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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Ain't that the truth?! I have made the first move more than a few times......
  2. Yeah, me too......I get younger men (and boys) falling all over themselves, but with the older men and women, I get more of a "popularity" vibe.....
  3. Yeah, a lot of women say that other women can get bitchy if one wears too many cops....some younger ladies have reported actual fights occurring. I think it is more common in situations where there are men around as well, and the women sense the cops as a signal of "competition". I have only seen the claws come out when I am cop-laden and at parties where there is a mixed group of men and women (and even then, it is not EVERY time, either)......if it is just women, I normally don't have any issues....sometimes I do get the "what is that smell?" comments, but other than that, if there are no males to "compete" for, no prob......
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......that's my twin for sure! I love love love OCCO Black.....and I love it even more paired with LP Black......if my man didn't like the dark scents, I'd just have to say....."Too bad, I'm wearing them ANYWAY, get over it!" But then, I'm just a bitch like that.....LOL Thankfully, he can appreciate most of my dark scents, and he has figured out recently that he really likes OCCO Black all by itself.....
  5. Excellent Tyvey! Glad it helped! Some people say you CANNOT OD on cops, but I know, FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that you can......and now you know that, too......looks like you have found your "sweet spot".....
  6. HAHAHAHAHAAAAA.......I had to giggle at this.....it IS a very true statement! I like Open Windows......happy, upbeat, approachable......definitely not an intimidating aura at all.....
  7. Yeah, depending on how much you are wearing and how well they are diffusing, yeah.....chances are pretty good that they are being affected.....
  8. That is my man to a T! He loves the attitude.....and he is definitely a ta-ta man!!
  9. My man really likes Dad especially for work.....and he loves Bodice Ripper for "sexy times".....his first sniff of Bodice Ripper was funny.....he thought it was too feminine, but after about 5 min it melded into one of the sexiest manly smells imaginable.....he couldn't stop sniffing himself, and asked me to order him 2 bottles. Another option would be to maybe ask Mara to do a PE similar to the sold out Bad Boy.....my man likes that one too.....sexy but quite subdued and unobtrusive.....he has 3 bottles of that one, I think......
  10. Wild and hot.....but definitely NOT mechanical in my experience. As Luna said, more "animalistic"......this blend is definitely becoming one of my faves.....want to turn up the heat on a situation? Use some Sexpionage! I also noticed that after a night or two of using it, the next day "lust factor" was triggered in my man.....lots of naughty phone calls and texts.....
  11. Me too Beccah.....I think that your TT and my man both have similar responses to high doses of untempered Est.....I have to wear it paired with something more dominant. Sexpionage DEFINITELY gets a response....
  12. Yes, what happened to her was quite a shock, and a wake up call to our little circle of friends, most of us who were using cops with abandon on a regular basis..... Most of those signals are the same "signals of attraction" that we have heard for years......I knew what they were, but finally had to see them to see what they LOOKED like......when a man looks at you and then quickly looks away, for instance....some men will try PURPOSELY to make sure you don't catch them being interested, acting all aloof......getting nervous or fidgety (shifting their weight around repeatedly if they are sitting down) or when they are standing, they may appear to be shifting their weight quickly from foot to foot (actually, I think they are trying to inconspicuously adjust their "package") .....or, some will not even hide it and will obviously be looking at you like you are naked..... some will react to the testosterone spike just by being overly aggressive. For instance, if you meet someone new and you think that they are just an agressive jerk, think about how the cops/pheros you are wearing may be contributing. The real problem arises if you are wearing these dosages and encounter an already unbalanced (or on the edge) personality......the testosterone spike may push him over the edge and cause him to do something he may not do. I have had happily married men make passes or flat out proposition me (of course I turned them down), and most of them ended up apologizing about it later...... Everybody's dosage is different.....you will know you are in the OD range when people start avoiding you....like you have this invisible barrier around you.....some start to treat you like you are invisible....and some women can get excessively bitchy with you..... Just be safe but have fun!!
