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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. So true! One thing I STILL catch myself doing is wanting to speak too fast at the beginning - all nerves. It's amazing how confident we sound when we just slow down and "have conversation" rather than bullet through. But that's me - I'm sure you had people donating left and right for your event!
  2. SHARK WEEK! DD I LOVE IT! I've never heard anyone refer to it that way before but it's PERFECT! I'll have to share that with my gf who was definitely behaving in a barracuda fashion last week - maybe I'll get little pins made up that say "Great White Week" or tiny little red dot buttons with Shark Week on them to pass out discreetly to the girls at work and see how long it takes for someone to catch on and ask about it....try to lighten that "time" up and make it quirky and fun - is that possible? Back on point though, sorry - that was just TOO awesome to not give some recognition to! - Sweet Chic puts me in an instant good mood as soon as I SMELL it. It's uplifting all on it's own and makes me smile and my eyes roll happily to the back of my head just snuffling the bottle!
  3. This one is SO natural for me Raq! It just compliments the "in control - respect me" vibe. I have to spruce it up with cops or DHEAS or Woozy Floozy for over the top hits. Otherwise it just compliments me as a person and the selfies are good to - chillaxed, in control, authoritative. Notice any of those things in your targets toward you?
  4. No. Demi is too hard - I imagine Mara as sensuous and perfectly approachable No! No! You couldn't have made it more fantastically clear - I MUST HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Great post DD! I have had great times wearing this to work - even though it hardly seems appropriate, lol! Good to hear you did so amazingly well - even if it is hard to believe that this would be considered out of the ordinary for you ^_~
  6. I honestly do not recall receiving standoffishness from women while wearing cops - BUT - cops can make some men that way...sometimes the increase in their testosterone will cause "one-up-itis" or a weird competiveness, like they just have to question everything you say and try to make you justify your views or choices. It has A LOT to do with the type of guy and your relationship with them - type "A" personality or competitive co-work who is always trying to prove their worth....and honestly, sometimes they aren't even aware of WHY they are responding that way. Knowing that this is possible and being diplomatic enough to steer it has been essential in some instances for me. As far as selfies though - Sexpionage ROCKS! And the above circumstances have been FAR and FEW between - so I wouldn't concern myself too much about it - just store it in your memory banks somewhere....
  7. Wore Black with Pink today but I think the sweetness of the EoW has skewed what it could have been. Not that it's bad, but I wouldn't have expected such sweetness from the two. Very interesting though. None the less...I could completely see how fun it would be to play and tweak the two together - I think I should have actually gone lighter on the Pink and left the Black a bit more dominant rather than half and half. OK. I'm sold on Black...the experimenter in me NEEDS to play with this more. Without being anything alike, Sex and Violins started out the same way for me. I thought - "I don't know, this may be too resinous for me" - but like Black, once this was on my arms...I couldn't stop huffing it!
  8. Heheheee...cops always make me happy - plus it has a-nol - which also always makes me happy - and it's got some none in it too - which makes me alpha and confident - AND it smells FANTASTIC! I could see this good for that kind of thing - may even help the crowd be more attentive!LOL!
  9. YES! YES! Thank you Luna - and your vocabulary too! I knew I was reaching for something...intense is perfect. I thought strong and loud carry a negative connotation for what I was aiming for but my brain would not come up with anything more at that time, lol. Intense, however, is PERFECT because it isn't loud when I wear it, it's very close to the skin but it is potent, aka intense? I'm running with that one - Oooooo, I wish I would have thought of potent earlier too - even that is less offensive sounding than loud and Black isn't offensive The idea that OCCO Black is based on ABABS gives me CHILLS! Storemy - I have the OCCO Red & LP too and I agree that the OCCO is lighter and sweeter for sure - I'm always pairing the 2! I also REALLY like P&D and still have a back up bottle - YAY! So I would have to try Black and Red together for fun Thanks for all the feedback!
  10. OK. Black on it's own was a bit strong - I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for - maybe loud? Not unpleasant just maybe after reading I should have worn MUCH MUCH less. I have only worn it a few times...THEN someone suggested Black and Pink together. Sooooo, I took my sample of Black and the same amount of Pink and combined them into a 5ml spray bottle (and dropped in some EoW - because it was there and I am ABSOLUTELY certain this combo will cover!) and topped it off with perfumer's alcohol. It's been "marinating" and I have every intention of taking it for a ride today. I have to say that in the bottle it smells fantastic! Question, it looks like OCCO Black is quite different from LP Black. Do those of you who have both find that to be true? It looks like OCCO is less resinous and more sweet, but just reading it's hard to be certain. However if LP Black/Pink rock today I will have to get a FB of Black. Like many of you have said - a little bit goes a LOOOOOONG way. I know some of you have combined it with Red too - was it LP Red or OCCO Red - or maybe you've tried both? I would have thought those two would fight for supremacy, lol, or is that a matter of combining LP Black with the sweeter OCCO Red that make them play nice together? I have OCCO Pink too....if today goes well, I may have LOTS of reasons to get a FB of Black - and then I'd have to get the OCCO version too....
