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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I'm in Eggers boat with the third eye analogy...usually, I'll try to wait it out but there have been a few times that has ended in an uncomfortable headache and having to wash of the perfume I relate the pointy to being stabbed between the eyes >.< ! If you can find another perfume to layer that somehow buffers the pointedness, that's great But normally, there are so many other goodies it's easy enough to move on to something more user friendly I need to wear Lamb sparingly. It's lovely, but my chemistry amps it in anything but the minutest amounts. Far too little for phero effect, but just enough to enjoy the perfume so long as it's away from my face on my wrists or the backs of my hands....distanced from right under my nose than say if I were to have put it on my neck or collarbone.
  2. I haven't gotten the Un SWS myself yet either. I had another "corporate" type blend from another company, but it just wasn't congruent enough with me. Too masculine, even though it's intended for guys or gals. Same with PM, but I always add cops to femme it up for myself - though PM has NEVER felt particularly masculine to me. SWS doesn't lay out it's pheros, but have my hunches... MLH is just feminine enough to be authoritative but still be all woman. I like it VERY much
  3. D'oh NO! Curry?! Oh my Well - at least hubby recognized your queen status and your run with LFN was productive and positive. So sad about the Orangzipan though. I find it hard to smell it on me after a half hour or so, I get a hint here and there but to my nose it practically disappears. That's why I wasn't going to bother with a FB. I only know it's there because others are complimenting me on it, like hubby and work mates. If hubby hadn't raved so much I would have passed - I like to smell delectable - but I like to be able to smell my delectableness So maybe option #2 next time, Marigold & Amaranth?
  4. OH. MY. GOSH. Bwahahaaaaaa! YOU TOO?!?!?! I completely understand! Or at least I think I do. If I want to snuggle up, or be snuggled, to him that means I'm asking for "it" Sometimes I just want to make out, or snuggle, or just feel flesh on flesh - you know - feel connected. Maybe it's that once they start, they have to follow through because their bodies work a bit differently - eh, er - get a little "blue" causing discomfort until the pressure is released? (that's what I've always figured???) On the brighter side - if MLT can get him to empty the dishwasher (albeit grudgingly, lol)...there could definitely be potential there
  5. NuTrix

    Totem: Dolphin

    Eggers! What a great description! I really like this one and quickly set it aside as a keeper. I love how light and summery it "feels" and the great memories the scent invokes - not unlike those you described
  6. NuTrix


    It's always a bit sad when something just doesn't quite work. But the good thing is that there are always other loves to discover!
  7. I look forward to your thoughts on BB. I used to use it just for the red tide but successfully branched it into the work place with surprisingly good results - Surprising only because I had bought it specifically with the intent to only wear it during the red tide and then thought...hmm, why WOULDN'T this play nice at work? If I go too heavy it will make me, and those I encounter, a bit silly...great if NOT at work I thought ii did great boosting hubby's mood too For your other dilemma, take a look at Perfect Match. It has a soft and plutonic vibe, imo, but can be spruced up to a more romantic level easily enough. Have you used MLH on him? If it works so well with your sons.... ...just sayin'...
  8. Yup - horses have the creepy oval pupils too, but I still love 'em so I don't hold it against the goats
  9. LoveStruck55 - I always steered clear of this one because - well - the name. I don't have kids and thought - wrongly - "what could it do for me?" Then along came Totem Kanga, which I liked the smell of and thought - what the heck? My work place IS the stomping ground for most of my phero experiments so that's where this one got it's chance to spread its wings. You are correct! It works amazingly well in the work place! I work in a predominately male work environment, and while I found TH beneficial in a sense where people were helpful and pleased to be so, with MLH there was an unexpected self effect. It repeatedly gave me a focus to get things done and that vibe seemed to carry over to the others to fall in line and complete our tasks. It wasn't a task master feel It reminded me slightly of the vibe of LFM, where there's a respect/desire to please, only a without the sultry vibe and less falling over themselves to help and more of a natural - helping is what I am here to do for you feel. Soooooo - I ordered a FB of the Un MLH and should be receiving it soon! TH may have just gotten bumped. Hubby responds better to H&S than to TH and MLH and my chemistry will likely do better in the workplace...now I have to go experiment more with TH to see if it will retain a place in my phero harem
  10. That's awesome WnG! This one really is a fantastic little number. The same way Stone Cougar is a sure thing in a social situation for me - OW falls into that same category - only without the sex kitten vibe It's just pure fun in a bottle, a nearly instant mood boost for people who step into the OW cloud! It does draw moon eyed, DIHL stares on occasion - from men AND women - but it's, hands down, a blend I wouldn't want to be without. Who knew 3 little molecules could be SO much fun?!
  11. NuTrix