  13. Great Job tyvey! I will add some of the others.... --Dominance--just as the name implies, makes you ready to "kick ass and take names".....I wear this one for work when I am dealing with "difficult" male clients. I am already a dominant type, and sometimes they want to challenge me, but this makes them back down, like RIGHT NOW, and do exactly as I say. --Sexpionage--SEX SEX SEX! This one is loaded with cops and A-nol, but it also has Androstenone, which has been known by some of us long time users to take a sexual encounter in a more animalistic direction. THIS IS NOT ONE THAT SHOULD BE USED FOR DAILY WEAR! --True Confessions--you will be a blabbermouth. You may say things that you don't want/need to say. If you want someone else to open up to you, but don't want it to affect you, put it away from your face (back of neck, wrists, backs of hands, etc) --G2--very good for girl/girl relationships, promotoes female bonding and good vibes --Leather/Lace--everybody will have their faves, and you MUST try them to find out which suits you better. For me, also a dominant type, leather puts me in my element. I rock it, and everybody knows this. It is obvious. Lace, not so much. Lace makes me feel a bit ditsy and not in control. My man does not like the lace aura on me either, but he loves the leather vibe. OK, a word about copulins (aka cops) since you are more of a newbie. Tyvey says they cause horniness. YES, and they do that in men by causing a testosterone spike. This has been scientifically proven. That said, this can cause widely varied, sometimes unexpected, and sometimes scary reactions in some men. If you choose to wear them during the daytime hours, out in public, you MUST be prepared for the unexpected. Read this post in my journal, which is specifically about copulin usage...... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3155 Hope this helps! Enjoy!!
  14. Oh yeah, I have the unscented Sexpionage and it is HOT! But, I know the scent of Compromising Positions just won't work.....my man has told me more than once that he doesn't find foody scents sexy at all.....
  15. OK, definitely want some unscented PP......not quite sure about the WTL scent, because my skin chemistry tends to completely adulterate some florals.....so far (after about 30 min), it smells quite nice.....I'm not getting any loud screaming florals, so we shall see.....will update after wearing for a while.....
  16. So, I applied this one to test the scent, and kept saying to myself "that smells like something VERY familiar"......WHAT IS THAT? And then someone mentioned cream cheese in this thread! Bingo! It is a Mardi Gras King Cake! They are a pastry with various fillings, and my favorite one is the one with cream cheese......it smells exactly like this! It is a lovely scent, and I will try it around my man, but I am pretty sure he won't like it.....he really does not like foody scents....whenever I wear one, he says...."Well, it is not foul, but I really don't care for it." So, this is one of those that is very pretty and very nicely done, but it's just not my type of scent......
  17. This was my take on it as well, Luna. It is nice and fresh, but it just isn't something I would wear often, unless I were still working in an office setting with lots of people (and not wanting to smell overly-perfumed).....it is just a little bright for my personal tastes.....
  18. OK, so this one is very close to the original on me, until drydown.....after drydown, it gets pretty bright.....I think it is orange blossom I am smelling, but I haven't checked the ingredients list, so I'm not sure......but it definitely is brighter and a tad sweeter on my skin than the original......it is nice though! Ok, it IS orange blossom! I thought so.....my skin almost always amps it.....but, I like it!
  19. Finally getting around to reviewing some of the new scents! This one is very VERY nice.....very addicting as well....it is one f those that I just want to sniff and sniff and have a hard time detaching my wrist from my nose!! It is the exact type of scent that I enjoy.....incensey, woodsy, smoky.....I like!!
  20. What she said.....SS4M is a BIG trigger for me......BOOM!
  21. Sexpionage.....oh yeah! It did exactly what I thought it would! I used it yesterday, covered with OCCO Black.....Lots of flirtation and inuendos from a man who came home from work exhausted......BUT, in the end, was I ravished? OH YEAH! Did it get a bit animalistic? Absolutely! I was expecting that, from the ingredients......the cops always affect him like that......a-nol helps perk him up and get rid of some of the "grumpies"........and, with the right man, androstenone can shift things over to the "wild side".....my man is definitely one of those......surprised I can walk this morning!
  22. Here's a tip.....try turning it into a spray.....Mara sells the DIY kits in the gift shop.....a bottle with alcohol and a label.....jump dump in the bottle of pheros.....I have turned SEVERAL of my roll-ons into sprays....works great! And with the CPS added to the alcohol, it still diffuses very well, but the CPS keeps it from burning off too quickly.....
  23. Sexology I was hit or miss with my man, so I did not order v2 except as in my sampler.....may give it a run in a few days just to check the scent if for no other reason..... BUUUUUT, that said, I have to agree with your "wear it anyway" tactic......I do that all the time! But, I am also one of those who when somebody says......"What's that SMELL?" I jump up and say...."ME! And isn't it GREAT?" hehehehe Which usually gets my man talking about my perfume smelling like ass when it's wet.....we have such fun with pheros.....
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