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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I went with lots of "sexy" pheros originally only to find my hubs responds to bonding blends better...with a smidge of the shmexies thrown in. So everyone is different and responds to different things. A lot of the fun is figuring out "who" to "what" Looks like you're on the right track though! ^_~
  2. Oooo. You're onto something in this statement! You're aloof only if you don't DO something to invite people in. People will give you all kinds of space. Will stare at you, but say nothing. BUT. If I acknowledge, smile at or step forward to introduce myself or converse, people respond incredibly well! That's when the compliments, the smiles, the DIHL, the going out of their way to be helpful kicks in. The faery glamour is always there, but somewhat veiled until you pull back the veil and suddenly the sparkling shimmer happens and everything/one becomes animated out of their stasis and the glamour shines form you! It's really cool!
  3. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    No way! Really?! I get the blast of lemon at the very start but then it becomes this sticky maple/amber goodness that just lasts and lasts on me. Did you just receive it recently? Maybe it needs more time to settle? I only ever recall having 1 LP noticeably with travel shock (Honeyed LP with Gotcha! to be specific) and it was like night and day when it finally settled down. I first thought - "Oh no! This is ALL patchouli and I get NOTHING else!" SO disappointing after reading all the great reviews Next time I wore it - at least 24 hours later? It was honey and amber and apricot and all wonderfulness with the patch just hinting its presence and adding to the whole! Like - POW! Completely different.
  4. So I finally got this for hubby to try, since I really liked Un for men and he was "ok" with it I like the scent of Super for Men, for one. I like Voracious better I think, but Super smells pretty ridiculously good! His effects: Definite mood boost, he wasn't overly fond of the scent at first but eventually decided he liked it (I think he just got used to wearing Voracious all the time) Lots of compliments on how good he smelled. Felt more confident and little things that would usually annoy him, he let roll off - Um - BONUS! Effects on me: It put me in a good mood, wanted to keep touching him and moving in for a better whiff...pretty sure I bombed myself that way. Definitely wanted to have mah way wit 'im.... Effects form others: Other guys gave him space and were respectful. Lots of eye contact from men and women. Servers at one bar were very attentive and there were 2 females that were kind of tag-team tending to him I took the trial vial from Love Potion and made it into a spray. When he sprays his shirt the scent lasts forever and every time I got a whiff I'd go into the..."Can I drag you over to the shadows for a moment to display some socially unacceptable PDA?"...mode. So I guess what I'm saying is that I would like SS4M to be a staple along with Wanted Man. SS4M is different in attraction than wanted man. WM gives me the, "I don't care if I have permission, I'm going to have you now..." SS4M seems more laid back and inviting, like, "I want to lay you down and do very naughty but nice things to you..." I was just recently gifted some Super for Men because the wearer was told he smelled like cinnamon buns by someone - which made me think of the maple like mentioned above thread. I don't get maple on him. Something sweet, yes, but not specifically maple. I get the eucalyptus and lavender but it's pretty well blended. When he actually wears it on his skin it does seem more sweet sometimes, but if he sprays his shirt? Not so much. Way too masculine for me to wear comfortably but I LOVE it on him!
  5. Yes! Me too. I either love it in something or it over powers so that the things I like are in the backseat. Patch and I have a weird relationship. But even if I couldn't smell it, my bestie would point it out every time - oh wait! Except 1 that I know of, as she's a huge fan of Compromising Positions...no, wait, at least 2 - she loves LP Pink too!
  6. What did you get for your spray type? 90/10? 60/40? I don't know that I ever got anything that wasn't 60/40 and always wondered if the 90/10 burned off faster scent wise. I think I've just always aimed for longevity over long distance I'm going to be decanting some AM today to make a spray. I don't have anything boosted with Treasured Hearts so I think I will go that route I was going to add cops but I want to be able to spray my hair or clothing...now that I'm thinking of it...I still have the trial vial...I can TOTALLY cop THAT. How convenient will that be since a little dab'll do ya! You ladies are inspiring to me!
  7. Me too! Me too! I've been stalking my email for the CataLunaLPMP has sent you a package message!
  8. I would prefer the rabbit wontons given the choice!
  9. 2 bottles from the PEs. EGG 2014 for sure, how many bottles? Undecided. I have decided I WANT to love the Totem Goat but want to wait for all my samples because there are so many that look good...I hear rustling coming from my credit card....
  10. I caved...If there are any still available, a Lindee's Pinky Sweet also please
  11. Awesomeness!!!! So many! So many! Lots of new and unfamiliar scents to explore...There are a handful of curiosities for me like Tiger, Dolphin and Ducky. Thinking Goat will be AWESOME! Of course must have EGG 2014 - no brainer there! Yay! Now I can truly slather what's left of my 2011s Panda...hmmm...I just can't wait for all those samples to arrive! I'll be exercising my fingers to have them "order ready"! edited for lack of spelling ability when typing excited....
  12. Hehehe...they are, aren't they?! I don't have all the little nuances of this one and H&S sorted out yet b/c they're still new to my collection. H&S feels more feminine and a bit softer, where TH seems more androgynous and neutral on/to me. TH doesn't, oddly, feel more intimate than H&S. It's, hmm, more chipper(?) and out going. Where as I feel H&S is also "friendly", it's more of a subtle "draw people in" kind of vibe. Just typing out my thoughts...I'm liking both of these quite a bit lately Edit - corrected for dyslexia....
  13. This is one option http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/LovePotion/6008958/diy_-_bottle_andamp_alcohol_ready_for_blending/indie_supplies/craft_supplies/bath_and_beauty_supplies
  14. May I please reserve a Lina's Fluffy Bunny? Thank you
  15. OHMYGOSH! I absolutely concur! I still have my bottle of Ann's BSBA and have always felt the 2 are totally congruent! I was going to decant some just for Sexpionage but I love that scent so well that I just layer it. If they ever DO do a re-brew, I wouldn't hesitate to boost it with this!
  16. NuTrix

