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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Haha - you are mucho welcome! I always like Mara's woodsy scents so much I might do a "first" and order a FB without trying a sample first!
  2. I have to order some Fang! I always seem to like the woodsy scents so I might do a first here and order a full bottle right off. But I am really looking forward to the pheromone sale! I know what you mean, there are a few fucks I wish I could forget too. If these bottles help, then I may want some too haha.
  3. Throw the squirrel some nuts next time. He must be depressed - owls come out at night. Or do a coyote howl ... that should send him scampering up a tree.
  4. I really like the description of Fang - 'cause we all know who has the wood ... lol.
  5. Usually but not always. I can only tell you from the guy perspective with 'none. Once you go that high with 'none, the alpha kinda guys get prickly and women - especially younger ones - start shying away. I went way high one night just to see what would happen at a friendly adult social function. it was very interesting and pretty funny to watch. Certain guys assumed very aggressive physical and verbal postures during innocent conversations. You could see the alarm in the eyes of some women I spoke to and they would try to physically back away and break contact as soon as possible.
  6. They only thing the ladies around here are "out to get you" is as addicted to LPs as they are haha! And no one understands or is usually more forgiving about the occassional PMS outburst than the "girls 'round here". (That one is for you Tyvey lol!)
  7. You brought up two different types of OD - self and others. Self effects can be very subjective. Some pheromones that might cause a type of OD - say the 'nols and talking too much - usually wear off after time as you get used to wearing pheromones. But some people report that they might always or usually get headaches with a specific type of pheromone in a pheromone mix. and that often varies by individual. As far as OD effects from other people - it really seems to vary by person but there does seem to be a level at which a lot of people will react in a way that indicates you have OD'd or are wearing too much. And that level often varies by the wearer's body chemistry. This is because as we get older, men tend to produce less 'none so they can wear more without ODing. The same with women and cops. I think it is the cops that drive female aggression towards other females but hopefully one of the ladies will chime in and confirm or deny the cops thing. Usually the OD effects you see in others is either in the form of aggression (verbal or even physical) or you get "ghosted" - your pheromone levels are so high, that they do not compute in the person's subconscious so they ignore you completely. Guys get aggression when they put on too much 'none. Women get aggression from other women I think when they go high with cops as I mentioned above, but again, one of the reisdent female experts will have to confirm that it is the cops that drives that.
  8. HankyPanky - the products here work very well. You can read my reviews in the Mens Section. But we usually do not do direct comparison, much less speak unkindly about about products by other companies. Now you have to understand that I am married so my situation may be very different from yours. The Mrs. generally frowns upon me initiating or accepting kino from other women haha. ETA: I was typing this as Luna locked the other thread: HankyPanky - I tried to partially answer this in another thread. We usually do not do direct comparisons here or speak ill of products by other vendors. I can tell you the products here work well - Throb and Wanted Man have done very well for me, as has SS4M. My case is probably different from yours as I have been married for 25+ years. But all three have done very well with my wife. Throb and Wanted Man have drawn reactions from other women. I have really only used SS4M around the Mrs. so it is hard to say there. Remember Throb has cops in it - you can definitely smell them. You can read my reviews. That being said, I originally came here for the pheromones, but have stayed because I like a lot of the mens scents and the company is great too. You just have to remember that this is primarily a female environment. I have tried various products from both companies although I have not used a wide variety of products from Pheromone XS. The products here do as well as any good pheromone product from any of the other vendors. DHV or DLV? I would say DHV if it pulls them in the way Throb and Wanted Man have.
  9. I thought it might. I have a follow-on that is hilarious ...
  10. Federal Government shut-down. ETA: See above, lol.
  11. Thank you for the new rank!! I already know my next Avi when I am ready ....
  12. Nahhh - if they can put up with me, they can certainly handle you haha! But I think Heather said they were going to get even by sending you some extra addictive samples lol.
  13. That was one of the few I have gotten - but probably because they were all over in one of the places in the SW where I lived for a while. Some of the guys I worked with would catch them and bring them inside for part of the day. The bigger ones were about the size of your palm. They would crawl all over you and I never saw anyone get bitten. If someone brought one in, people would try to catch something for it to eat. At least we were polite and offered it a snack haha!
  14. Now stalking descriptions although it is really academic as i will order a sample of the Men's NR anyways.
  15. Waiting for the description of Fang! (although I will end up getting a sample pretty much no matter what it says lol) and I do like the retro look on all the labels.
  16. That is too funny about your son. I would do that every few days just for the laugh. Also talk to Invi re: pumpkin - you two might be related lol.
  17. But pheromone month is best in my book, followed by sale month!! Ohhh - look - a present for me from me!
  18. Well, I will throw some pheros on and you can come cuddle me. If you feel anything around some old, bald, overweight guy, then you know they work haha! In which case you take them to hubby and say "Wear these if you know what is good for you! 'Cause even the old bald overweight guy gets lucky with his hot younger wife when he does .. "
  19. Well I was never much into MK or Coach ... lol. Is there gonna be anything for the guys in October? Besides hopefully nude or mostly nude women on the labels?
  20. Well, they are certainly all over but maybe not quite so over ... but then again you are one of the more forward leaning people when it comes to trends so I have no doubt it is for you. It never was a big thing for me but I thought the zombie walks were a fun idea.
  21. Yessss - we can all send in pictures of ourselves as Zombies and Mara could use those on the labels haha! LV's Double Cops Zombie Brew! Booooo.
  22. I agree - that is what I was refering to by the "as far as" because I know most genetic engineering is designed to handle birth defects or disease.
  23. According to the article one of the main reasons for the surrogacy is to have a child born in the US so they have a legal way out of China into the US. Wealthy Chinese are already sending their wives to the US to give birth so the child is a US citizen and this in turn also gives the family a door into the US. Have a baby in the US, get visas for the rest of the family, slide your money into an account that you can access in the US and get out quickly. One of the big problems the Chinese are trying to deal with - which is a direct outgrowth out of their political and economic system - is corruption with high government officials. These guys are stealing millions and sometimes more from the Chinese government, putting it into a bank account they can access here in the US and then fleeing to the US with their families. Why does this work? Because the Chinese have refused to sign an extradition treaty with the US. They do not want to have to extradite their citizens guilty of things like computer piracy, etc. but nor can they get over a billion dollars in stolen government funds or the criminals who stole it back. But I agree with you on genetic engineering as far as doing it for the purpose of making the perfect blue-eyed, blond-haired baby so to speak. (Note: I have nothing against blonds - it was just an example lol!).
  24. Or here is an alternative haha .... http://www.cnbc.com/id/101053509 Excerpt: Wealthy Chinese are hiring American women to serve as surrogates for their children, creating a small but growing business in $120,000 "designer" American babies for China's elite. ... Intended parents typically pay the surrogate between $22,000 and $30,000, an agency fee of about $17,000 to $20,000 and legal fees of up to $13,000. If egg donation is required, that can cost an additional $15,000 and pre-natal care and delivery fees can run between $9,000 and $16,000. That's a lot of LPs ...
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