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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. 20 is nowhere near out of line......I don't even want to talk about how many samples I have!!!!
  2. Dolly

    Another Newbie

    And Eggers, we are a very frank and open bunch here.....if you haven't noticed already! LOL but, I will tell you what I have told some of the other newbies.....if you have an issue with pheros that you don't feel comfortable speaking about on an open forum, grab the email addy that is in my profile. Just be aware that I only check that email about once a week, so if it is something that you need to know quickly, it may not be of much use.....but, I am around if you need help!!!
  3. Dolly

    Another Newbie

    That will work....we will be the best smelling bag ladies on the beach!!!
  4. Dolly

    Another Newbie

    I think a good start would be as Luna said.....use them for personal time first.....let him get used to your new phero signature......then when you go out, wear a killer mix....Super Sexy or Cougar, whichever he responds better to......you can add some cops, but in public, go easy on them, keep them in an oil blend close to your body, and NEVER PUT COPS IN THE HAIR .....you will never get it out.....you will end up smelling like a coochy-head.....seriously.....and again.....ask me how I know!!! LOLOLOL
  5. Dolly

    Another Newbie

    Yeah, and I have been a stink bomb too! But sexy as hell......LOLOLOLOLOLOL...... Seriously, cops were the first phero I ever used, almost 10 years ago.....and I have used a LOT of cops.....I have even worn them to the small-town grocery store near my house WITHOUT a cover scent, just for the sake of testing.....that was funny! I like Treasured Hearts too.....Open Windows is a good mood lifter.....found out that it works to relieve my killer headaches too.....
  6. Dolly

