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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    Well, we all know that rebrews CAN be a little different, and I haven't gotten to try this one yet......BUT.......on me, Resin Ho has the ingredients PERFECTLY balanced, with the exception of the sandalwood and the sugar. The sandalwood is soft and woody and provides the backdrop for all of the other ingredients to play on. The sugar was just a TOUCH to make it a little sweet and keep the resins from being too overpowering. I love it so much! I am VERY anxious to try Decadent Diva, and have ordered several bottles......even if it turns out to be a little bit different from the PE, I am sure it will still be absolutely lovely! This scent IS truly, my signature scent.....can't get enough of it!
  2. Each person will vary.....especially with pheros.....just remember that if you are just starting out, less is more.
  3. I agree.....poufy, pillowy, cushiony, when used in conjunction with a PERSON.....kind of offensive, IMO. However, simply saying that something smells "fleshy" would not really offend me.....I know that every person has a different natural scent, but stating that a large woman has a different type of scent than a smaller woman is quite derogatory, especially to those of us who ARE larger women. There again, just my 2 cents.
  4. Dolly

    Decadent Diva

    Yes, this one is the remake of Resin Ho.....my man goes absolutely insane when I wear Resin Ho.....he likes several of my perfumes, but it is the one scent that he actually ASKS me to wear.....
  5. I always keep a bottle on hand......TH is good stuff.....love it!!!
  6. Decadent Diva is the re-release of Resin Ho, ladies!!!! Get some!!!!
  7. Decadent Diva! WOOT WOOT! I can see a multiple bottle purchase in my future! Trust me on this one ladies......my man goes absolutely NUTS every time I put Resin Ho on......and it covers cops (and even Sexpionage) VERY WELL!
  8. I love LAM line....my faves are the original (but your man doesn't like vanilla....it is really just light and sweet though), and the sandalwood, and the peach is really nice too....
  9. AMEN! My man has smoked on and off since we met. He will go for months and months without having one and then he will go through several packs......then months off again. He is a grown man.....and for me to MAKE him do something?!?! Not going to happen! He doesn't tell me what I can put in my body, and I don't tell him what he can put in his. He never smokes in the house, and brushes his teeth before giving me kisses, so he is only harming himself......doesn't make that big of a deal to me.....I occasionally smoke cigars (like every 2-3 months or so)......there again, MY CHOICE. I know the risks......my Dad died from lung and liver cancer, but I still CHOOSE to do it. For Christmas, my man wanted e-cigs, so that is what I got him. So, when he gets an urge for nicotine, he can have it. But I did not buy them because I want him to quit smoking. I only want him to quit if HE wants to quit. Your boyfriend is not going to quit for good unless HE makes the choice. If you force him, it will most likely cause a lot of resentment and anger.....and no phero can keep him from resenting you. He is an adult, I am sure he knows the facts and dangers, and unless he is saying....."Please help me quit, and don't let me have a smoke, no matter what I do or say"......or, unless he is smoking up your house or making you breathe it involuntarily, I say let him do what he wants. It's a free country, and he is grown. Just my opinion.
  10. That is why I use Dom for working out......it kicks me in the ass when I need it.
  11. Wear whatever makes YOU feel good. As for contacting him, I think I would, simply for the fact that if there is a personal conversation that needs to take place, it shouldn't take place AT work. Air it out BEFORE you have to see him face-to-face. Then you will know and can be fully prepared.
  12. Are you wearing it out in public or for "private time"? IMO, an OCCO with 3X cops in SPRAY is WAY too much cops for public wear....even with one spray. Spray really diffuses..... Don't get me wrong, I am a cop-lover, but I never add extra cops to an OCCO.....they are strong enough as it is.
  13. Dolly

    Hello Out There

    WELCOME TO THE FORUM! LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING SOME REVIEWS WHEN YOU RECEIVE YOUR SMELLIES!! We are hear to answer questions and just to hang out with too.....pull up a chair and visit with us for a bit!!
  14. I try not to get too wrapped up in how many mcgs per spray, how many mcgs per swipe, number of sprays equals how many inches/drops, etc....that info would only be pertinent if the inches/drops/sprays were all in the same medium or base..... To break it down, try this example.....imagine that you wear a certain amount of a phero blend from a roll-on and get fabulous results......so you decide to try that blend in spray form.....you want to duplicate your wonderful experience, so you want to wear the exact same dosage......SOOOOO......you look at how many inches you wore, convert that to number of sprays you should wear, and off you go......in that situation, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you will get duplicate results. This is mostly because there are varying factors that affect diffusion rates and distances, so you are most likely going to have to wear different amounts in oil (or silicone) vs spray. What I do is this.......I try to make note of how many sprays/inches/drops of a certain phero works for me and under what circumstances. I know that when testing a new medium, the amount that is needed to get results will probably be different. Test each medium separately......trying to use the same dosage across different formats will not give you the results you want.....it will probably just confuse you and give you a headache.....
  15. I don't think that is very accurate....5" equal to one drop? I don't think so.....
  16. #2 looks ok to me......BUT 1 SPRAY EQUALS 15-30 INCHES? Not so sure that is accurate.....seems a bit much.....also, 1 drop = 5 inches......I am not sure where you got these, but I think they are a bit off
  17. Very interesting.....similar to my man and his experience with pregnancy....
  18. Not always though.....even without pheros, my man is very chivalrous and protective toward me....always wants to do stuff for me.....with Est, not so much......we had some good reactions, some "meh" reactions, but mostly BAD.....takes him into being mean and nasty....totally out of character for him. I am tending to think his reactions may be due to two things....(1) Est is totally NOT my normal signature.....totally not needy....that is why I can only get away with it if I pair it with something dominant, and only then if I don't use too much.......(2) And this is just a THEORY.....Est is secreted by pregnant women, and all 3 pregnancies that his ex-wife had were very difficult for them.....she treated him like SHIT.....I think it is a phero-memory thing.....
  19. I have found that SWS works well with females and males alike....Treasured Hearts would be ok too though, depending on what you want from the meeting. If you need to appear capable and knowledgeable then go with SWS. If you just want them to like you, wear TH.
  20. Yeah, it could probably be ordered as a PE re-brew, because that was how I originally ordered it.
  21. If you have some Dolly's Hot and Sticky, the Cougar phero is a good match for it....
  22. I am addicted to LP Black, personally! But, I like it better in oil than in spray (although I DO have both)....
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