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Just Ducky

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Everything posted by Just Ducky

  1. The description of this one sounds absolutely drool-worthy! I would buy a rebrew in a heartbeat!
  2. Whew -- this is three-day-old dirty boxer briefs at first. The tester was only seconds away from partying with this morning's coffee grounds when the dirty smell morphed into a gorgeous powdery amber and honey scent, my favorite kind of amber/honey mix. Oh, the "dirty" side is still there, but it's a GOOD dirty! It reminds me of SLF but with a tiny hint of floral. Joire de is sexy, while SLF is slutty. And both are grrrrrreat!!
  3. Whoa. This smells just like Jouir De to me -- raunchy!! But without the subtle floral note. (As if there could be anything subtle about Jouir De!) Now that it's drying down more, SLF is much raunchier (dirtier?!) than Jouir De. (Gotta get the lingo down!) This one definitely stays inside the house!
  4. Never too early to stalk! But that thunking sound you hear may be Mara banging her head against the wall!
  5. Luna -- Thank you for the reviews! You have us all chomping at the bit back here wanting our orders now!! WANT!! WANT!!!!! What's your take on the plant-based "honey" in the Torrid Sorcery potion? Does it have any bee-honey fragrance? (If you've discussed this somewhere else already, I apologize.)
  6. Thanks, Carmen! That's what I'm hoping. I'm trying some of the cops-covering scents to see if they work. I'm sorry to hear you can't wear it -- it's really an amazing experience!
  7. How true. You and Mara and everyone expend so much time and love in making these awesome products for us that the thought of them being put to unintended use is just so . . . sad. But you are 100% correct -- it's gonna happen, and not just with pheros. And TOTALLY unrelated to that -- here's to hoping TMI will be back in stock soon!
  8. LV -- Were you able to help the poor ghost? S/he's probably just confused and lost. Hope it wasn't a malevolent one. Mara -- you are so sweet!! Got the huge box today and was thrilled with all the little extras! And unwrapping all those goodies I'd ordered was like Christmas!!! One does not simply open an LPMP box -- one carefully unearths each little treasure, admires and samples it, swoons and samples some more, and only then and with regret sets it down to excitedly move on to the next little wonder. Then, when the last little darling has been sniffed and coddled and introduced to its new home, you TIP THE BOX UPSIDE DOWN, SHAKE IT AND SCREAM, "MOAR, DAMMIT!! I WANT MOAR!!" (sigh)
  9. If you can stand the smell, Focus Potion rocks!!! I put this stuff on and within minutes, my brain reboots and kicks into "Just Do It" mode. It's amazing! Major downside: it smells like underarm body odor. Even "covered" with Aether, the b.o. smell breaks through. This stuff works too darn well not to use!! Has anyone found a scent that actually covers it?? My cat runs out of the room whenever I wear it (Aether or FP) and it seems to keep people at bay, too. I LOVE how it works -- maybe I'll just have to keep it as a working-alone-at-home thingy.
  10. My wish came true -- Mara sent a sniffie of this in my recent order. You almost need to have grown up -- or live -- in a snowy place to appreciate the memories this little bottle captures. Christmas Eve in front of the fireplace, sipping spiced tea, watching the snow out the big picture window gently falling through the street lights, catching reflections of the fireplace dancing on the foil wrappings of the presents under the nearby tree. Winding upstairs to your chilly bedroom for the night, changing out your warm red sweater for a cozy flannel nightgown, with the sweater still holding on to the scents and warmth. Or, same night, bundling up and taking an evening walk, catching scents of smoke through chimneys and glimpses of twinkling lights, the snow swirling through the street lamps, everything perfectly still and quiet, the only sound being your footsteps crunching through the snow. Ahhhh. Thank you for making this, Shelley and Mara!
  11. Dolly -- that is AMAZING!! I've got a DOM blend coming my way from Cinnamonmel and now I can hardly wait! It's also amazing the dedication you put into your workouts! You are truly an inspiration to the rest of us. Sounds as if you've got quite the lovely set up at your house for workouts. Lucky you!!
