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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. All day yesterday and no licorice to my nose Immediately in the door at work and 2 male co workers actually cooed (guys cooing? go figure!) over how yummy and fruity/candy like I smelled (granted, the one has always been a great responder to both pheros and fragrance when I've worn them around him but I don't know much about the other one...) Must just be my chemistry. It reminds me of the candies, SweetTarts....just sugary, fruity YUM only drippy sugar, not dry powdery like that candy....WAY BETTER!
  2. Ya'all have put me in the mood today...that and the hunt for anise/black licorice I can't pick it out. All I get is sticky gooey goodness...so glad you all talked me into wearing this again today
  3. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    When I slather this properly, it stays ALL DAY LONG! A changing, sugary soft delight for THE WHOLE DAY - YUUUUM! I can tell which bottles won't last because I wear a ridiculous amount....but I promise to love it while I have it
  4. ^^^Me too! Or, at least, my nose too, lol. The OCCO Red to me is definitely RED but sweeter and I LOVE to wear them together. Did I mention that I'm STILL kicking myself for waiting SO long to get both of those...really...if anyone is on the fence about these...GET THEM! just sayin....
  5. This one is my newest candy sugary scent love This has become a serious favorite for me and it's such a great summer scent...which won't stop me from wearing it all year long of course I need to investigate this more though, because I didn't notice the licorice....those of you who are getting licorice - what are you talking about? Do you mean black licorice or red? If you're thinking red, that would make sense to me, lol, but I don't get black licorice in this at all
  6. NuTrix

    Wink at the Moon

    Oh! I hope it comes around for you again! I just love slathering this one....I'd be willing to wager it's my slathering of LPs that s keeping my skin so soft...not body lotion LOL! I adore the nutty sweetness of this one
  7. I dosed this up with some cops and graduated it to the phero fragranced section of my collection...you'd never know they were in there... by smell that is
  8. I will second what StacyK said. I have used it in the direct attempt to duplicate the effects and I just haven't figured it out But it HAS been fun trying!
  9. Really!? This one is on my wish list currently...along with...finally, lol, Gold.
  10. I think this one could be good for work too. Thanks for the update/insights
  11. I'm not exactly sure why, but I had the impression, before getting Red, that the patchouli would be prominent and that it would be earthy and not sweet. I finally buy it and it's all sweet and cinnamon and sugar and light on me. I really don't know WHAT I was thinking but whatever it was...was WAY off. No smoke though, just sweet sugary, creamy vanilla cinnamon....
  12. Thanks Luna! I often "BLAM!" So I was thinking this one will sit in on some of that action. I'm betting hubby will respond well to it too He does great with B-nol blends...
  13. Yes! BUMP! BUMP! Who has this, who's using it and why do you love it? My gf got this in a trial size and I loved it but it wasn't until I went to order that I even knew it was phero enhanced. I'm always combining LAM! & BAM! so this could be stellar I'm surprised there are so few reviews...this one smelled really beachy and fun and with 2 of my go to pheros I'm sure it's a great choice. Common ladies...spill dah beans
  14. No kidding right?LOL I had to sample them all BUT I WANTED to order my PE and yet NOW OCCO Blue & Gold will have to wait (I recently decided if I get Blue I will want Gold, lol) But...and I'm sure you'll agree...something always seems to be ready to jump in that cart HAHAHA! It is NOT my fault that Mara, and all the people who make LP OUTSTANDING, are so talented. I am compelled....it's not even up for debate....and I'm puuuurfectly ok with that
  15. NO WAY! Keep it front and center as your "go to"
  16. NuTrix


    Wow! I really love the way you describe it Celrynnya. This one is so unique that words fail me and my ability to describe what I smell goes straight to the, "Oooo, this is nommy, nommy" attempt to convey how it makes me feel instead of what I smell
  17. NuTrix

    Candytuft Tea

    I love that I can smell the tea...I am amazed at the scents that are so complimentary for fragrances. I just love that I found LP...I know - we all are! Candytuft Tea is so light and lovely and - as with all LPs - so unique
  18. Nice hearts! Every phero has a place, lol, it's just finding the niche...and experimenting is ALWAYS fun
  19. Ok. just waiting to see how this all needs to be done... Got an invoice for the split Butterfly Bait - thank you cinnamonmel! Cannot WAIT to get my nose over that bottle! - and if I understood it correctly the invoice can be changed. So here's what I think is the plan, lol... Olive and Apricot Cream July NR Sampler FBs... Private Edition - Jasmine, Blackberry, Vanilla, White Musk - 4 bottles - Mara has the magic touch to make it shine and I know she'll name it something lovely Message In A Bottle (I didn't realize this one was phero'd! 50/50 A & B-nols - anybody have/use/tried it?) Love Potion: Spell Collection 2012 - Persuasion Potion Agent XXX w/Sexpionage Bonded w/Perfect Match Double O Marsha Mellow I also owe for the Veloute Lavande (that I decided to keep when it came Hello...my name is NuTrix and I am a happy LP addict...)
  20. OHMYWOW!!! I'm late to the party! Logged in this morning and there everything was....so I pulled up some pillows, sat back and INDULGED! OHMYGOSHYOUGALSAREAMAZING!!!!!!!!!! That was SOOOOO much fun to read! I love them all! :lol2:You are geniuses! What an awesome concept.....will there be a mini TV series to follow?! SOOOOOO crazy cool! A!M!A!Z!I!N!G!
  21. Aaaaawwwwessssooooommmmeneeeeeeesssssss.....totally doing it! You win!
  22. I'm going to decant to a 5nl roller and see how much Sexpionage it can handle I'm thinking 2 parts fragrance to 1 part Sexpionage....at least....or maybe I should go spray..this one could be worthy of BOTH!
  23. I BLINKED! OHMYGOSH I BLINKED! And now they're here! I knew I should have stalked last night but I was too tired from working late to do more than grab a bite and go to bed...this would have perked me up and made my day! AND I would have had sweeter dreams! That'll teach me! What an awesome theme! Can't wait for the descriptions!
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