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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I think I would agree with TG on this one.....go with the oil.....
  2. I have a Dirty Sexy that was boosted with SS4W, and it is fab both in oil and in spray.....
  3. Yeah, whenever I do an EoW mixing in the bathroom, my son comes in and says...."Are you making some of your STRANGE perfumes again Mom?" I just say, "Yes, son", and I'm thinking to myself....."strange, indeed.....but EFFECTIVE"......
  4. You NEEEEEEEEED Leather....seriously. Trust me on this. It is not as "in your face" as full on Dominance.....it has just enough Est to soften it and make it feminine.....
  5. Mine is older (turning 50 this year), and he loves the cops....he detects them when wet....he usually says....."WOW, that one has some ASS in it!" But he knows that after it dries down, he is in heaven.....so, he encourages me to wear my phero-laden blends.... As for boosting scents, about half of mine are boosted. Even if it is only EoW, they have "something" in there! I like adding EoW (even if I don't add any other pheros) for one main reason....applying "on the fly".....you can spray or roll on an unscented phero easily, and it will usually quickly dry down (unless it is a stinky one like BI), and you may not offend anyone as long as you cover it well. BUT I guarantee you that if anyone even goes in the room where you just applied EoW, you will get a "WTF IS THAT SMELL?!?!" reaction..... About 3/4 of my boosted scents have either BI or Leather, and about 1/4 of them are just EoW boosted.
  6. If you make it into a spray, it is the same "strength", but it will diffuse and get farther out away from you. Depending on the temperature and humidity where you are going, you may need to re-apply, because alcohol-based sprays usually start to "burn off" after a while....
  7. And wear some Leather with a ton of cops for when you are walking out the door, leaving him sitting there with a dumb look on his face.....maybe the soft/metro guy needs an alpha woman to "take charge" of the situation.....just sayin' (to quote my twin).....
  8. Liam, this quote from Mara's new post answers your specific question. 1000 mcgs of pheros in 1 ml of concentrate, which is then diluted in 9 mls of oil or 29 mls of alcohol. So, for a "boosted" scent or an unscented one, whether oil or spray, you are getting 1000 mcgs of pheros in a bottle. Phero enhanced scents have roughly 333 mcgs in a bottle. Sometimes there are exceptions, such as Mara's Rocket Fuel, or Woozy Floozy, but those which vary will be indicated as such. Mara is correct about one other thing also.....these are some of the most potent pheros on the market, and are designed to work, without breaking the bank.
  9. That is sad! Skin chemistry is a very strange thing!!
  10. I am really LOVING this one.....I think that, after a couple of hours, I like it BETTER than Constant Cravings......and that is a hard one to surpass!!!
  11. On me, this is kind of a cross between Pirate Bumbo and Summer of sin.....very nice, but my skin drank it within a matter of 30 minutes....<sigh>
  12. This one does cover cops extremely well.....I loaded a bottle down with excessive amounts of EoW, and while you could smell it a teensy bit when wet, on dry-down there was no bleedthrough at all..... Public Service Announcement.....for those of you who want some (or some more) of this one, there are about 13 bottles left in the cart.....
  13. OK, so I decided on THREE bottles instead....two straight up, and one amped with Leather.....this one is SOOOOO YUMMMYYYYYY.......like Constant Cravings taken to a hotter, more spicy place.....
  14. OMG, this one is absolutely GORGEOUS on me! Just totally, utterly sexy! LOVE IT! I immediately had to run and order two bottles!
  15. Dolly

    One more man

    Oh yeah, I tried it on myself and it made me sit up and take notice....on my man....OMG......
  16. Dolly

    One more man

    Welcome Liam! Always nice to see new members pop in, and especially nice that more men are starting to show up! Whether it is an amped fragrance, an unscented product, or a phero-enhanced scent, I think you will be pleased with the concentrations....I have been a phero user for YEARS, and have become an exclusive user of only LP's products. Whether you want an oil for long wear or spray for diffusion, you can find it here! The potency of the pheros are top-notch, and the scents are to DIE for. I have not been disappointed in any product that I have bought here. My man has fallen in love with Bodice Ripper. It is a very high-end, sophisticated men's scent, and is DEAD SEXY. You MUST try it!
  17. I made an original LAM and a sandalwood BAM into sprays with some of the DIY alcohol loaded bottles.....they work brilliantly!
  18. HONEY, if you are pregnant, I would NOT be using pheromones.....wait until after the baby comes.....
  19. Beccah, I loooooooove Treasured Hearts, and my man reacts great to it. Mine is another one who has mixed reactions to high amounts of Est.....but does ok if it is tempered with something more dominant.....with Treasured Hearts, I get a really lovey-dovey vibe from him.....and, it works well with women that you come into contact with also.....
  20. Me too Shelly, my TWIN......I like Heart and Soul, but it just isn't me.....LOVE LOVE LOVE my Open Windows, though.....
  21. I just have to re-iterate that I love LAM (and BAM)! I wore LAM sandalwood to the grocery store over the weekend, just for funzies (no other cover scent)....my son was laughing because there were men following me around like puppy dogs.....he was saying....."What is WRONG with them mom? They are acting WIERD!" I just had to order some more of the brown sugar one.....I always keep brown sugar, sandalwood, and original on hand in my arsenal.....the scents are just so versatile.....great for layering or on their own when you don't want a heavy scent.....I have to say my fave is the sandalwood and resins....very light and almost not there...... And, I don't even have to mention how potent it is, do I? It works, period. And doesn't break the budget. And now, you can get the LAM sampler so you can try all the scents before you decide on a full bottle. How cool is that? Hmmmmmm.......Why do I sound like a public service announcement?
  22. Dolly

    Jumping in. Hello

    Welcome Lobo! My man's newest addiction scent-wise is Bodice Ripper.....it is drop-dead sexy.....make SURE you get a sample of that. There are also, from time to time, various "unisex" scents here, so you should find plenty of goodies to play with! The men's pheros are all VERY good......plenty of "funzies" for you there too! Be sure to pop in and chat with us from time to time!!
  23. Dolly

    jumping in...

    Welcome Molls! Looks like you got a good start! Jump on in and chat with us!
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