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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OH yeah, cops can do that.....they have given more than one woman that sexy swing in her step.....and some reported having naughty dreams too...... WELCOME to the forum!!!
  2. I have multiple bottles of this.....it plays beautifully with my skin chemistry.....
  3. I was wearing this today and I just love love love it......the scent is so sexy it just puts you right in the spotlight and the dom phero keeps you large and in charge..... I posted this in the potion of the day thread, right after I applied it this morning.....thought I should put my comment here too..... I think this one could also be called...."I'm sexy as hell and not only do you know it, you had better REMEMBER it!"
  4. Dolly

    Tee is back

    Welcome back Tee!!!
  5. WOW, what a list! LOL....don't be ashamed! I think my first large order was longer than that! Good list to start with, for sure! The ones with Open Windows and Treasured Hearts are really good for increasing communication and bonding.....as for the sexual ones, you chose some of the best ones! The LAM, BAM, and OCCO are staples in my stash.....and sexpionage....wow, talk about a biting, clothes-ripping good time! LOL Welcome to the forum, and enjoy your new addiction!
  6. Wicked, most definitely.....need samples of several others, too.....
  7. I want some of the Drive-By-Fruiting with Open Windows.....that would be FAB
  8. Mine too.....he loves the dominant blends on me....
  9. First thing to remember.....not all blends will work for every person as intended. Sometimes you may get wild crazy results with a particular blend, and other blends, not so much. Second, unscented specifically means no scent added. But yes, most phero blends have a smell....some light, some strong, some.... When cops dry down on me, they aren't that bad....smells kind of like over-ripe fruit. and while that doesn't bother me, it may bother others.....in fact, it may actually REPEL others. Try to use a cover scent.....find one that your hubby likes.....one that will encourage him to lean in and sniff..... Also, it sounds like you may be going heavy-handed with it.....we call it the "ghosting" effect.....people are ambivalent and almost dismissing or ignoring you.....start slowly and work up......often you will find that a "less is more" approach works best. Last, you didn't specify if you were wearing it around anyone other than you man, but just be aware that you may not want to wear Blatant Invitation out in public. It is a highly sexual blend, and depending on who you are wearing it around, it could be sending the wrong signal and giving off the wrong vibe. So anyway, welcome to the forum, ask questions, and read the phero forums and journals.....my journal is especially loaded with phero reports.....LOL....enjoy!!
  10. Sometimes if you try cops straight up and cover with a too-light scent, you will get cops bleed-through. Cover with a heavy enough scent and it isn't an issue after drydown.
  11. Mara has some spray set-ups which are the easiest way to do a spray....it is pre-measured so you can just pour the bottle of scent/phero/whatever in it. I have mixed unscented pheros with scents tons of times. But for me, I like a larger ratio of phero to scent..... that is because the Un pheros are already in a carrier. I like my Un pheros in silicone generally, and I will mix them 50/50 (IF IT IS NON-STINKY). They have to be shaken every time because of the silicone, but that is just the nature of the beast. Now EoW, or a cop-loaded blend is different.....start with a few drops, give it at least 24 hrs for the EoW to bloom, and then add more if desired.
  12. Yep, Mara has the spray set-ups.....I think she put those on the artfire page......
  13. I agree. I wouldn't be using pheros while pregnant.....except for maybe a few copulins (EoW)......not really pheros, after all. As far as your Mother-in-law, I think you and your sweetie need to have a talk, and she needs to take a step back!
  14. I was just over on Artfire, and it looks like there is some available. Get 'em while you can! I made this into a spray, because it is just the absolute PERFECT summer scent! I also layered it with a light, single-note Honeysuckle oil that I have had for YEARS, and it is FAB together!
  15. Always test more than once! Many things can play a part in your skin chemistry and how it reacts with a scent. Changes in your diet, hormonal cycle, etc can really change things. Sometimes, simply letting a scent age a bit and then trying it again can also make a difference. I have kicked myself in the behind more than once for letting a scent go after trying it just once or twice.
  16. Wearing this one today.....feeling like.....well, like a sexpot! To me, this one smells like something a very exotic pinup girl would wear.....not one of the prissy, girly ones.....one of the "bad girls".....you know, one of the ones who looks like she knows what she wants, and knows EXACTLY how to get it!
  17. Love love love it! Will probably wear it today, in fact! It is right up my alley.....very glad I got multiple bottles!
  18. You're very welcome! It is very easy to get over-excited when starting out.....ask questions.....ALWAYS! That is what we are here for!
  19. You don't smell the cops, but trust me, there is an ASSLOAD in there, as it is an OCCO. Be very VERY careful when wearing in public, as things can get strange (and sometimes dangerous if you come across the wrong person) very quickly. I have been using pheros for about 10 years now (the exact date escapes my old brain at the moment), and generally, I only go heavy with cops in public if I am purposely testing, and it is normally when my man is with me. You may not see odd reactions, but trust me, you ARE sending the heavy-duty sex signals. Read this thread that I posted way back in 2009..... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3155 Not trying t tell you what to do.....just telling you to be careful..... And I agree with the other ladies.....would NOT wear SLF to a crowded sports arena.....totally not the right venue!
  20. I have found that I can melt a whole one, and re-use it. Scent is not nearly as strong (and I am pretty sure the pheros are gone after the first melt), but it is still strong enough to put off scent.....
  21. Exactly.....Cuddle Bunny was one of the blends created with a TON of cops......
  22. It doesn't have much of one. I can wear it without cover with no issues.
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