    Top Five

    Juggled things thanks to the latest obsessions: Breath of Nirvana Totem Goat Black Cat Mojo Charlene's Sanctuary Atomic Mandarin - spiked with TH
  12. Such great sniffers some of you have - or I've become accustomed to the smell of cops on some level and can't always detect them Even with my nose over the bottle, and while on my skin still wet, I get zero cops in this. All I get is - and Invi, you described it SO well! - is this delicious gourmand sticky icing, soft chewy bread flecked with hints of raisins that are both a little tart but mostly sweet, and the softest hint of cinnamon - like soft lips murmuring sweet nothings against your skin (rather than shouting I LOVE YOU as some cinnamons are won't to do with my chemistry ) This is HUGE love! If any remain by the next time I order, this will need a good hoarding. Cops or not, I've been wearing this just for the scrumptious factor!
  13. This. Well, not quite - If the Sugareds come out - I WILL be on the verge of a large order
  14. YAY! Thank God for phero favors! Glad you found a winner...I do so love the Papal Purple scent though... Wouldn't want him catching on and rummaging around looking for your secret weapons....
  15. You needn;t be a molecule nerd to know that it works...you can leave that to us more geeky folk The important thing is that it works for you It's a TOTAL fav for me too ^_~
  16. AmethystRayne & Hinzmanal Congrats on your first escapades - er -experiments - eh - adventures? Oh heck - I mean it's good to see things went so well for you both! This one is usually a surprise for me because I rotate pheros so often that when I finally get back around to this one, I'm always wondering why I don't wear it more often hahaha!
  17. HAHAHA! I've been" continuing to try".... for years..... I pray you do better....
  18. BUMP! Soooo, got a sample of this - thank you QG! and got a sample in my last order - so DOUBLE coolness! This one is definitely masculine to my nose, but out of many samples thus far tested on man beast (again a hardy thank you to QG!), this one is ahead of the pack. I went through and read all the posts and saw Luna mentioned liking this and Voracious (love that on him!) and Homme (still working on that one...) on a man. WELL. My guy sure makes this one smell great! A similar great like he does with Voracious. It reads coffee and tobacco and sandalwood and smoke with this hint of almost sweet but doesn't quite go there. Like Voracious, it makes him nommable without really smelling edible so much as just plain pounce on-able! What's EVEN better is HE likes it! He's going to give it another wear, but it may just be a FB in the near future!
  19. Cougar is a staple! x3? Oh Gads! Stand back ladies - or should I say gather 'round? - it's going to be a WILD ride! Hahaha! Weeeell, I did request an invoice to combine, but I was sent 2 separate invoices - 1 for LP and 1 for ArtFire - so I guess they keep them separate. My bad At least I know from now on to just go on and order wantonly at will from either site! I already have a wish list for when the June NRs come out...May God grant me (some small) restraint if the NRs happen to be the sugared line!
  20. Well now that just makes me sad - not the nice guy turns stalker part, sorry you had to deal with that to the point your only alternative was to have to leave - just that I haven't seen a slight, similar, or even close to, cop reaction while wearing Aja. The scent intrigues the bajebies out of me and I'm determined to keep testing until I see some similar signal...well, minus the stalking part that is... Harmless, stuttering attraction will do
  21. Oooo...I wonder what a bit of Pure Sugar would do with Totem Lamb?! It's a little too green and floral for me, but perhaps with a touch more sugary sweetness.... I'm eager for more sugared flavors as well...as if I needed more to spend on
  22. I think I might go heavier on unscented sprays. Most of mine I've at least lightly scented, so I'm afraid of over fragrancing those around me, so that holds me back - though I have been known to throw caution to the wind and fog myself when it's just for me at home Hmm. I also pair sprays over oils in combination, so that may help me conserve sprays too. I don't seem to go through them quickly at all, but to be fair - oils are my preference for daily wear in most situations
  23. You had me at high heeled boots... I LOVE shoes...
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