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PheroGirl read rich, floral honey on me this time. It was the first honey scent ive ever gotten but it turned powder once upon a time and i was afraid of honey for a bit. And since its a hella lazy sunday where i never leave the bed even to eat shit i thought id test this lil gem out again.


Im feeling all tired and grumpy so this doesnt sound the most enthusiastic review ive done. whoops.


Its like a lil baby compared to slf, however this one can be worn by itself since its not a 'all the sex' or even amp to such lengths type deal--the intention is still there if thats where you wanna head though.


First off, its very rich and sweet (like ive mentioned) sorta like i just dipped my whole arm in a pot of honey and decided to strut up to the nearest hunk and go 'hey sexy'. Though its a (insert adjective) honey, its surprisingly light. I wanna say sheer but lets be honest its not really sheer haha. Its only sheer once it settled for while and it turns into a skin scent where you can almost assume thats what you naturally smell like :o

I would assume theres a lot more depth than what im typing now but i just put it on and forgot about it because im lazy.


So heres some shameless promoting that you 100% get this if you think/know honey loves you and you-it back :LuvU396:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't get any cops at all from this, just the most absolutely exquisite scent: thick, sweet incense and maybe a few beeswax candles with a touch of dust/powder (something like that -- I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to how to discuss these things). I want to roll around in it like a dog on the grass. As soon as I applied it I rushed to the main site to make sure it's a permanent scent. I see a full bottle in my future.

Edited by donsie
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I adore Phero Girl! I wear this one neat, on its own, but I will share a little secret. It is such a lovely, layerable chameleons that no matter what LP I am wearing, most of the time I will end up using this as a base before applying anything else. On my skin, it just works like an alchemical agent with anything. Love, love, love it!!!

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I don't get any cops at all from this, just the most absolutely exquisite scent: thick, sweet incense and maybe a few beeswax candles with a touch of dust/powder (something like that -- I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to how to discuss these things). I want to roll around in it like a dog on the grass. As soon as I applied it I rushed the the main site to make sure it's a permanent scent. I see a full bottle in my future.

It's ALL honey. The powdery note is from one of the honeys. I agree it great. It's also a good compliment to many LPs. Enjoy.

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It is indeed a gorgeous scent. I only ever wear it in combination with other scents though, cause on me it becomes so overtly seductive it makes me feel like a succubus! A couple of times I wore a little on my wrists, and it was like a living entity feeding off my life force and twining itself up my wrists like armlets made of sweetly scented baby serpents. That was kinda scary, in a nice but naughty sort of way.


ETA: I forgot to mention that conservative religious people give me the eye when I wear this (and I never wear more than a hint). They look at me like I'm Eve, and I've just bitten the juicy apple and am about to offer them some too- and they know they won't quite be able to refuse, lol.

Edited by vladmyra
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When I first received this I smelled the vial and thought...Oh my way to loud for honey.....it actually took over a week for me to get the courage to put it on my skin worried the scent would amp to oblivion.......well I love it. When wet it is strong on me but I do not smell cops. It starts to behave fairly quickly and turns into a luscious honey scent. I get some powdery honey and a bit of light floral honey....I would wear this often if I had a FB so there is another one for my Feb list. I am glad this is permanent because I can see right now I am going to need multiple bottles of this.


I think I like this better than Sugared Honeycomb. SH ends up a little more powdery on me where PG stays brighter.

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Just received this yesterday ~ and upon application? It smelled exactly like straight-up

Johnson & Johnson's Baby Powder on me. But within less than 15 minutes, it

morphed into the most GORGEOUS, rich, thick, slightly-sweet and true organic honey

scent EVER! (with no cops detected at all). I absolutely ADORE this one ~ and

am so glad (and can understand why) this is part of the permanent collection ~

and I can definitely see this being a staple for me. (and as it does not come off

strong and overpowering on me ~ look forward to try using/pairing it, with other

Lp's as well).

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  • 2 months later...

Broke out the sample of Phero Girl last nite for Beltane Eve with my husband. Layered it with LPMP ANTHEA which is a light floral blend that I got because of the honeysuckle....It went very well together...and the effects kicked in quite quickly. Hubby likey this one! But then again, he seems to like a lot of the LPMP fragrances which is unusual for him cuz he always liked me to wear Rain perfume by Terra Nova.


