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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Creole Man Sorcerer II Sandy Bottom Pashazade Fang!
  2. Don't cry, Ducky - it was a good try and I really would tell you if I knew anything! I already gave out the only hint I have seen above.
  3. The hint is do you really think I am in a position to really know anything about the new releases ...
  4. Flash away! I will give you a hint!
  5. Well, Mara did say she was ready to show us the pictures for the Sugared line.
  6. You get more money selling eggs ....
  7. Start your (stalking) engines haha!
  8. I can't tell you from first had experience which male pheromone mixes might be bad for ladies to use as Mrs QG does not use any. However, there are some blends (I do not recall which) that some people have reported having negative effects on women, although i think that is often based on the individual and point of her cycle. I would think any 'none heavy mixes could be not so good.
  9. Cchristys confessed that she was the LP addict who succumbed to the lure of the scent siren lol.
  10. I know - wow! Well we know who the buyer was now, I just wonder who the seller was haha!
  11. I purposely OD'd once just to see what would happen. But I did it at a kid's event so a fist-fight would not break out. Women ran away & guys got very agitated. But I was all smiles & friendly converstions so the aggression could not go anywhere.
  12. Thank you! This is something Mrs. QG and I see waaaay too much and comment on back and forth all the time.
  13. Luna is right - there really is a dangerous lack of research when it comes to women and medicine. Both in areas that are often female specific but also until very recently often a shortage of females in the "test populations" for most drugs.
  14. Loves Truck - the C&W version of Love Train.
  15. I have been using pheromones for quite a while. For the most part, if i am wearing a mix ie: SS4M or Wanted Man, I stick with that mix only. If you mix mixes, you just end up with a big muddled mess. Or in the case of guy's sex mixes, you run the risk of a 'none OD. I will sometimes throw in some b'nols on top of certain hard mixes (not sold nere) to soften them a little. You still come across strong, but more friendly as opposed to predatory. I really do not do that with the mixes mara sells here.
  16. Seriously considering two bottles of Totem: Wolf. The only thing holding me back are the sheer number of bottles I already have. There has got to be a good reason that is no reason not to get them, lol.
  17. quietguy


    Welcome to the boards!
  18. This is a great scent. Period. I am going to play with it a little more only to decide if it is one or two bottles. I am pretty much sold on two bottles right now. Very masculine and overall very smooth with just a few sharp edges to catch your interest.
  19. I do not know what is happening with this one on my skin. It smells pretty good in the bottle but for only the second time in several years, something in here really amps on my skin. (The first was Unseelie and that looked really good ingredient-wise to me!) I really liked the list of the ingredients and was very interested but this one does not seem to work for me. Which is very unusual. I certainly have my favorites but usually my skin chemistry works with most things. I will hold on to it and test some more in the future to see if anything changes.
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