    Another Newbie

    Welcome Eggers! I am a little late to the party......I'm not much older than you.....just turned 44 in August...... I second what Mara said about trying the scented copulin mixes first. Unscented cops are tough to get the hang of for a first-timer.....ask me how I know! Cougar is a good sexy/social blend, as is Super Sexy for Women.....wear one of those during the day......then at night you could add a scented OCCO......and YOWZA!
  7. I concur with my lovely friend Calii.....and I have been using for many years....I have tried many many MANY phero products.....I even used some products that were so "iffy" that they are no longer on the market. The ones here at LP give the most consistent results, all the time! Let me give you a word of advice where it comes to pheros.....in case you have never used any.....you may come across a product that gives ladies here FAB results, but your results may be less than stellar. This could mean two things.....(1) You may need to use more or less to get a good result (sometimes you kind of have to tweak the amount to see what works for you).....or (2) The blend may just not work good with your chemistry or with your target. Prime example.....Lace and I do not get along....it goes totally against my personality.....I am more of a Leather girl.......also, my man can react VERY poorly to a blend that is heavy on the Est, if not paired with something more dominant....most men react well to Est, but I have found out that mine (and I think Beccah's too).....not so much! It is not to say that those blends are "bad"....they are just not for me.....pheros are not "one size fits all", and we all need something different! Don't get discouraged if you don't get the results you want right out of the gate....part of the fun is in the playing.....
  8. That is the way things go here. If you find a scent that you truly love, stock up! Mara, John, and the elves create 10-12 new scents every month, and do only the occasional rebrew. Due to the fact that there are no chemical stabilizers, rebrews may not even smell exactly like the original. The ones that are permanent are the LAM/BAM/OCCO lines, the original PheroGirl, LP Original, Red, Black, Pink. But, Miss Cherie pointed out the illustrious trade page! Good place to get scents that may not have worked for others......I have found many treasures there!!
  9. If you want to add extra pheros to an already enhanced perfume, you can do that, but I would suggest calling Mara to discuss if you want the exact ratios. I will tell you this.....I have been using pheros for almost 10 yrs now, and have used almost every supplier's products that are on the market. The ones sold by LP are some of the most potent, high-quality pheros you can get. And the scents are DIVINE! The LAM and BAM line is very popular, and comes in a sampler set.....the OCCO line does as well. LAM and BAM are very lightly scented, and the OCCOs have stronger perfumes. These are basic blends that are really good to start with. The unscented pheros don't come in sample sizes, but the phero enhanced perfumes do. As far as the perfumes go, samples are really the best way to go, because every person's skin chemistry will be different, and the scents will vary depending on that......I always suggest that newbies get the Love Potion sampler set so you can try some of the permanent line....LP Original, Red, Black, Pink......they are really luscious and can give you an idea of how wonderful and varied the scents here can be! You can also order a scent that doesn't have pheros added and have Mara boost it for you with the pheros of your choice.....one of my favorite floral/fruity blends just came out in a new edition, and that is Mermaids of Atlantis 2012....love it! I think I would suggest a LAM sampler, OCCO sampler, and the LP sampler.....this would cover your bases and give you lots of goodies to try! OH and WELCOME to the forum!!!!
  10. The only description I can give for the seaweed note is "tangy"......kind of hard to describe.....it is seaweedy......
  11. OH yes, absolutely! Your description was FAB Luna!!! As always!!
  12. OH I will be sure to leave one for you! You will love it!
  13. Well, Liz, it is different from the dark resins that you and I normally go for. BUT, its not foody (my man doesn't care for those, and I don't much either).....It is fruity and floral without being screaming floral.....and the seaweed gives it that extra little SUMPTIN'...... I love it for when I need something a bit lighter.....I can't be deep and dark all the time! I really think you will love it.....after all, you and I do have similar tastes and skin chemistry.....
  14. Mermaids of Atlantis 2012 One of our perennial bestsellers since its introduction in 2004…all the magical seductive allure of those daughters of La Mer: a lush floral bouquet of water lily, plumaria, gardenia, magnolia and lotus, with fresh green accents of Hawaiian maile leaf & vines, cucumber and bamboo, drowned in sea moss and bladderwrack and sweetened with a tropical twist of pineapple, mango and coconut. Each full-sized bottle contains the mermaid's treasure in the form of a pearl. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: WATER LILY ~ Purity of heart. PLUMERIA ~ Love, strong ingredient for love spells. GARDENIA ~ Mood elevator; powerfully 'magnetic' for women, enhances visage, love, passion, peace, healing, spirituality. MAGNOLIA ~ Nobility. Psychic enhancer; inspires peace and harmony; fidelity. MELONS ~ Water magic, fertility HAWAIIAN MAILE LEAF & VINES ~ Wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection, protection, sex, divination, healing, stamina. BAMBOO ~ Protection, hex breaking, luck and wishes, fertility, wisdom, feminine energy. BLADDERWRACK and SEA MOSS ~ Protection, money, psychic powers, sea spells. CUCUMBER ~ Healing, fertility, abundance, invigorating. PINEAPPLE ~ Draws money and luck; chastity, protection. MANGO ~ Increases male libido, spiritually elevating. COCONUT ~ Chastity, protection, purification, receptivity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, everybody, go ahead and hate me....I got mine early! I love the remake! Mara had told me that it came out a bit different, but......... Well, any of you who are familiar with the original....in the bottle and on the skin wet, you probably will be able to tell the difference....it smells sharper and a bit stronger....it is easier to distinguish between the individual notes.....BUT, I put them on side by side to compare....well, actually, the new one on one arm and the old one on the other. After dry down, I seriously could not tell the difference! I think aging will probably soften the new one.... In any event, it is absolutely, drop to your knees gorgeous! I get all watery florals and fruits, along with that tangy seaweedy note as in the original.....covers cops PERFECTLY, by the way! The label is perfect, and the little pearl in the bottle is the prettiest little touch! OH AND MARA, if they don't fly out the door at record speed, will you please save me a couple of extra bottles? I didn't want to clog up your email while you are having 'puter problems!
  15. They all look FAB Mara! wish I coudl afford the sampler, but after Christmas and all my pre-tax season expenses, I am tapped out! Guess I'll have to live vicariously through everybody else! BUT, I do have my Mermaids 2012, which I am popping over to review right now!
  16. Dolly

    This is different

    Sometimes, but more often they do not....the lovelies at LP create 10-12 new scents each month, and they are usually all new. Sometimes, if a scent is very popular, is not too difficult to re-create, and the ingredients are available, Mara will re-brew it. This doesn't happen often, however. Some of the permanent scents are LP Black, Red, Pink, Original, LP #9, Sugared Honeycomb, PheroGirl (I think this one is permanent), and then the scents in the LAM, BAM, and OCCO lines.....then there are some that have had 1 or 2 re-brews done, and each brew can vary a bit.....BUT that is just the nature of perfumes that are not chemically stabilized or duped. The best option is that if you or your wife fall in love with something and feel like you never want to be without it, STOCK UP!
  17. Dolly

