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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. I ordered all the musks except for Pink. Baby steps, baby steps ... lol.
  2. I would try it, Wiz. The "Outdoors Twins" haha! I agree with the Green Musk but as far as Boysenberry goes ... sounds great if you are female ....
  3. And that one hit is the most important of all! Welcome to the Forum! Great to see another (married) guy here!
  4. I was going to crack a joke about the picture I submitted of me in a speedo but ...
  5. Haha - I have always told my son the way to a woman's heart is through a good dessert!
  6. I think the comments about going with scent levels and adding more Un(scented) pheromones if needed are dead on as I do the same. Depending on the scent, I might apply after lunch or not. The Garage does not really need a reapplication after lunch most days. I might refresh the pheros with a spray or two and the scent with a single swipe to cover in the afternoon. You certainly need to consider what pheros you are using to avoid a 'none OD as the day goes on. I try to give my application points a quick scrub to clean pheros & scent when I go to my evening combo. I often use the same scent at night but not with Garage. I usually switch pheros at night to something more romantic or sexual. Daytime I run with something like Charisma or SWS. I go light with the scent as my wife greatly prefers it that way so my bottles & samples probably last longer than most. ETA: let me explain what Luna means by "mansplaining" ...
  7. I swipe the little plastic tip. (ETA: with the wand inside as described above). The usual dose quoted usually runs 1-3 sprays or swipes. But that is very generic. There are just so many variables that start with age and race and even that can vary individual to individual.
  8. I think the ladies gave you the right answer in that when it comes to pheromones and personal body chemistry, it becomes very personalized. That being said, I use swipes and not dabs. One or two swipes on the forearms and the same on my neck. And by swipe I mean a good four inches easy. It is both the type of pheromone and the relative strength of the scent that determines how much I use overall.
  9. Now she tells me after the sale haha! :lol:
  10. So I have been told before haha! But even if nothing had been so indicated, obviously just the "visible" economics of it all dictate that there has to be a lot of other customers.
  11. Keep your reality out of our little fantasy, Missy! It is a funny thing though - I know intellectually that Mara has a lot of other customers but sometimes it does feel like are it lol.
  12. It sounds like a plan - every little bit helps. The market is overall up, do what you can to make sure the profits work their way down to you!
  13. I just did an order of 10/12 of the sugared line and a few other things.
  14. Yes - Pashazade being first. Pay attention to what the ladies are saying about vanilla and the light florals. Sandy Bottom is an all time favorite. Ruisseau is great for work. Salute is a favorite for outdoor recreation time for me. Winter Wizardry & North Pole and winter favorites. I like Cry Havoc a lot also and my wife seems to like Eternal Sunshine. I like Thrill of the Chase, she thought it was a little too sweet. But as I have said several times, my wife does not care for many scents and never has. As long as i do not stink to the high heavens, she seems happy with me as I am. At least scent-wise lol.
  15. Throw in some sugared greenery and maybe some kind of floral that is my backyard right now with the fire pit going on a late summer's evening.
  16. It is hard to say on the first one - maybe Fang by a hair, but it is so close, it would really depend on how I felt that day. Pashazade, Sand Box, Merlin's Blend/Excaliber, Encens
  17. Doing a second order involving a sampler of the sugared variants and some more pheromones.
  18. No apologies - just letting you know there are several discussions on the topic if you had time to search. We are always happy to answer questions and help!
  19. This is not a hard one to find here but the general consensus is a definite no to pheromones while pregnant or breastfeeding. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9688&hl=breastfeeding&do=findComment&comment=359957
  20. Not sure I would want to spray myself with something that smells like Tush Resin, even if it is sugared haha!
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