    Top Five

    Currently: Papal Purple Charlene's Sanctuary Black Cat Mojo Luv Truffle Blush
  17. That counts well enough I should think! I love how frisky I feel in Sexpionage and I MELT at the scent of Compromising Positions. I think I'm at least nearly as effected as my man by this potion. A true surprise - and a pleasant one
  18. NuTrix

    Summer Belle

    It's so much more than JUST a melon scent. It's green grass and garden AND melon. Absolutely, wonderfully mad how Mara managed that into a bottle don't you think?
  19. I fell in love with the scent of luv Truffle just as it was slipping into GGG and was able to score a couple bottles from the trade threads (can you say hoarding tendencies?). One was already copped (couldn't smell it at all!) so it gave me an idea...since hubby wasn't as keen on Velvet Kisses, it seemed like a great substitute So I spiked my partial bottle of LT with Un CB and it's been a whole NEW Luv affair
  20. DD - weren't you a fan of Titillating Temptress? You're going to like this one
  21. Good investment WnG! Topper is incredibly versatile and even worn on it's own it's complimentary to all kinds of situations CB is the AWESOMEST! I have Luv Truffle boosted with it (from the trade threads) OHMYGOSH what a great combo b/c my guy is a totally foodie scent lover. I liked Velvet Kisses too but LT is complete chocolate NOM!
  22. Hmm. Gotcha! with a bit of Topper effects me and others by making me more chatty and bubbly. Gotcha! with DHEAS straight makes me feel more kittenish and flirty and it seems to make me fascinating to others and people are very complimentary on my appearance (hair, clothes, etc)
  23. :Emoticons0424:Soooo...did you notice any self effects while wearing this? Turned out to be one of the reasons (aside from all day horny) that this one is a "must have" for my inventory...
  24. YES! Leather. Coffee. Fantasticness. This is neck and neck fav with Kat Suit - but I will have BOTTLES of this one! Squeeeeeeal!
  25. Anything that works well on my man beast is a good investment! Still wondering why something called CB makes me feel "kittenish" Maybe it's the soft white fluffy association? ^_~
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