I think he responds well to EST/copulins. I have to be careful tho with EST and always wear a little something with it as it can get me moody/weepy.I'm going to order some EOW/cops to see if what the effects would be without EST.


Happy May Day!

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Well, neither Phero Girl nor Anthea have Est......PheroGirl has only cops.....

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Dolly, yes of course, silly me, you are right! Forgot that Phero girl doesn't have EST, just COPS. Which is really good for me, altho I can wear CB (Est/cops) with SC and I like the balance. But I want to still get the straight up COPS, cuz it would give me more mileage/ability to blend with stuff. Also can wear XAppeal which has est/cops, but something else in it. Really like the fragrance.


I'm still learning....but will have to try Phero Girl with some of the other fragrances. I got a sniffie of Flowers in the Moat which I bet would go great with it.

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Dolly, yes of course, silly me, you are right! Forgot that Phero girl doesn't have EST, just COPS. Which is really good for me, altho I can wear CB (Est/cops) with SC and I like the balance. But I want to still get the straight up COPS, cuz it would give me more mileage/ability to blend with stuff. Also can wear XAppeal which has est/cops, but something else in it. Really like the fragrance.


I'm still learning....but will have to try Phero Girl with some of the other fragrances. I got a sniffie of Flowers in the Moat which I bet would go great with it.



Just a word of warning.....many newbies who get straight cops (Essence Oil), often find it hard to get the hang of.....hard to learn how to use and how to cover. They are very smelly all on their own. They must dry down completely, and then be covered with an appropriate cover scent. That is why Mara makes Phero Girl and the OCCO line which is just cops with fantastic scents. No need to cover....once they dry down, the cops are undetectable. Many of the OCCO line can be layered with other scents.....for instance, OCCO White is a yummy vanilla which can be layered with many other fragrances.....

Edited by Dolly
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Thanks for info...I just checked out the OCCO collection and I am going to get a sample of OCCO white and Occo blue. I love Cougar Potion, Sneaky Clean, LP PINK and Xappeal with Sexology. I know X appeal has cops, but Sneaky Clean and LP Pink do not. Do you know if Cougar Potion does? I know its a proprietary blend, but not sure if using additional cops by layering with Occo white wld be 2 much? I can see where the OCCOS would be "safer" when starting out.


I'm going to go read the thread on the OCCO collection next, lol.

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Me, too, Rose! Just discovered that it can be a good base for me, but for some reason Phero Girl by itself goes yucky on me. When I layer something lite, watery/floral over it, it seems to work!

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Thanks for info...I just checked out the OCCO collection and I am going to get a sample of OCCO white and Occo blue. I love Cougar Potion, Sneaky Clean, LP PINK and Xappeal with Sexology. I know X appeal has cops, but Sneaky Clean and LP Pink do not. Do you know if Cougar Potion does? I know its a proprietary blend, but not sure if using additional cops by layering with Occo white wld be 2 much? I can see where the OCCOS would be "safer" when starting out.


I'm going to go read the thread on the OCCO collection next, lol.



Cougar has only a very small amount of cops, so layering it with an OCCO would not be an issue.

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I love to use Phero Girl as a base to layer other perfumes on. I love the edge it gives them! :)

PG is a lovely compliment to many LPs I like it with some florals and foodies. Of course it's fab on it's own. Especially in the summer IMO. It's so sexy on warm skin. :666: Edited by StacyK
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Ok so after much wailing and gnashing of teeth with the USPS, I finally got my first order! I ripped open the box and there was a whole bunch of free sample perfumes! I especially liked G-String, Love Immortal and Candy Pop (which came as a full size 1/3 oz roll on-THANKS SO MUCH!). But by far the BEST SMELLING thing in the box was Phero Girl. I put a liberal amount on the inside of both wrists and I just couldn't stop smelling it. I was like huffing my wrists! LOL. Awesome smell! I didn't even mind the initial cheesy smell because the honey scent just seemed to harmonize with it. But, I didn't go anywhere I just did some work in my garden and went to bed early. The next day I remembered how much I had liked the smell so I slathered on another liberal amount and headed out to start my errands. First stop was the gas station/convenience store to top off my tank and grab an energy drink. I got a couple of looks on my way in the store but even I thought I looked especially cute that morning and it's been known to happen. As I approached the door, not 1 but 2 men held it open for me-that hasn't happened before. And I look up while trying to decide on which of the 15 flavors of Red Bull to get, and I am literally surrounded by men. I have like 5 guys all seemingly deciding to get a Red Bull at the exact same time as me and 2 or 3 standing WAY too close. Soooo, I hurried up, got back in my car and went home and showered vigorously.


