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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. I haven't worked my way through the pheromas sampler yet lol.
  2. Haha - I didn't think there was much of anything subliminal in the ad! It's all pretty direct to me. And yes she really should be wearing nothing but the apron.
  3. This looks like a great scent. It is traditionally very popular with the ladies. Unfortumately I really amp a lot of tobacco notes so the tobacco in this exploded on me to the point where I cannot smell anything else. Mrs. QG does not care for the tobacco scent so this one is not for me. Do not however let this scare you away from the scent. As i said, the Elementary line tends to be very popular with the ladies and this one is backed up with Wanted Man - a very strong sexual pheromone mix.
  4. This one is definitely a "Keeper". At least one Full Bottle kind of keeper. The oakmoss and spices do give this a definite oriental feel. In fact, it reminds me of a very high end cologne I once tried as a sample - Serge Lutens Vetiver Oriental - although of course Mara goes in a very different direction with the leather, pepper and grapefruit. I think Androstenol put it perfectly. This scent just "smells right" I do not know how else to describe it. "Oriental" style base with the spice of the pepper and the citrus "sprakle" of the grapefruit would be an accurate technical description of the scent on my skin. But it "smells right, smells good" is really the better description, although "smells good" is defnitely and understatement. "Smells great and I have to have a bottle" is a much better description. The projection and staying power of this scent is also exceptional. I tend to go light with scents because Mrs. QG is defnitely a "Less is More" kinda person when it come to scents, but my usual "less" had very strong projection and was even pretty decent the next day. A great combination - a fantastic scent with great projection and staying power. An added bonus to this scent is that it has the Super Sexy for Men (SS4M) pheromone mix. This great sexual mix is one of my "go to" pheromone mixes. It is not an "over the top" sexual mix which is actually one of its big strengths. The sexual component is definitely there, but because it is not an "in your face" kind of sexual signal, there is a very strong social comonent to it as a result. Do NOT hesitate to try this one.
  5. I am trying to live up to LV's high standards and make her proud. As far as you wanting pie all I can say is sooner or later we get to even the most innocent of souls here haha!
  6. Haha yes I like smart women! Everyone's body chemistry is a little different and of course that affects how Mara's scents smell on your skin. I sometimes wonder if male/female body chemistry plays a role when a woman tries a male scent or visa-versa in general terms or if it is all individual body chemistry. Of course the other factor here for you is that Heavy Metal has a definitely male pheromone in it. I wonder if or how much that influenced your perception of the scent.
  7. When I first put this on the bamboo made me think of Ruisseau, but make no mistake - this is not Ruisseau in just a different form. This is something else entirely. While Ruisseau has more of a watery bamboo kind of scent behind it - kind of a cross between an "oriental" and outdoor feel to it, Heavy Metal takes the bamboo and goes in a very different direction. Something, maybe the anise and poppy, gives the bamboo in Heavy Metal sharper highlights on my skin when it is wet. Once it dries down, Heavy Metal changes quite a bit on my skin. The bamboo dies down as does the sharpness of the anise. Instead what I end up with on dry-down is a masculine skin musk with everything else blending in and playing nicely together in a kind of slightly spiced bamboo scent. The bamboo is still there but the softness of the bamboo blends with and is tempered by everything else. If you tried and liked Ruisseau, then you may very well like Heavy Metal. At the same time, if Ruisseau was a little too soft for you or not your thing, Heavy Metal is certainly different enough in my opinion that it is well worth a try. The Hunter Trapper pheromone mix is also a good solid mix. It falls in between Charisma and SS4M in my experience. It is not the pure social mix that Charisma is nor is it the stronger "sexy" mix that you get into with SS4M. Instead it seem to be a quiet or "thinking man's" sexy. The kind of sexy that Sherlock Holmes might carry off. And considering how many women here on the boards love Sherlock, that might not be a bad thing. Heavy Metal is good for any social occasion and is work safe in my opinion. What you might want to do with Hunter Trapper at work is up to you (haha!) but it could certainly give you the smart, dependable, sexy co-worker vibe. Heavy Metal is a great all around scent beefed up with a good pheromone mix. Well worth at least a sample, if not a full bottle.
