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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. No, I don't believe that OW has Est....I THINK it is just A-Nol, B-Nol, and Epi-Androsterone......
  2. YES on the leather.....and, on the other question, I would say "Open Windows", definitely! Very uplifting and happy! LOVE IT!
  3. Red works perfectly amped with cops.....it hides them wonderfully......I amped the bottle I had......
  4. That is a shame! I personally don't get much honeycomb from LP Black....just deep dark sexiness.....totally yummy! With P & D, I don't get much honeycomb either.......my skin amps the brown sugar & cinnamon......love it!
  5. The scented one is really nice too.....fresh and bright....
  6. OH yeah, it is great! And for those of you who have kids.....it removes Magic Markers too! My son came home the other day with blue marker halfway up his arm, and I was even resorting to a gentle nail polish remover, which wasn't working very well.....he got in the shower, and I told him to use that soap, and it took it all off!
  7. It sure does! You and I are "in the dark" around here, huh? I think I am gonna buy a couple bottles unsniffed.....just because I can envision what it smells like!!
  8. OH, he does that, ALWAYS!! And, repeatedly! LOL
  9. I think I'm going to have to buy vats of Fade to Black.....based on description alone, it sounds like one for me!!
  10. Well, maybe "putting him into orbit" around me might be a better metaphor.....no matter what I am doing, I am the center of his attentions.....whether I am braiding my hair or drinking a glass of water, or what.....he stops what he is doing and watches me, enthralled. Hanging on every word, every movement......he compliments how I look, how I walk, how I .....well, you get the picture!
  11. You should try LP Black with OCCO Black.....OMG
  12. It absolutely, positively sounds like you were in OD land!!! I echo what everybody else is saying.....my man LOVES dominant women......I am already a dominant personality.....if I wear a "softer" phero, I get hit and miss results....sometimes good, sometimes just "meh", sometimes NOT good.....with dominant pheros, ALWAYS good results, and I do mean ALWAYS. BI gives me excellent results, but with LEATHER, I can spin him like a top.......literally.....
  13. ME EITHER! I am going to be ordering multiple bottles of Leather for sure!! Love love love it! As for the new releases, I am getting the sampler......too hard to choose!!!
  14. What about Dirty Sexy? In the gallon size.....LOLOLOLOLOL......LOVE it....it should be called Dirty SEXXXXAAAAAYYYYY......
  15. Yes, the scents from here are like that when you first start wearing them.....you keep wondering what smells so good, and then you have that WOW moment when you realize that it is YOU. WELCOME to the forum, by the way! Looking forward to hearing more from you!!
  16. Actually the alcohol was a little less than half of the 1 oz finished bottle. It had both the unscented focus and the focus boosted Hathor.....that is why I said it was almost a 2X, speaking STRICTLY of phero content (each of the oil-based bottles were at a 1X strength).....it sprayed fine, and didn't burn off very quick either.....I like this one!
  17. Are you talking about the Focus Pocus scented potion? I really like it, but the scent didn't last very long on me (my skin drank it......lol).....the one I used for this mix was the unscented......
  18. Well, tomorrow has been dubbed "Dominance Day" (because of the butt-head client that I have to deal with), but I am going to try this blend some more! I have the bottle sitting right here on my desk!!
  19. Try getting some CPS (D5) from the ladies to spray or rub on your skin prior to application.....it may help delay the skin chemistry issue.....
  20. So, I had a bottle of Hathor that was boosted with Focus Potion.....worked nicely for a little nudge in the concentration department. Well, lately, I got a bottle of Focus Potion (unscented) in oil.....I decided to play a little......I took a DIY pre-loaded alcohol bottle, and first poured the alcohol out into another container.......then I poured in the bottle of Focus, and about half of the bottle of Hathor boosted with Focus.....filled it up with alcohol (had a little bit of alcohol left over.....I'm sure I'll find something to play with)......talk about FOCUS! Like a laser beam.....I put two blasts directly on my chest.....WOWZA.....I was churning out the work.....I am liking this......tax season is a GOOOOOOOOD time to test it! The alcohol added JUST ENOUGH diffusion to get it up into my face without having to huff my wrist (which I am guilty of doing anyway, because I smell so damn good)...... Those of you who have not tested Focus, but think you need it.....I would go with like a 2X bottle of spray.....that is almost what I have.....seriously, this is some good sh*t! Spray turns it into a very powerful animal......
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