Phero Girl is a wonderful scent but clearly not appropriate for all situations. I guess I wasn't expecting such dramatic results. I will get a chance to try it on the latest boyfriend candidate on Friday, but I'm expecting GREAT THINGS!

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Just wearing this one again after my first sniff moths ago. I fell in love but I have been really stingy and wary of using it because I only have a sample. I can confirm that I am certain enough of how much I adore the scent that I will be getting a FB.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is something about the Phero Girl scent BESIDES the cops that turns heads. I have UNE, the un-copped twin, and once literally had a man that I was walking beside SNAP his head around to me and practically shouted at me that I smelled GREAT! :lol: It was awesome! That's just one example. PG is doubly the bomb!

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For me, I amp honey....so while I love the scent, a little dab is all I need. I do not wear it very often because of its potency. I can smell it the day after even after a shower. Good thing I like the smell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just tried this out. Ohh I love the scent! So sweet and warm smelling to me. Really like it.


Great :love: How long have you had it on? Is the honey doing well on your skin? I'm fine with honey so far but still have to try different blends. Phero Girl has a unique smell from the vial. I haven't tried it on my skin yet.

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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Great :love: How long have you had it on? Is the honey doing well on your skin? I'm fine with honey so far but still have to try different blends. Phero Girl has a unique smell from the vial. I haven't tried it on my skin yet.


Had it on for a couple of hours and still smelling great. I like it on my skin better. I only use a very small amount in my cleavage and that seems to be enough for me.

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OMG! I tried this after getting my new LPMP order that included some MRF and a bottle of Tobacco Berry.


I took the PG (Phero Girl) sample from my very first order and put that on first, then some MRF (Mara's Rocket Fuel) and a dap of LP Original and Tobacco Berry (on sale over at Art Fire). Very very good.


The honey and cops of the PG blended perfectly with the MRF (which has SS4W in it) and the LP Original/Tobacco Berry....YUM!

Tobacco berry has Blackberry/caramal with a hint of pipe tobacco...


I had a great time playing cards and my husband lost every hand we played of setback...I don't think he was concentrating on the cards as well as usual, heh heh.

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  • 9 months later...

For the life of me, I couldn't find another thread to place this review. If I have placed it in the wrong area, please forgive?


My first samples arrived yesterday and oob they all smelled wearable if not yummy. I decided to try out Phero Girl on the sly, because I wanted a true reaction from the manmeat. Honestly, I cannot get into too much detail on that because the only word that came out of his mouth that is quasi repeatable is "rapey". He is normally rather tame when it comes to dirty talk...so the things that spewed out of his mouth as he followed me through the house were a ummmm sudden change of pace after 10 years lol I will return as I try each and report my findings.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if you like foodie fragrances, but I've been playing with this fragrance in it's "virgin" form - UNE - and it loves to be layered with maple scents, on me at least... :)

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  • 9 months later...

I enjoy a nice feminine honey note in perfumes, but I'm easily overwhelmed by honey-focused blends. It took a while to appreciate BPAL's O, and I ended up giving away my It's Raining Men shower gel. So it's not too surprising that this one just isn't a winner for me. If you are a lover of honey, this is just perfect, because it's spot on... in my case that means it's too literal. I'm getting straight honeycomb, softened with powderiness on the skin, then it eventually opens up and the orange blossom is detectable. I can see the appeal: it's pretty and even enticing, but I like my sexy to take a different form.

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This ages incredibly. My bottle is almost 3 years old. Notably different aged.


It's also a great partner to mix some foodie or floral scents with.

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