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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Thank you mel! I have one of your Creamy Iris on the way! Super excited...I may even have it by tomorrow...I hope lol!
  2. NuTrix

    Coconut Breeze

    Hmm. Could be I'm a cocoa butter fiend then because - YUM! I'll have to snoop around for other perfumes with cocoa butter in it to test the theory...Thanks halo
  3. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    I've taken a little of this and made it into an after shower spray and OHMYWOW, even hubby is cuddling up to me, snuffling and complimenting how light and nice it smells...this man does NOT compliment perfumes lightly....I've been going to bed in a delightful fluffy pillow of Velouote Lavande
  4. Test drove this today and I don't know where to begin....UG. I think I thought it would be sweet like fruit, and it is sweet, and there is fruit, but this is..is... it's so frigging awesome! I LUUUUURV this one but there is so much going on I don't even know how to figure it out except that this is DAAAA BOMB! I have to wear this more to give a proper review but I fairly well slathered today and this was so dreamy that I just enjoyed smelling my self all the way to work (long commute to boot lol) and also snarfed myself well into the evening. I cheated and boosted with my PP spray and some cops and WOW did I get attention today. It's days like this that make the pheromones soooo fun! I was in demand people! People needed me to be with them, they needed to have my attention, they needed to be near me and I even had 2 guys gravitate my way and stay for 2 hours, all of us working at our laptops on various projects but sharing some light hearted joking around to break up the seriousness and intensity of our work. Crazy today, I say, Crazy! I felt like the doll of the day! Oh and, um, did I mention how fun pheros are? Yeah, that too....
  5. I was planning on sharing, so if Chi relinquishes then it's yours - if mel is still willing to part with the bottle that is lol
  6. NuTrix

    Coconut Breeze

    Wore this for the first time today and I have to ask...what is it in this that is/may also be in Odalisque? My gf got a sample of this and when she allowed me to sniff her trial vial I got a smidge on my fingers...as is want to happen with those tiny suckers...and I KEPT huffing my paw until I finally had to wash it off lol! So I sprung for a fb As this wore on through the day my nose/brain registered something very familiar and finally hours later I thought of Odalisque. It's note like it but there's something in it like it. Do they have the same musk? Anywho...it's great on it's own! My nose/mind eventually registered heady dried sweet tobacco at one point...yeah, I know...I don't get t either, but I LIKE it...A LOT. OH and MAN! This has staying power too. It's 12 hours later and I have creamy sugary goodness...one of my favorite kind of LP finishes I am SO glad I got this! Scrumptious!
  7. YES! THAT! Ok. So I had a bit of naughty fun today. I decided to misbehave with a potent amount of LFN...which got extra attentiveness out of hubby before I left for work, touchy feely, extra nuzzles...but off to work I had to go.. Had a meeting right off the bat that was only supposed to run a half hour 45 minutes but ran to an hour and a half! I don't believe it needed to be that long but I believe it can be laid, in part, at the feet of LFN Small room. Predominately male (I was the only female lol). 2 were a little nervous in their behaviors - dodgy eye contact, fidgeting - (I think I even saw the sheen of moisture on the one fellas forehead), one couldn't stop smiling at me and another made MAD eye contact and the two of us interchanged the most conversationally. LFN gives me a focused, dominant, sexy vibe and the way if effects the fellas...t'is not proper...but t'is SO much fun There are 2 men that I can guarantee a response from...one is a gravitator...and the other is a peacocker...meaning, guy number one tends to find a reason to have a conversation with me and will find his way to me somehow and guy number 2 attempts to grab my attention with his "obvious wit and eclectic knowledge of many things" that he feels the need to share with me But aren't these the things that keep us entertained?
  8. All I can offer is this: Le Femme Noire Contains Estratetraenol, DHEAS, Beta-Androstenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Epi-Androsterone, Beta-THDOC, Androstadienone, Copulins, and Androstenone Le Femme Mystere Contains Estratetraenol, DHEAS, Beta-Androstenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Epi-Androsterone, Beta-THDOC, Androstadienone There's a sprucing up of LFN with some extra pheros. I know a bit of none gets me going Maybe you're just a great cops responder!
  9. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    Thank you! Now I'll have another scent to keep my eyes open for! How exciting it is to learn so many new things! Now I can scroll through the LP site for more delights
  10. Late -REALLY late! WELCOME How are you enjoying your LP journey thus far?
  11. Welcome! Sorry to be SO late! How is your journey progressing? Update! Update!
  12. I rotate through a lot of blends, admittedly, so it could be days or weeks before I hit the same product again. Though on rare occasion I've worn some things a few days in a row I have yet to wear any one thing for a week straight. I haven't gotten burn out from LP products and thought that maybe I just didn't know what it was to recognize it...until I actually experienced it with another companies products and was like WTH? So I'm careful to keep those spread out. I wear pheros pretty much daily with 1 application in the morning and then I'm good for the day and will only reapply on special occasions. With LP, at least, I haven't experienced any of the run down feelings and I think I'm generous with the amount I wear
  13. Oooo, paired with Red...Hmmmm.... This one made my eyes roll back at first sniff upon delivery but I took it for it's first spin with LFN yesterday. Out of the bottle it's all foodie...or is it? There was something distinctly feminine about it and it wasn't just a foodie scent on me. I think Invi nailed it: This is sophisticated and grown up gourmand...and a goodly amount of LPs have surprised me this way. I'm thinking this is going to be a great food scent but it's a step...no, leap, above that even...not just nommy delish but also grown up, saucy and/or elegant. This one is DEFFINATELY VIXEN through and through! And did I mention, YUM!
  14. Broke out LFN yesterday. It doesn't get as much love from me a LFM. I'm still sorting out why. The hits are good and it seems to really attract the attention of people who already know you and are comfortable around you, not that I haven't gotten approached by people who didn't, just that it's more likely for some really interesting things to happen with people who know me a bit better. I get all ages, guys, girls. It's been warm here of late and the diffusion is fantastic and I had it paired with Everything Nice so....YUM! I have one guy who is a heavy responder and have to work a bit harder to politely "get away" but I had a lot of interaction with production, management and everything in between and I just like the feel of LFN. Feminine but frisky...and the frisky always shows. I think I must be getting worse since using pheromones? I was always horny as it was but now I have this "naughty little secret" and I think it must be subconsciously effecting me...like when I accessorize with fishnet stockings or let that little bit of lace from my bra peek out ever so slightly....I know I'm a distraction but I play like I'm not
  15. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    REALLY!? Now here's my true ignorance shining forth - baby powder is scented to smell like baby powder...it doesn't just come that way?! I have soooo much to learn about fragrance It will be worth the wait...look forward to your future review!
  16. NuTrix

    Frambuesa y Coco

    Seeee, addiction does have it's perks....
  17. BI can create nervousness..oh yeah - for sure Hit! It can broadcast alpha female and make you seem less approachable and if you were all business that would have lent to it...or you could just be a hot chick who on occasion makes the boys nervous.... .
  18. LOL Welcome to your newest most sensory pleasurable addiction
  19. NuTrix

    Frambuesa y Coco

    OhNo! SW I hope tomorrow IS better...or in a month...but better if it were awesome tomorrow
  20. BWAHAHAAA! Yup...it's only a matter of time....
  21. Welcome! You've already gotten plenty of great advice I've taken to the habit of shaking everything I have now just out of habit, though I'm not sure exactly which blend I first began doing it with....I think I just figured what was good for one was good for all So excited for you and all the fun you're going to have!
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