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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Yes that can happen depending on the pheromones used and your body chemistry. Also certain pheromnones/mixes (ie the sexual ones and in this case, copulins) need to be washed off well as you can get build-up. Or maybe you are just one hot momma!
  2. Haha - my usual response when people ask me if I ever sleep.
  3. I am sure he will. Does he know to start low with the dosing and work his way up to find his "sweet spot"?
  4. Haha - "tuck and roll" is a phrase that has been thrown out there during that conversation along with the "offended" child whining "Mooooommmmmm" and Mrs. QG saying "That isn't funny". Actually everyone but Mrs. QG thinks it is funny but hey ...
  5. A couple years back I just started saying "Yes. We are. Hop on out." Even if we were going 75 mph down the road because of course the kids were old enough to know we aren't there and are just asking as a joke.
  6. Wow - what a great testimonial! And so glad things are going better.
  7. As long as the basic attraction (relationship) is still there and no major inter-personal "irritations" going on, OF COURSE! I have been married to Mrs. QG for over 25 years and neither of us are going to be swimsuit models but she still does it for me. It really revolves around a lot your attitude. Confidence is sexy. If it is your BF you are referring to, you are engaged to this guy. Obviously there is a great deal of attraction on his part. Don't doubt that.
  8. I'm not laughing - that is why I am suggesting it!
  9. Luna has a couple good ideas. Two of my favorites are Charisma & SS4M.
  10. There are a couple advantages of having unscented pheromones. First, you can wear them under any perfume you have. Second, you can more carefully tailor how much pheromone you are wearing against how much perfume you are wearing if you find your pheromone "sweet spot" - ie where you see the results you want - is a little more and might require you to wear a little too much perfume if it was a scented pheromone mix. Pairing gets a little more personal. Sexual pheromone mixes probably go best with more "sexy" scents but what is a sexy scent is very much up to you. I will say certain scents cover pheromone mixes with copulins in them better than others given the "stink when wet" effect of the copulins. That is, copulins do stink until they dry down and then still have a slight scent that is covered best by a stronger perfume. As to what scents pair well with what pheromone mixes, that too will be personal with some fun experimentation but the ladies here always have some great recommendations. If you were a guy asking this same question, I could be a lot more help.
  11. How about pheromones combined with sexy lingerie?
  12. I finally got around to testing this scent or I guess I should say re-testing as I tried it a long time ago, was not sure about it, and sent it with a trade. I decided to give it another try and got a large sample as one of my monthly freebies. I can see where women would really, really like this scent. The coffee and vanilla make a very female-friendly combination (as evidenced in earlier posts!) and along with the mahogany and sit on top of a very classic patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver & amber base. What I get at first is the coffee. It is pretty strong wet on my skin but once it dries down the mahogany comes forward more and the two blend together very nicely. The rest of the ingredients seem to make a solid, smooth masculine background. So when Luna says you smell a little like Starbucks, she is right but it is not a strong, sharp Starbucks. It is a smooth, masculine Starbucks without all the spices. Even if you are not sure about the scent from the description - maybe it does not sound overly masculine (it is!) or maybe it is not your typical scent, I would still recommend giving it a try. And not just a one time try, but an extended test run. Why? Because of all the positive comments from the ladies above. Because - and let's be honest here - even if you are not sure you like it, if your wife, SO, girlfriend, or the ladies around you like, then you will end up liking it too!
  13. I "saw" the resemblance to Ionic Tonic too - and it is a little strong wet. But dries down nicely like you say.
  14. What she said haha although one can see a couple possibilities there ....
  15. Don't waste perfectly good LPs like that - mail me the scarf instead haha!
  16. it will be fine - but shy of washing it out, I don't know. But it will be fine. He will like it. Because he likes you!
  17. Haha - I've got women all over the world thinking about me ...
  18. OMGosh - not really funny but still LMAO ... and the part about her telling you that you are spending too much on scents only makes it better.
  19. For me, it would be Blue for Men, Dark Desires and Kingmaker this month haha!
  20. "Honey, I have something to tell ... errrr show you now that we are married ..."
  21. Pheromones: I would go with Charisma, maybe SS4M. I esp. like Sandy Bottom & Winter Wizardry from Luna's suggestions. Maybe Excaliber & Lion Heart for the green.
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