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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. New rank just in time for the holidays - celebrating the release of the new wax melts! Thanks Mara!
  2. Thank you, thank you very much (he says in his best Elvis inpersonation)
  3. I suspect most women would consider that question way too forward to ask a guy. If they were interested, it would make them seem too "eager" I guess and if they weren't interested but merely liked the scent and were curious (perhaps to purchase for their husband), they would not want to appear interested if only to possibly avoid having to deflect your attention after asking. I also suspect that the ones who are interested consider the "moon eyes" or "moon lips" they are giving you plenty of invitation to openly start the engagement. Of course the age old dilemma is figuring out of all the women who keep looking your way, which ones are interested in you or which ones are laughing because you spilled salsa on the front of your shirt. Hint: In the salsa situation, you have nothing to lose so ... "You're right, I did spill some salsa on my shirt. Could you come home with me and maybe we can figure out together how to wash it out ....?"
  4. Sweet Mother of Pearl ... you are one of the hardest working people I know. Thank you!!
  5. Any possibility of getting more Man Cave or is it too low a demand for it?
  6. So you say now but we all know that all bets and most promises are off during "Predator Week" haha! Mrs. QG: I did better this month, didn't I? Me: Yeah - there was no arterial bleeding involved on my part this time ...
  7. This is a very interesting scent and several of the descriptions here match my opinion. I love most of the outdoor scents here. I spend a lot of time outdoors so any scent in that genre sparks my interest. When I first put this scent on, the acorn & earth combination threatened to go wonky but whatever it was that hit my nose funny was gone before dry-down. What us left is a very nice sense of autumn - the woods, earth, water and air that all go into that. I get everything in the ingredient list, except like Memorare, I do not pick up any of the smoke. But you could easily add in Sugared Smoke if you wanted that note to be more prominent. The next thing I will say is that on my skin, the scent is like ssupytalp says, sheer. Not feminine, but very light despite wearing the same amount I always wear in an oil based scent. I can barely tell the scent is there. This scent is what I would consider true unisex. Like Luna says, it is overall a very dry, very out-doorsy, very autumn scent that is very appropriate for a guy. I do not however get the soapy, clean notes that she picks up on although the water and ozone accords are definitely there. The vanilla, however, is certainly there as a note and gives Lightening in a Bottle just enough of a (non-feminine) sweetness that this scent can work for a lady IMO. So I also agree more with Dolly on that part. If you like outdoorsy scents, then certainly give this a try whether you are a guy or a lady. I doubt you will be let down.
  8. I was going to joke and ask how fast you wanted the date to go and add cops accordingly .... Even if Cougar or SS4W does not do it, remember that grapefruit scent has been shown to make the wearer seem younger.
  9. When I put this one on I was not sure what to think at first. The Bay Rum and maybe something else exploded in my nose and I was sitting there trying to figure out what I was going to smell like and initially trying not to panic and wash it off. Even when it first dried down the Bay Rum was still strong and I was thinking I put too much on but the bergamot and basil started pushing through so I held on. Finally after a short time, the scent morphed completely. The Bay Rum, bergamot and basil became highlight notes. What I ended up with was the teak wood and basalmic amber on top of a nice skin musk. But right there in the middle of that was a deep, masculine violet. Can a violet scent be masculine, you ask? I asked myself the same thing when I first came here, but Boddice Ripper, a scent that was built around a deep violet, was my first favorite scent here. The scent was even more loved and made famous by a male "online" friend of mine posting on another forum and this created a run on the scent and it sold out. I got my hands on a bottle of it some time later in a trade with one of the ladies and sent it to him as a "thank you" for helping spread the word about that scent in particular and LPMP in general. The interesting part is the TMI which is a mix of alpha and beta 'nols. I love beta 'nols. I am a big, not-so-handsome looking guy, and I can be a bit intimidating to some women. I use beta 'nols to help correct this. Beta 'nols help people feel connected to each other. They trust you. They want to share things with you. and while alpha 'nols make people feel happy/chatty, beta 'nols make them feel connected to you and the conversation turns on things that they think are important or perhaps they think are important to you. People share all kinds of things with you (to include a real estate agent that once told me everything I needed to know to bid their client down lower) and walk away feeling very connected to you. I wore this while shopping over the "Black Friday" weekend sales and in one day alone was given well over $100.00 in additional free stuff (other people directly in front of and behind me were paying for) plus what one manager I had never met before told me was a "because I like you" 20% discount on an item that was not on sale. I love beta 'nols.