    This is different

    Lets see....for my man.....that would have to be Super for Men (OMG.....if you don't want pheros, that would be UN......sexy sexy sexy), Bodice Ripper, and hmmmmm....I guess my third would be one another one that has pheros......Dad......it is not so much sexy, but is fresh and clean-smelling. Sexy in a different way, I guess...... Trust me though....get the Super For Men with the pheros, and your lady will be ripping your clothes off....possibly with her TEETH..... OK.....wait, is it hot in here? WHEW.....OK, little breather.....LOL.....for me, hmmmmm.......many of my faves are sold out, so I'll go with the ones that aren't..... LP Black--#1 fave--totally dark and sexy--either by itself or paired with OCCO Black (NOCO is the unpheroed version of that) NOX--my man has started really liking this one on me......I want to try it on him one of these days....it is dark and deep and comforting...... For #3, hmmmm.......lately it has been Mermaids of Atlantis....this one is coming back in a rebrew and is fruity and watery florals.....and seaweed......mmmmmm..... If you liked Bodice Ripper, you may want to try Velvet Moss.....I haven't tried it on my man, but I do plan on it....definitely a unisex scent.....
  18. Dolly

    This is different

    Welcome Jones! Looks like you have quite a list growing there! Of your list, LP Original, Black, Red (and maybe PheroGirl), are all part of the permanent line, so they are great for people who want to have a permanent backup in case one that they love sells out. I have LP Black and OCCO Black (and OCCO White) for that purpose! Welcome again! And dive right in!!!
  19. Well, my man has a history of inconsistent reactions with Est heavy blends unless I wear it with something more dominant. From the look of the ingredients, it should feel more dominant to me than it does, but maybe because I am already alpha....don't know.....but I don't think I am willing to give this one a go with him again. It was totally unwarranted, no other stressors, the only thing it could have been was the pheros......I like the self-effects, though....for days when he is NOT around.....
  20. Self-effects second use----> out with my 13 yr old Christmas shopping. People smiling and happy. A stockgirl at Walgreens offered to call around to area stores to find an item that I wanted. Called me to tell me they found it and will have it for me in a couple of days. Everybody happy and helpful. Came home and SHOWERED thoroughly before my man gets here. Don't think I can take another ugly scene. Tonight I am wearing OCCO Black straight up.
  21. OK, so I wore Audacious again TODAY......let's recap..... Self effects-----> first use....a desire to get down to business but still happy and fun and flirty.....got distracted easily by the urge to have a good time! didn't get as much done as I wanted to..... My man-----> eh, not so much! The first time, he was kind of indifferent, even though we had no kids, and I was wearing a splash of Mermaids and a splash of EoW..... OK, so during the weekend, I didn't wear it anymore.....went back to Leather and cops.....good weekend! Monday, went back to Audacious.....it got ugly, totally out of character for him......we can have arguments and disagreements, but he doesn't get UGLY and right down MEAN....he did this time.....I need to know how much Est is in this! Wanted to make sure it was the pheros, so the next day, I wore a LITTLE Audacious, and tried to smooth over the previous days' issue....no go! Wednesday, showered and scrubbed THOROUGHLY, went with Leather and extra cops, better, yesterday Dom and extra cops....all is good again. Loving emails and phone calls and sweet nothings.....as if nothing happened....
  22. Well, I am test-driving Audacious in spray today, which should be interesting..... dealing with lots of different people today....wearing it with Mermaids as a cover....... Edit----> self-effects.....hmmmm......I never could wear Lace (made me feel ditzy and totally OFF), I rock Leather, and I love my Dom (I never was one of the ones to get bitchy on the -none....well, not bitchier than usual! LOL!) My first impression of this one is that it is somewhere between Leather and Lace...so what would that make it? Firm yet flexible....keeps it all together....but still fun? Maybe we could call it SPANDEX! HAHAHAHAHA OK, so anywhoo......I applied one spray to each side of the neck, one to chest, and one spray to each wrist....these were sprays from the to-go size, BTW..... So, I was like telling myself, "OK, gotta get to work, lots to do today.....get down to business." Then I start thinking about what kind of fun things my man wants to do this weekend, because we don't have any of the kids. Then I start dancing to the music I was listening to while working....Yes, DANCING. Up out of the chair, dancing around my office....good thing I work ALONE. GEEEEEZ Let's see what the rest of the day brings!
  23. See, if he were like my man, Cuddle Bunny would be a big mistake.....has had some really bad reactions to high doses of Est.......he also doesn't care for Lace on me.....he prefers the Leather. I have worn alpha blends from the first time I met him....I know my man is one of the oddballs, but they are out there..... TG, I say to wear whatever puts you in your element. If that is Leather, go for it. Like I have said before.....BE YOU.....ON STEROIDS......you'll blow him away.....
  24. I not only rub vigorously, I also shake the bottle before I apply.....that is because I like the resinous scents, and some just smell deeper and better after shaking.
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