar, it will be DA BOMB!
  13. As far as the 14 yr old, 14 is a little young to be wearing phero, IMO, BUT....if you insist, Mara is coming out with a product called "Actor's Magic", which should be coming out sometime soon....I would wait on that one.... Cougar might do the trick for the other friend.....it gives a nice, sparkly vibe....makes me feel hot when I wear it.....for straight mood elevation, there is also the new blend "Open Windows"....good stuff..... As far as cops, some women get self effects from them, but those effects vary....I feel sexy and totally feminine when I wear them, some women get turned on.....the main thing that I think she should do to wake up HER libido is to get some pheros for her hubby to wear.....maybe Woodland Man or something amped with SS4M.....
  14. You're very welcome! Just trying to be of assistance! MUAH!
  15. If it happens like it did in the past, you will go to the "regular" shopping cart, and place your order for the full-priced items. Then, you post here, where Mara designates, which bottles you want as your freebies. The lovely ladies keep track of those bottles....they do not go on your invoice. Correct me if I'm wrong, ladies!
  16. Well, I wore a -none haevy product (Edge gelpack), and loaded it on....wore it SOLO with my sweetie.....he is normally a calm, easygoing person....we went to a department store to return some items, and he went practically non-linear on the clerk who was being a bit of a jerk......I had seen my man deal with these type of people before, never raising his voice, and alwasy half joking about the clerk's attitudes....this time, I had to calm him down....and, he wasn't just having a bad day.....I tried it on more than one ocassion....one particular day, I had to go to the restroom and wash off the -none and apply some A-nol, because he and one of his good friends were about to square off on one another.....
  17. You and me both....this one is really a winner!
  18. Yes, it is.....and it is used in the more alpha female products, too....my man must produce a lot of androstenone normally, because if I get near the OD line while I am around him, he gets agitated and very very alpha....
  19. Well, I would AVOID using Dominance and Blatant Invitation together.....not because they cancel each other out, but because you will be wearing a helluva lot of Androstenone.....not only can an overload of -none cause a woman to become bitchy, it has caused men in my presence to get in a real pissing contest with each other.....
  20. I do wear some cops almost every day, but some days I take a break from the other pheros when I am at home alone.....unless it is just something used to boost my own mood. I love the way cops make me feel though, and I have never had a "burnout" reaction from them.
  21. I wear multiple blends together....if you choose to do so, I would just suggest that you try each blend SEPARATELY first, so you can get a feel for what each mix does. EoW is copulins....it will add a STRONG sexual elemnt to any blend you pair it with. It won't reduce the effectiveness of a blend, but will steer things in a seriously sexual direction.
  22. Dolly

    Blood Martini

    OK, it is HIGHLY possible that this one is going on my list for the sale.....
  23. Dolly

    Cocoa Sauvignon

    OK, so I don't know WHY I never got around to trying this one earlier....I fully intended to, but it just kept getting shuffled to the bottom of my list..... This is a truly pretty scent....dark chocolate and wine....hmmmm.....I like......DEFINITELY bottle-worthy....
  24. The simplest way to not get self-effects from BAM is to apply it away from your face....the back of the neck is very popular, if you have shorter hair or wear your hair up....
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