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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Haha - I could think of worse ... That might be the next one ... either that or "Blood Diamonds and Thor Penis". Thank you! I though it was a good low-key start haha!
  2. I need to come up with a good name now that I can name myself. I am open to suggestions ...
  3. That is what I call "equality"! Actually I feel like my wallet will be getting lighter and I will be typing quite a few reviews soon! Plus there are a few more items in the "Sugared" line I need to get. This "equality" is starting to add up haha!
  4. I still can't figure ot which one of us she is calling "curious"
  5. No haha - she means when you are stalking something .... (to include new relaeses) you have to be silent like a ninja .... it is kind of like a long-running joke in this thread. ... People quietly pop in & out to see if anything has happened. *said in a very low whisper after first exhaling all the air in my lungs*
  6. What the ladies said above is certainly very true. I do not necessarily wear pheromones every day, but certainly do most days. I might burn up those receptors a little but nothing that seems to effect me on a big scale. Most of my pheromone use is for the effects on others, not myself. As far as self effects go, I am very conscious when I wear a- or b-nols as those can make you chatty. The big thing I have to watch out for is I can get a little irritable when I wear something with a high dose of 'none for the first half hour or so. I naturally do not lack a certain amount of self-confidence, or at least that is what I strongly project for the most part haha.
  7. Make a request in this thread (Back by Popular Demand): http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=21&page=20 No promise it will happen.
  8. First off, I would like to report that almost daily use of pheromones has made me much more handsome and desireable to the ladies. I would like to report that, however .... haha I try to rotate the pheros I use on a regular basis. Remember, these formulas mimic certain pheromone balances but are much stronger in order to make you "stand out". But if you wear that same formula every day then people will get used to it. so I rotate my pheromone forumulas so I always "stand out" just a little. I too have noticed that "bleed over" effect whereby people continue to treat you or react to you as if you were still wearing a formula from before. But I have also noticed in the long run (I have been using pheromones for several years now) that the effect seems to build up. That is if my three main formulas are something like SWS, Charisma & SS4M, then after several years, people start to (unconsciously?) think of you as a combination of the three.
  9. What Dolly said. It all depends on the signal you want to send.
  10. I am looking forward to the pheromas!
  11. Energy drinks and energy pheros. I would really get stuff done!
  12. This is another great musk! I think the description catches it pretty well, a little on the darker side - and a little less sweet than sugared red musk. The caramel & molasses make it just a touch sweet on my skin but not quite as sweet as red musk so both are still well within the realm of masculine, especially if you use this as a layer. Remember, these scents in general but in my experience, the sugared musks in particular will blend with your skin/scent and give everyone just a little something different. Like sugared red musk, this is within the realm of masculine but on a woman, this too would be Wow. Incredible wow. A slightly different darker/deeper wow than red musk, but still wow.
  13. I think the descriptions of this are pretty accurate - especially Luna's with her highly calibrated nose haha! (That was a compliment FYI!) It is just a touch sweet on my skin and even Mrs. QG has stated as such but certainly not unmasculine. At least one masculine commercial scent I own is much sweeter than this. Plus the pheromone blend is a good one also. In fact, the phermone blend is so good U also have it unscented. Try this one before it runs out!
  14. Haha - any way you want to - who can say you are wrong?
  15. I get a true unisex soft green tea scent on my skin with this. It is not a sharp or spicy tea scent that could definitely be construed as masculine but nor is it so soft it is overtly feminine. It is exactly as described - green tea that is sugared or softened a little. This is another good layer that you could use in conjunction with something else to create a deep, multi-dimensional and truely unique scent. You can layer this with combinations of: Sugared Egyptian Musk, Black Pepper, Oak Moss, & Woods
  16. Sugared woods gives you a what is promised in the title: woods. No one type of wood stands out on my skin although it is definitely woods. This is exactly as described above: a "woods" scent that is more woods than garden or soft stemmed plants. While this might be considered a unisex scent, I think it goes more masculine although I am sure a female could soften it up with one of the sugared florals or perhaps one of the musks for an exotic female scent. I use this with a combination of Sugared Green Musk, Greenery, Pine Needles, Oak Moss & Smoke. Note: If you want a scent that is more garden or soft-stemmed plants, then go with Sugared Greenery. ETA: Because I was drinking corn alcohol (legal moonshine) when writing this with all the associated bad spelling and half sentences. Don't drink and review!
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