  12. Hooray!! Received the mailing notice this morning! Come to Mama, my little dearies . . .
  13. Some of us would probably be willing to PAY for those recipies, cinnamonmel -- out of sheer desperation!! Beautiful kissie in your new avi, BTW. She looks so soft and cuddly!
  14. I jest in calling myself a FRUMPS, but sometimes I seriously wonder about the social implications of deliberately using pheros to affect someone else's behavior. They are a hoot to "play" and experiment with, but what if someone tried using them for less-than-noble purposes? Could Cuddle Bunny or some other warm 'n fuzzy phero be used to throw off an opponent's concentration in a sports event? Or to gain an unfair advantage in a poker game or something? Or, as katz just mentioned -- causing consequences you may no longer want once they are set in motion. Huh. I think I need to go douse myself with some Jubliee and leave this to the philosophers.
  15. Mean? Yup.** Hilarious? Oh, yeah!!! **Unpaid Non-Political Announcement Brought to You By Forumites for Responsible Use of Magickal PotionS (FRUMPS)
  16. My apologies to your poor puppy, but BWAHAHAHAHAHA(snort)! Gotta go download that Wedding Singer movie from Amazon . . . sounds totally worth it!
  17. Is it acceptable to bitch-slap a bitch-babbler at a birthday bash?? You are sooo right, Tyvey! And the Happy-Babblers are the funniest. They just seem to have this uncontrollable compulsion to . . . babble! They seem as surprised at what comes out of their mouths as everyone else is. The phero definitely short circuits the social filters, that's for sure! My elevator guy this morning as we rode up was a Classic Happy-Babbler. He started yapping about the elevator lights and the floors we'd chosen and was practically tap dancing. I kept waiting for him to burst forth with "I'm SI-I-I-NGING in the R-A-A-IN" or something. When we hit his floor and the door opened, he stepped off with this "WTF?!" look on his face and didn't say another word. PRICELESS!!!
  18. AGGGHHH!! Do NOT slather on TMI then sit next to the (normally silent) Office Grump at a morning birthday celebration. The pheros will kick in and she'll monopolize the entire meeting with 101 (count 'em) gripes she has about the new word processing software, leaving a whole five minutes for the actual birthday celebration. Wearing social pheros to liven up the celebration . . . check Sitting next to someone you DON'T want to liven up . . . oops (make it stop! make it stop!)
  19. WELCOME to our little community!!!!!! Yes, as Raq On mentioned, perfect timing!! What part of Colorado are you in?
  20. You may have to refresh your page. But there's nothing there yet. (sulk sulk stalk stalk)
  21. Silk stalkings and stiletto heels today. Oh yez.
  22. Oooooh!! Just noticed -- a promotion to "Sorcerer's Apprentice!!!" No more "Squab"! Or "Squib"! Or whatever the ground floor had been. Whooot!!
  23. Ah! Thank you! That's actually good, because the later Yes material was much more interesting than the "classic" Yes. Had no idea he was classically trained on piano and continued to maintain that skill even as a guitarist. That's impressive. Anyway, back to my Killarney 1,2 loops . . . that and Aether are getting me through a major work project tonight!! Oh, and hourly injections of coffee. . .! Aaaaand back to our regularly scheduled programming -- bribes for next month's NRs!
  24. OH WOWWWWW!!! Thank you ElizabethOSP!! I and Amazon just had an amazin' time!! Man, I could listen to Gazania and the Killarney sets til next century! Market Street was like going straight back to Yes -- same riffs and chord progressions, even the melody lines sounded familiar! Was that him singing on Rescue?? Amazon didn't want to tell me. Funny how you can completely forget about something you loved [mumblety] years ago then WHOMP it all comes flooding back with one or two bars of a song. . .! A few keyboard clicks and the afternoon's music went straight from Amazon to my earbuds! Thank you thank you!!
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