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Just Ducky

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Everything posted by Just Ducky

  1. (did it work? Do we have hints yet???) ETA: Yeah, I figured it wouldn't be that easy. Quick! Someone google "Trevor," "Rabin," and "Porn"! It's September 1st already!
  2. Yessss!!! Those three magic words we all yearn to hear: "Out For Delivery"!!
  3. "Hot Mess Express"! Love it! Congrats, halo0073!! Looks as if I moved up to "Disgruntled House Elf." Disgruntled? So not true. I am very gruntled.
  4. Not one bit!! What self-respecting toddler wants his mother smelling like a . . . a . . . commoner! Also -- BPAL who???!!!
  5. But a financial ruin that we run to with open arms (and checkbooks)! THIS is the kind of financial ruin a girl can get used to.
  6. It just hit me today -- un Focus Potion and un Dominance smell very similar to one another on me. And their self-effects significantly overlap. It would make sense that they share phero chemistry -- focusing is basically being in control of your concentration, right? But I don't think they are complete clones by any means. I prefer the smell of the Dominance pheros to the FP pheros. And Dominance puts me in a happy place, whereas FP stands up to its name by locking my brain on a one-track path towards work. LOVE them both!
  7. Setting the mood with "This Must Be the Place" by the Stalking Heads.
  8. Whoa!! Can we pre-order this?!!?? Dibs!
  9. Yes! Either something smokey maple or sweet maple, like a maple cream. The scent of burning maple leaves in the rural area where I lived was the very essence of autumn, once the colorful towering tapestries turned brown and fell to earth. Yum.
  10. This and Topper are fast becoming my "go to" spritzes when I'm running late for work/getting minor child to school and don't have time to peruse my (over-flowing) LP collection. They cut a wide swath phero-wise, are sufficiently work-safe, and seem to mix well with my default shower/shampoo scents. But most importantly -- they work!!! I am no longer shocked or surprised when I get a "hit" from the pheros, as it's almost become an expected thing. In fact, now I'm surprised if I'm ignored. Sort of a "How DARE you ignore my lovely pheros!"
  11. LOL! Back to our regularly scheduled stalking . . .
  12. What??!! Leaf you alone??? THAT'S your hint?!
  13. HINTS! HINTS!!! HINTS!!!!!!! The minions are frothing at the gates!! "Weeee arrrrre alllll Trevorrr Rabinnnn. Weeee wannnnnt hinnnnnts!!"
  14. . . . or, "Your gustatorial offerings are most insulting, woman. I said chocolate cake, not pureed spinach." That is one edible munchkin, Tanya!
  15. That was my thinking, too, but the guy took out a restraining order.
  16. Greenergal -- enjoy the Focus Potion! It really works for me. But beware -- treat it like cops. Let it dry down before getting dressed and don't use it in your hair or on clothes. It has a distinct odor when first applied, so let it settle down. I learned these lessons the hard way! Best of luck on the Tuesday exam!
  17. THANKS, guys! As always, you have the perfect advice. I think I'll just wear a non-phero and avoid any complications. Can't wear a sexual phero -- the party is all co-workers and married couples. Ewwww! And as I've been led to believe, getting drunk at a wine tasting party is a major no-no. Huh. Maybe I should wear the a-nol but skip the party!
  18. I tried searching the forum on this but ran into a zillion hits on the alcohol vs. oil issue and gave up! So if there's already an existing thread on this, please accept my apologies. I'm supposed to go to a wine tasting party and planned on wearing something heavy on a-nol to liven things up. Should I be concerned about "mixing" alcohol with the a-nol? Will it make myself or my friends too woozy to drive home, for instance? They might not be legally DWI, but I do know a-nol by itself can be a real woozy-inducer! Or am I just being paranoid?
  19. *covers eyes* *PEEKS JUST A LITTLE* ETA: Somehow I'm a'thinkin boob pix just won't cut it with Luna the way they did with TNJ!!
  20. YES! But will you be kinder than He-Who-Won't-Be-Mentioned (hee!) and not make us repeat last month's Baring-of-the-Body-Parts routine? We already know one another quite intimately now!! Thaaaank youuuu Luna!!
  21. Does that happen when you talk with her lately but are not wearing Rainbow Falls? (It's a serious question; just checking the cause and effect variables.)
  22. Such a cozy, inviting scent! The sweet fig and spices stand out at first, then the honey comes in and spreads warmth and depth. I was expecting something "dirty," but this is gorgeous!! This is full bottle material. So glad to see it's still in stock!
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