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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Oh, that is sad about CC and your chemistry....I WOULD CRY! CC is lovely on me....as is Spontaneous Combustion.....OOOOOH, I think it would be great with Sugared French Vanilla!
  2. Maybe you could try layering it with one of the creamier vanilla-based ones like Constant Cravings or the like....
  3. Those are the two that I am waiting for as well....I will need AT LEAST 3 or 4 bottles of each one!!
  4. I just got my (multiple) bottles of this one.....it is FABULOUS! Going to spring the leather-amped one on my sweetie this evening! I have, OF COURSE, added cops also.....BIG SURPRISE <evil laugh>
  5. GO YOU!! If you want a happier vibe, add some A-nol (like LAM, which has cops too).....I would stick with the leather....seems it is doing the right stuff!
  6. GO FOR IT! My man loves the fragrances here, and is beginning to get into the pheros....he has been very pleased....
  7. I am glad that you have found a method that works for you....I have some of the mini-atomizers from here at LP that I use for travel, but I am not measuring pheros etc myself......I prefer to leave the measuring and dosing of my pheros to the experts.... I still stand by my original statement that you will not find better, more cost-effective pheros on the market than the ones here.....and I have used them ALL, I think.... And, I wholeheartedly agree with Mara that many many times, especially in pheros, less is more......
  8. Liam, I think that part of Mara's post here answers part of your concerns, and I have snipped her post to include only the parts I am talking about (and highlighted some of it in red), but let me try to clarify for you...... If you are new to pheros, then the mcg in a bottle is not necessarily going to assist you....here is why..... Imagine that you have 2 bottles of phero spray. One has 1000 mcg per 30 ml and one has 6000 mcg per 30 ml (and the 6000 mcg bottle (IF THAT IS A CORRECT FIGURE, WHICH I DOUBT HIGHLY) would cost you a whole lot more). Imagine that the 1000 mcg gives you stellar results (the best results EVER) with ONE spray......using the 6000 mcg bottle is NOT going to give you better results .....you are WASTING pheros (thus wasting money).....Because HOW are you going to spray on LESS than one spray of the 6000 mcg bottle to get to the same dosage? Are you following my train of thought? Mara's statement about diminishing returns is absolutely correct. I have been using pheros for MANY years (about 7 now, I think)....I know it to be a very true statement....
  9. Does "singing like a canary" tell you anything? He blabbed about EVERYTHING that I wanted to know.....and ravished me THOROUGHLY afterwards.....left here with a big smile on his face this morning....
  10. Great combo, Leo and Libra.....I am a Leo, and my man is a Libra......he is the first Libra I have ever dated, and it just blows my mind how well we complement each other.....
  11. You should try layering (or outright mixing) LP Black with OCCO Black Shield.....OCCO sweetens it JUST ENOUGH without negating the dark qualities.....
  12. Dances around the room....Native Soil, teeheehee.....and I cannot WAIT for Midnight Cravings.....sounds totally yummy....will be buying a bottle unsniffed, I'm afraid......
  13. I think the TH took the edge off the leather, personally.....try just the leather with cops....I get DIHL situations with it ALWAYS.....
  14. Exactly. Companies in the phero world have been ripping consumers off BIG TIME (me included, and that pisses me off)......so glad we now have reasonably-priced, highly superior products that also smell so freaking good!
  15. It seems to me that your strength was one of the things that attracted him to you in the first place....I think sticking up for yourself was the right thing to do.....100%......it showed him that you won't take that crap, and that you are more valuable than that..... I would try leaving out the TH next time.....I love TH, but there is a time and place.....personally, I would go with Leather and more cops.....
  16. If you are looking for a sexual reaction, add some cops......in my experience, cops work especially well with those men whose urges are lessening due to age and decreased testosterone. You may have to play with the "stinky juice" a little bit to find the right dosage, but when you do, YOU WILL KNOW IT. Trust me on this one.........here is a snippet from a story which many of the ladies here already know....3rd (now ex) husband, practically impotent, not interested, no sex in a year and a half.....EoW made him drag me into the bathroom for a quickie! Seriously! Leather plays up the "I'm hot and sexy" vibe, but doesn't necessarily help men with testosterone issues....EoW does.....better than viagra....
  17. I have some unscented Leather that is un-copped......many of my scents have cops in them anyway, so I just use one of those and I'm good to go.....or I just add EoW straight up before everything else....
  18. Me too on the TAH and the Est Heavy blends....the Est can be in a blend but needs to be balanced with something else more dominant.....
  19. Dolly

    Top Five

    I have been using a lot of my "tried and true" scents lately, just for fun.....so, for the last couple weeks, my top 5 (in no particular order)..... 1. Messalina 2. Dirty Sexy 3. LPLE/BI 4. Native Soil 5. Blood Martini 2008 Have to add a 6th, because it is ALWAYS in my top ones.....LP BLACK with OCCO Black.... And, all of these are can be/have been topped off with Leather, LAM, BAM, TH, and various and sundry other pheros....and they ALL have cops added......teehee.....
  20. Since his reaction was not BAD, I would suspect that the change in signature probably just threw him. He was used to you being all soft and mushy, and he knew he could walk all over you. When you have a dramatic change in signature with someone who is very familiar with you, it can throw them off.....over time, if you keep wearing Leather around him, he should become accustomed to it..... Keep working the Leather, if not for him, for you.....sounds like it does for you what it does for a lot of alpha women (me included).....puts you "in your element".....
  21. That is exactly correct....all pheros are a YMMV type of thing....I do agree that Treasured Hearts is fab for the connecting type of vibe.....
  22. Treasured Hearts is great.....I always keep some on hand.....just re-ordered as a matter of fact......
  23. I am not discounting KK's reactions either....not everybody reacts to everything the same way.....my man doesn't do well with Est heavy blends.....the Est has to be tempered by something more dominant because I am TOTALLY 100% alpha and "out there" personality-wise.....I am not the fluffy "Lace" type personality, AT ALL. But on this one, I agree with Shelly......Leather is not necessarily sexual like BI....unless you add cops to it. I personally LOVE it. IT TOTALLY ROCKS! Especially if you are already alpha and outgoing by nature, and the TG seems to like that in you. It amplifies those qualities.....I think you should give it a shot. And, if it doesn't work, there are many of us who would snatch it up from you on the trading post!!
  24. I have personally worn leather with boosted scents containing BI, LAM, BAM, and SS4W. What I USUALLY do is apply the boosted scents in the oil base so they will stay close to my body and diffuse a little bit. Then I spray unscented Leather (NO COPS) in my hair and on my body. It worked wonderfully every time I did it.
  25. Yeah, that COULD be a tad bit embarassing! I second that Mara is Fab....as are all of the lovelies at LP.....they take special care of all of us addicts!
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