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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly


    I still have a partial bottle.....this was really good for the appetite control for me. I rolled a bit on the backs of my hands, and when I would feel like I wanted to start munching, I would just take a couple big sniffs.......it is fresh and minty, kind of like chewing gum.....I really like it!
  2. Dolly

    Spark in the Dark

    Trying this one today.....very unusual......very nice though......my skin is amping something that is very perfumey in the beginning.....guess I will see how it ages on me...... OK, so almost 30 minutes in.......this has turned soft and powdery and very pretty, but with a distinct depth of character..... Almost 5 hrs after application, I can barely smell this. It has faded away to a mild powdery-amber scent. In another hour or so, I estimate that the scent will be completely gone.
  3. LOL......very fitting name for it! My man loves it.....wearing it again tonight, along with nothing else but a great big smile!!!
  4. Mara had told us that she will continue to make it as long as there is demand for it.
  5. Glad I got this unsniffed and ordered 2 (YES I SAID TWO) more bottles after I tried it this morning! My man got within 3 feet of me, and started sniffing the air (I had re-applied about 30 min before he got home)......he gets right up to me, huffs (DEEPLY), says......"OOOOOOOOH, I LIKE that one!!!!!!" Repeated huffing has ensued.......
  6. If pheros are getting on your clothing, I would say they do need to be cleaned more often. Pheros on skin are different than pheros on clothing. On clothing, they can really stick around, whether you want them to or not.
  7. OK, after wearing for several hours, I get a little ginger.....not much, but it reminds me of Empress of Persica.....
  8. Never tried Vicars and Tarts. To me it smells like I jumped in a bowl of fruit salad, but I get no scents other than fruit. I don't get Ginger, Patch, Vanilla, or Cocoa. Just fruit. Well, let me sniff again......after drydown.....I get a HINT of vanilla. Almost like the essence of vanilla, but not heavy......
  9. Oh, it is definitely working on me! I am loving it! Perfect cover for the cops, and I am not getting sugary-sweet either. Just fruity goodness!
  10. OK, I am soooooooo getting some more of this! On me, it is fruity without being too overly foody......just fresh ripe fruit. Like a fruit salad. Absolutely perfect for summer!
  11. Not sure how much A-nol is in SoE, but Tabby is not A-nol heavy. Tabby has the Dominance blend in it. Not everybody can wear Dominance with good results, so you may want to analyze what the reactions were. It may just be that Dom isn't for you.
  12. I haven't tried the Pink Amber (pink scents don't normally do well on me), but the Original (Vanilla sugar, and Honey) is very light and absolutely beautiful.
  13. I have both, actually. I turned one original scent, one Sandalwood, and 1/2 bottle of brown sugar into spray (I don't use the brown sugar very often)......I use whichever one I am "feeling" at the moment, depending on the circumstances.....for instance, if my man is across the room, and I want to draw him in, I will apply oil and then spray on top.....gets him every time.......<evil grin>
  14. Glad I could help! Hugs to you Gabby!
  15. Every time I wear LAM, I just go back to the thoughts of "it doesn't get much better than this". SERIOUSLY. The phero potency rocks, and the scents are just enough to cover any phero funkiness....I have been reaching for the LAM blends SO MUCH lately. They are just.....well.....PERFECT. Yes, I like to play with the more complex phero blends, but this one is simple and basic, and gets the job done. Love it. If you are new and don't have LAM yet, GET IT.
  16. Once again, Mara I cannot thank you enough for re-brewing this! It is a little heavier on the florals than the original, but it is already losing a lot of the "sharpness" that it first had........I think one of the reasons I love this one so much is that it is one heavily floral blend that doesn't go whacko with my skin chemistry! So many of them do, but this one is absolutely beeeeeeeeeautiful on me.......it does bring back memories of the beach for me......it is more of a "feeling" of the beach than the scent of it though......
  17. OK, so since I have not put a hiatus on buying EoW......I had to buy a full bottle of OCCO Ambrosia.....after all....OCCO is ALMOST the same as EoW......<<<<rationalizing>>>> And a couple of samples for this month......Mara, you're killing my pocketbook!
  18. Try it in the oil base, xev. I mixed some of mine with alcohol and it does change it. The P & D in oil is different than Red and Black layered....I get a lot more cinnamon and spice than resinous feel. And the oil is a bit "smoother" than the alcohol-blended one.
  19. Yeah, it is usually a good idea to put away the ones that don't work and try them later.....you never know what may change in your body chemistry and it might work! Passion and Desire is absolutely FAB....love it!
  20. It is something else. It is an ingredient in many hair conditioners (it smoothes the hair shaft), and is also the ingredient in dry oil spray that gives it that dry, silky feeling. In a phero roll-on from LP, you need to shake bottle before use, because it separates, but it also imparts a very light silky feel to the roll-on, in contrast to the heavier/slightly oily feel from DPG .
  21. Well, in short....alcohol diffuses quickly.....and more so if you live in a hot climate. Alcohol base is best used for those blends that you want to go far and wide! Alcohol/DPG will diffuse slower, which is useful for people like me who live in the south. It keeps the alcohol from burning off so quickly and makes it wear longer. Alcohol/silicone is only slightly longer wear time than alcohol, but shorter than alcohol/DPG (DPG, simply put, is oil). Silicone diffuses quicker than DPG, and it is actually one of my faves, as it has a nice moderate diffusion rate. If the blend is not a stinky one, I will apply a silicone-based phero on top of my oil-based scent. The stinky ones have to dry down and be covered, though. I also find that the silicone-based blends dry down quicker than the DPG based ones. If the blend is sexual, you would want it to stick closer to your body, so for those blends you may want to go with oil. Alcohol base is really good for social blends, but I do often get the alcohol/oil mix as well to help it not burn off so quickly because I live in the south. The main thing is to remember that not every phero blend will work for every person, so it may not be the base. The phero blends are really not "one size fits all", so you may need to switch up and try a different blend. For instance, if you like the Red Lace, you could get an Unscented Lace spray and use it with your choice of scent (and the amount of scent you are comfortable with as well). You would simply apply a little bit of the oil scent and spray the unscented Lace on top.....or in your hair, or wherever you wish.
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