  8. Holy Retrosmell, Batman - Kingmaker is great! I think it was love at first sniff. It smells great in the bottle and even better on my skin. For those of you who were around and wearing cologne in the 1980s - Kingmaker is dead on. It is like a high quality men's cologne from that time period. I threw it on and it seemed almost instantly familiar and I was trying to figure out which cologne it was supposed to smell like even though I know it is just "evocative" of that period. Like the colognes of that period, it has some pretty good throw and staying power. What does it smell like exactly? I think it is the sandalwood, patchouli & vetiver that come through the most at first. Six hours later, I think it was more the cedar and chypre. And to make it even better, Mara has thrown the Charisma pheromone mix into it. So you have a big sophisticated scent combined with one of the best social phermone mixes for guys all in one bottle. This is definitely a winning combination. You cannot go wrong with a full bottle of this one. ETA: Thank you Mara for the rebrew! This one is definitely worth having an extra bottle of! In fact I turned my rebrew bottle into a spray. But I have found i like my sprays a little stronger than they would otherwise be so I also ordered a sample and added that to the spray along with the bottle of Kingmaker. Turns out perfect for me.
  9. Winter Woody & SS4M! Unless you are doing Man Cave with SS4M or Wanted Man.
  10. I have to admit when I read pie spices and pumpkin, I said to myself, "Self, get a sample first". I stand corrected and somewhat chagrined. You would think I would have learned to trust Mara more by now. I don't know what gets into me from time to time. I guess it is that "guy thing" that Memorae alludes to in her post. Plus I would say I agree with Luna more often than not when it comes to her reviews of men's scents. So once I read her review, I should have figured it out. So, I will say, maybe even shout: Mara has created a great Fall scent here! There are pie spices and pumpkin in there but they do not make you smell like a feminine version of grandma's kitchen. This is a very masculine scent. The pumpkin and spices blend in so smoothly with everything else, that there is a hint, a sense, of foody scent but I would not classify this scent as "sweet" or "foody" by any means. Like Luna said, it does not cross over into that sweet scent like North Pole does. And North Pole by the way is one of my favorite holiday season scents! I am now going to add Weenie to that "Fall/Winter Favorites" list. And also echoing what Luna said, the cedar, oakmoss, & myrrh give the scent a clean lightly spicy undernote. I am hoping Memorae is right and it is indeed, "Sex in a Bottle"! So guys, this is now my general Fall flow of scents: Moon of the Falling Leaves (for that outdoor autumn feel) now flowing into Weenie. Get some North Pole for the holiday season - Thanksgiving through Christmas. Great for parties and those evenings when she is baking or the two of you are sitting in front of the fireplace. Winter Wizardry gives you the scent of cool crisp Winter outdoors for all those general occassions. Throw in some pheromones, and you have it set. If you want to bring out the BIG guns, get a bottle of Pashazade to round out the season. But be ready to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak, with that one.
  11. Got my package today! Things really are shipping faster from Washington.
  12. It's always something with these site, isn't it? It's all good, though - we understand. Looking forward to your thoughts as always.
  13. Mark is not a regular forum member but several of us know how to get in touch with him and let him know.
  14. My thoughts on this subject from the Bitching Post: I think Tyvey & I see this pretty much the same way. I am a guy and I know guy butthead stunts. This sounds like one. Introvert or not, if Phergineer says she is uncomfortable with that girl being there, that should be the end of it. Really.
  15. Pheromones are a funny thing. They grease the skids so to speak but the real work is up to you and there are a lot of social filters when it comes to people. First, I would not count on any hits outdoors - too much dispersion. Even walking down the sidewalk. Second, going through a store you might not be around someone long enough, might be an SO with them, guys might not react overtly with the kids with you. Who knows. Personally, once I have determined I have gotten a few hits off of a certain mix, I have given up looking for hits. I just go about my day doing my thing and let the pheromones do their thing.
  16. She works hard for the money ... I bet there is a song in there somewhere ... I keep thinking some kind of jazz riff in the background for that ...
  17. I think I am going to have to go with a full bottle guy's set this time. I will double check the UNs but i think I have most of the guy's stuff in one form or another. ETA: I went with a sampler but I bet I will end up ordering a full bottle set all the same.
  18. Just the female scents haha! We all thank you but 15 hours is insane. Please get some rest. And thank you to Luna as always! ETA: The male/unisex scents all sound great. I will probably have to go with a full bottle guy's set this time!
  19. Thank you for the very nice introdction despite the fact we kinda know you as you have been posting for a while now! I guess this is your "official" welcome to the forum!
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