  10. I have been around for a little while because I can actually relate to everyone talking about Unisexy 2012 haha! Guys - despite the fact that most of the ladies seem to like wearing this, do not take the scent as feminine. Rather run with Memorare's comment of "comfy vibe" which is a combination of the scent - a good blend of the vanilla & sandalwood - combined with the B2.2 pheromone mix. And that is a strength. Why? Most guys want to "knock'em dead" with a strong sex mix. I like to do that sometimes too. But to really go anywhere deep, to have her really open up to you beyond the lucky one night stand, she has to feel connected to you, to trust you. And that is what both this scent and pheromone are. Comfort. Trust. Connection. She can be herself with you. And guys, that is when the "interesting" side of women often comes out. The base of this is a nice skin musk. The main scent is a smooth combination of the vanilla and sandalwood - a very classic combination. The maple and the tobacco give it a couple notes but they blend so well I can't really pick them out. The tobacco cannot be too strong because other wise it would explode on my skin. This scent does not have the "WOW" factor that some here do but again it is not designed to do that. This scent is designed to work in a somewhat more sneaky fashion by disarming her with favorite comfort scents backed up by a good pheromone mix. Or if you have one lady in your life, this would be a good scent/pheromone combination to wear when she is upset in general or feeling "hormonal" as my wife puts it.
  11. I am planning on which bottles from November I want to order but still testing my sampler set lol. I will also get a FB of Weenie plus a sample of Eve of Darkness
  12. They are not showing on my screen either. Eve of Darkness looks like a sample for me.
  13. Haha - yes, that was a bumper crop last month! I am still testing from the sample set! Thank you for the head's up!
  14. Haha - or reindeer droppings! I would love it if one of those were for guys - that would be funny to tell someone what you were wearing! That is the beauty of most LPMP months for guys - only one or two great scents!
  15. :lol: Any masculine or unisex scents? Or does my wallet get a month off?
  16. Androstadienone has been reported to seem to cause depression amongst some males. At the same time some guys react with irritability to high levels of EST while others react negatively to more alpha females. Figuring out if a guy is in any one of these three areas is done through trial and error. Read this article for more info .... http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/PheroWiki
  17. This is another ZOMGosh scent. I will be the first to admit that I like deeper scents but this is just unbelievable. There is a depth to this scent that very few scents have. At the same time, on top of that depth, there is a slight sweetness, not feminine by any means, that sits just on top and makes the underlying depth stand out even more. The sweetness almost comes across like the deep, very masculine violet of Bodice Ripper but I can only guess which of the ingredients does this - perhaps the vanilla, tobacco, cocoa/espresso ... The Heart Throb pheromone mix will help you get laid. Check out the reviews in the unscented pheromone thread. I don't know what else to say. Order this scent. Full bottle. Now. On second thought, don't. I will need some more bottles myself haha!
  18. Haha - talk about a scent that is all over there - then this one may be it. I read everyone else's descriptions and get something close but not quite dead-on. Of course this is the beauty of Mara's scents as they blend in with your skin and your individual body chemistry and give you something unique. But I am laughing because usually I agree with one person - quite often Luna - and this time everything is close but different. For example I can not pull any tonka out of this and usually tonka leaps out at my nose. When this one is wet, it is something in between Luna's & Beccah's description. It does sort of remind me a little of Portmanteu (got a sniffee a while back and "sniffee-ed" it) and the clove. Kind of a slightly sharp scent at first, though certainly not a bad sharp scent nor medicinal. Just a sharp scent I think related to the clove but combined with something else in there so it is not definitely clove at all. And I say sharp because .... once it dries down, it is something between the linen and the woods on my skin. A very good, solid, daily great for work scent, especially if you work in a professional environment where a more muted cologne is a must or perhaps you have co-workers who are sensitive to scent. This scent is good (I like both the linen and woods type scents and this is somehow a cross between the two) but it is work-perfect muted. It does not seem to have a lot of "throw" once it dries down. I could certainly smell it on me if i focused on it, but I could tell it was not leaving a big sillage behind. The extra bang for your buck here is the Swimming with Sharks (SWS) pheromone blend. At work I have to be considered trustworthy, knowledgeable, etc. etc. and still appear solid when I have to refer to one of my "experts". And while I am all those things (lol!), it certainly helps to have a pheromone blend that helps project that. I see people when they are having trouble, need help, feel vulnerable and are worried about people taking advantage of them. SWS helps me project what I am - the guy who is going to help them and that they can trust to do so. QG gives this a definite thumbs up!! ETA: The more I wear this one, the more I like it.
  19. My preferred skin barriers .... http://www.trojancondoms.com/
  20. This is another very nice scent from the Pheromas 2014 collection. It is an updated variation on an old favorite here that has been rebrewed a couple times. I am never sure about tobacco and tonka notes as they can explode on my skin but these notes are blended in and balanced so well that does not happen. Foody type scents are generally not my favorite either, but this one is so well blended, I really do like it. What comes out on my skin are the cocoa and tonka. This is pretty much wet through dry-down although once it dries down you can really sense the musk, amber, patchouli & sandalwood blend beneath it. It is a very warm masculine scent with top notes of the tonka and cocoa. If your girl is into warm, foody scents, then this is the scent for you! If you even think she might like warm, foody scents, then this is the scent for you. If she likes chocolate, give it a try haha! The extra bonus here is the Perfect Match pheromone blend. It certainly seems to help cause a lot of cuddling with Mrs. QG as well as a lot of other ladies around here. So the bottom line here guys is that this one is certainly worth a try in my book! ETA: I am only cuddling with Mrs. QG. The cuddling involving the other ladies I refer to is them with their SOs. Just to be clear haha!
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