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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Or even if you find a non-phero'd scent you both like, you could always spike it with Charisma or SS4M ....
  2. I would consider it a night scent but it certainly is not a work scent. Esp. with the pheromone mix.
  3. Haha - thank you for thinking of me - you know where to find me! But let's be positive - he will love it! It took me a while for my nose to get used to the scents here but now that I am, most "commercial" scents smell like they have some kind of chemical after-scent to me. Which of course they do. Maybe find one LPMP he really likes and then hide his other scents until his nose detoxes.
  4. Haha - thanks - but I think my wife would leave me if she had to deal with two "socks" ...
  5. Congrats Saffron! Congratulations and .... now my toes are getting cold ...
  6. Haha - welcome to the addiction club! "Hi, my name is ..... and I am an LP addict" Me too. Plus the watery or outdoorsy scents. I can tell you a little about the female pheromones/scents but I would go with what Hearts and any of the other ladies suggest. Now if you ever need some recommendations for a guy ... And you are more than welcome for the welcome!
  7. Welcome to the forum? Place any orders yet?
  8. IMO it's always better to undersell an item and let the customer be pleasantly surprised haha!
  9. Haha - no sense in worrying about things you have no control over!
  10. Haha - no sense in worrying about things you have no control over!
  11. I like this scent a lot. It is somewhat evocative of North Pole, a big favorite, for me. I was not sure what the neroli was going to do. It can go in so many directions. Here the neroli/clove combination makes for a spicy orange top note. And it is that spicy side that both keeps the neroli from being a boring orange scent and reminds me of North Pole all at the same time! And while it is the top note on my skin for the first few hours, it is not overpowering in and way. After those first few hours the neroli/clove kind of faded and what was left was that classic sandalwood musk base with just a hint of spice. This is a very classic men's scent (although I know it is listed as unisex!) with a spicy orange top note that is perfect for the holiday season.
  12. Welcome to the forum!
  13. Here. Even after several months in the new location, I am still amazed at how much faster the shipping is. Two days every time.
  14. I do know anything about the effects of the different female mixes, but I would say that if he is already skittish about the sexual part, stick with the pheromone signature he is used to and comfortable with.
  15. I saw the missing portion - I was wondering if the manticore was jealos or something lol. Congratulations!
  16. Wow - really fast with invoice & shipping! Thank you!
  17. Thank you so much - you know I enjoy "hanging around" with you ladies here on the boards ... I was going to link to a RHCP concert but I'll pass haha!
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