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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. This one is a man magnet! LOL Like, stop in their tracks, head swivel, "Is that you?", move in for a deeper breath, kind of reactions.
  2. I am STILL loving your adorable avi Memorare So sorry PINK didn't play nicely There are so many wonderful scents here at LP that you WILL find many others to love. With scents I have found that my chemistry makes wonky, if it's in a spray form, I can get away with putting it in my hair or on clothes...so my chemistry can't meddle with it. But truly - you will have your hands full with so many of the other delectables that I'm sure alternate methods won't matter
  3. YAY! Did your doc perchance ask what it may be? Would have loved to seen his/her reaction to "Why doctor, it's a love potion!"
  4. Welcome! I second THIS statement!
  5. OOOOOoooooo! MDC and JudyO - both of those sound like great pairings to try! I have SET coming too, and I already have Aja....I know what I'll be wearing today now!
  6. Really!?!? I've used it to help chill but I haven't gotten anything to really help with the physical cramping. That's GREAT that it does this for you!
  7. Hi Maiea! I DO wish it was behaving as well as for us. I've had some fragrances do the same for me though - where I tried to will my chemistry to love something, but to no avail I hate to sound like such a predator, lol, but my offer still stands if you want to ask Mara for an email swap. I can set you up with an LP GC any ol' time
  8. Wow! Bunny IS awesome It's amazing how notes that aren't cotton bring about a decidedly cotton memory! The list itself was daunting enough, let alone making the potions AND the labels! I'm excited to "Live the dream!" though!
  9. A cotton scent like the one in Totem Bunny?!?!?!
  10. YES! Fairy glamor! That's an excellent description! I have FAAAR too many LPs that I love, lol, but, yes, it's like you say. There's something transformative about them all, spell potion or not I've decanted some CS to a 15ml spray (an attempt to make myself feel like I'm conserving it somehow ) and find I reach for it often. I think that perfumer's alcohol I bought must be one of the best investments I've ever made outside of my husband and LP
  11. I purchased only 1 less bottle of this than I did of my first PE and I'm definitely using this one more. Part of it I think is that I myself love jasmine but my hubby is incredibly more fond of this one - he's not a big floral guy, loves the foodie stuffs from LP. I still have quite a stock pile - but I was sad when I emptied my first bottle in spite of that. The intent seems to be as strong as ever and the uniqueness of the scent is still turning heads and getting compliments. When I feel like work is making me crazy, this grounds me (I've been wearing a lot of it to work - often!) It's amazing how happy LPs make me. A waft of a scent I adore and there's at least a moments reprieve to the madness and I go to a happy, lovely scented place...even if it only lasts a moment here and there....all those little moments are what get me through some days
  12. NuTrix

    Honey Whip

    AH- HA! Some crazy wonderful yummy confection for sure...would probably drink it by the gallon....
  13. My BB is in oil, but I'm sure I follow the path of excess too, by rolling from wrist to inside elbow, across collarbone, up one side of neck and down the other AND a circle on the back of each hand. Then I wait for the happy. Doesn't do a darn thing for cramps, but I'm a genuinely happy individual when I wear it
  14. LOL! ^^^ Mine too...except it's more like a pleading whimper...(but it's not all due to LPs this month) .but I'll have to try the NRs - or at least some off them. My mid-year's resolution (which the sale blew already ) is to only pounce on FBs that I absolutely cannot be without....however with LP, there are just so darn many like that!!!
  15. NuTrix

    Honey Whip

    This fades quickly on me I would love ti roll in it and have it cling for hours and hours! That licorice note is very light but I pick it out every time and I totally love that definite honey/whipping creamy goodness - surely this must've been a fine dessert at a specialty boutique somewhere!
  16. NuTrix

    Hi all

    Welcome to the fun and the forum too There are plenty of items to keep you busy and lots of reading too - happy hunting!
  17. Smoking is bad for you...eat a brownie J/K I've been looking into cancer treatment alternatives for years and am familiar with Phoenix tears...and Gerson and Bezynski and...too many rabbit trails to name, but many valid alternatives to the cutting, poisoning and burning that allopathic medicine has to offer. Should it ever be legal to grow where I live, you can bet I'll be exploring the oil myself but nutrition and intestinal health is a great place to start while I'm waiting
  18. mcreepers! Love your photo! We're fans of smooshed faced, four-legged pooches like the one with you in your photo We have a frenchie that is ALWAYS being mistaken for a pug, lol. That big smile of yours makes the photo - though your little charmer friend is a nice accessory! There are SO many more photos now than last time I checked! It's so great to see so many of you!
  19. NuTrix


    No shame here BG, in LP speak, we call that "Prudent Planning"
  20. THAT sounds like it would be AMAZAZING! I was compelled to get the sugared grapefruit because I was so surprised by how much I liked that note, particularly in spray form - just amazing! This sale. The Sugareds. I really must allocate a fund JUST for any LP sales....and to get my piddies on all of these sugareds, lol....this will take time and planning....I have a birthday coming up, perhaps I can use that as an excuse to splurge a wee bit more?
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