  11. Ooooo! Spell Weaver YUMMY! It isn't all blackberry but it is indeed a yummy blackberry scent! A sweet, smoky, creamy delight! DD are you thinking of a sweet blackberry floral or something foodie like a holiday desert? I'm STILL loving my Blackberry Jasmine PE and have hoarded all the rest of the bottles for myself...Muhahaaaaaa......
  12. YES! Me too! I have it in AHE and it made me wonder if they were similar! A step up from Open Windows to me but maybe Cougar's not too little sister? I wouldn't mind picking up an unscented lumina, but it's gone now I think you can still choose to boost a fragrance with it though if I'm not mistaken???
  13. I bought BB SPECIFICALLY for "aunt flow"....but it IS excewllent for the workplace too and ESPECIALLY if you have to deal with a group of grown people who BEHAVE like children...I can see how that works for you LV! ^_~
  14. Tyvey - LOVE! *laughs uncontrollably, wipes tears from eyes, leans on wall for support* Absolutely FANTABULOUS post...please DO feel free to elaborate on ALL Cougar encounters! This too is a fail safe for me as well - some of the best stories/hits EVER! Keep rocking it!
  15. LOL! Awesome SweetB! Great post - tickled! - thanks for sharing
  16. OH LUNA I LOOOVE YOUR NEW AVI!!!!! Oh yeah - * stalk * rustle * stalk *
  17. It took me forever to finally get a full bottle. I got this in an LP sampler a million forevers ago and KNEW I would want a FB but then left it wait and wait because I knew it was permanent and there were SO many others I had to have .... WELL! I got my bottle at long last and slathered today and this is totally fascinating to me, I got sweet vanilla and amber and apricot AND rose AND patchouli and they all just kept taking turns! One after the other, sometimes together, it was completely unique and ALL delicious! I would get just sweet vanilla and apricot - then patch - then amber/rose - then something else - then a little of everything! How curiously wonderful! I;m going to wear it again tomorrow - I can't get enough of it!
  18. After wearing Unreasonable Pumpkin yesterday, there was something about this one that was very perfume like to me. I'm going to hazard a guess that it's the ginger! Ginger, I'm learning, to me is a very forward scent with my chemistry. NOW I need to figure out what "perfume" means to me when I say something smells "perfume like." I think the ginger is a clean, bright scent that shines out from all the other foodie notes and keeps this from being too edible tasting. With UP, I wanted to gnaw my arm it smelled so delicious. With HS, I like it, can pick out the food notes in it but I don't want to lick my arm. So maybe it's that clean, bright "something" that my brain says - "Oh, yeah, perfumey!" ? I amped the cinnamon on and off...I always seem to with cinnamon...but this one seems like a warm, semi-sweet scent. The ginger eases up and it becomes a sugary, slightly nutty, creamy soft, close to the skin straight up YUM. Not to shabby for purchasing the bottle unsniffed
  19. I've decanted some into a 5ml spray (in the Odalisque fragrance) to layer with the oil, but like Halo I tend to wear it for HIGH impact on hubby...though I've worn it out just for fun to see what would happen...usually sprayed to torso and smooshed around with my wrists and then it's under my blouse mostly, so the diffusion isn't as crazy as when I load up for in the home. I'm horrible, I know...I'm an instigator at heart...I just like to be covert about it
  20. While I agree with Invi....that WOULD be a lot of LP $$$...and we all know they aren't gonna spend that $120,000 on the hungry....I'm going to keep that thought on the back burner and mull it over for a while....the "fad" will probably be over by the time I make any decisions anyway - but thanks for throwing out an alternative to child offerings QG!
  21. WELL! My husband doesn't inquire about many of my perfumes so when he asked, "That's something different. What is it?" My ears perked up! I got the approving raised eye brow with the nodding "Hmm"...which translated means - he likes it I was also complimented at work by several people so YAY! This pumpkin may look unreasonable on the label but apparently there's NOTHING unreasonable about how much everyone - including me - like it. SCORE! This really IS delicious! It's definitely pumpkins and spices familiar with treats and pies but there's a sweeter note too so I had to check the notes and there are pink and berry sugars in here! That's probably what appeals to ME so much LOL. It IS sweeter than several other pumpkin spiced perfumes I have. I still get the cinnamon, allspice and vanilla but the additions of the sugars is awesome and really sweetens it without really making it candy like and yet is still very distinct from what you might consider a traditional holiday scent. I have been huffing myself happily all day.
  22. I'm gonna go with that one....lol!
  23. NuTrix

    Katerina Suit

  24. Wore my new 221B with SS4W Sunday and when we were out to eat our waitress was quite lackluster when we first arrived (probably a long, busy day), she even appeared agitated but I think was trying to hide it - pure speculation of course - but she warmed right up after a few trips to the table....fair bit of eye contact and definitely improved mood. She was even joking around with us by the time we were finished and ready to go
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