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Hi, Raq On and NuTrix, thanks for the welcome!

I'm really excited that there's such "results" in the first days of using BI. It really must be a big gun like everybody here says.

By the way, good stuff continued, husband fed me off his plate at dinner, carefully preparing forks for me. I had just fixed somthing for him as I wasnt really hungry, but he insisted.

No, Raq, that's just a picture I found on the net while looking for fruit hats on people (I know, weird. It was a work thing). Found this right away, thought he looked so cute. My own cat would plot to kill me in the night if I tried to put him in a fruit hat!

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Hey, Bluebear, thanx for the welcome! Sorry I forgot you in the last post, I use the iPad a lot now and it's just he smaller screen that makes me miss things sometimes. I guess the smaller phero hits may sometimes even be cuter than the more obvious ones. It's only day 3 and already I'm having so much fun with this, and of course a new order is on the way. I'm so happy I found this site, you guys seem like such a great community.

Raq, like every cat he is Master of the house of course. If I don't comply with his wishes I got another thing coming ;-)

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^^ I bet you do!! Wow that's got to be a punch in the ummm ... for some guys. lol


Welcome Maroon. What a great phero review!

Edited by StacyK
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Hi, everybody, thanks for all the welcome greetings, I really love how friendly everybody is. I enjoy this sooo much.

Since I opted to try each scent for a number of days to see what happens, well, I just put BI on today, again. Just this time I must have been too blatant - yesterday I took 3 rolls from belly to cleavage, today I added a fourth just under the breasts - even though I let things dry for 40 minutes, and put on quite a bit of cover scents. I dont rub the BI around with my wrists, because I dont want to transport it to other places of my body, I use little plastic spatulas that I throw away afterwards.

On the bus I got plenty of stares from 3 men a few seats over - but they were 10 to 15 feet away, so I dont know if I can attribute that to the pheros or just a good hair day.

But at work, where I had been queen bee yesterday: very different today. Still people came in and were friendly, but nothing unusual. The overly flirty dude was pensive and kept to his room, looked down when I passed him in the hallway. Not unusual either, he can be upbeat one day and really subdued the next. But everybody who was joking and lively yesterday was serious today. The guy who had hugged me so enthusiastically yesterday was nice enough, but very softspoken and seemed a little nervous when I stood next to him. So basically I have no clue If that one extra roll was too much and I bombed everyone away. Or is it nervousness from the testosterone spike? I kept my conversation strictly business mostly, but I wore a really tight business oufit and heels. Who knows, I might have been really intimidating ;-) In the afternoon I got an intense buzz for a while, like I was vibrating sexual energy. Strange! Was about time I took myself home. No husband testing today because he's working late and I have a little headache anyway. Could be the onset of period, I'm due around now. Maybe that's why the pheros didnt have the impact the did yesterday? It's all so interesting!

So, tomorrow I'll go easier on the dosage again or even take a break, I'll see how I feel...

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BI can create nervousness..oh yeah - for sure :lol: Hit! It can broadcast alpha female and make you seem less approachable and if you were all business that would have lent to it...or you could just be a hot chick who on occasion makes the boys nervous.... :Emoticons0424: .

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Okay, this is to wrap up 4 days of trying BI out in the field. It's a winner for sure! I found my sweet spot with three rolls on torso. The past 2 days have been an absolute flirt fest. I got so many hits I don't know where to start. Every man in the office wanted to be around me, chat, laugh, buy me coffee. Some coming into my room asking nonsense questions just to spend time with me.


I got so much attention it pretty much exhausted me. And in the evening: husband telling me how georgeous I am and getting hands-on...


BI gave me some wicked good fun. Will give everybody and myself a break today. Can't wait for my next order to arrive. I have some Occo ambrosia coming. I have a feeling this will be one magickal summer!

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BI, is one of the few phero's that I only need one or two sprays of and I get mega hits every time....This is such a great phero


DD do you have this in alcohol or silicone mix? Curious about a spray. I have oil roll on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blatant Invitation is such a winner for me that I've been wearing it almost every day now. Just three short rolls of the oil, a cover scent over it and then just a dot of Occo Ambrosia on each wrist - and it works like a charm. Today the CEO of my company who I'm sure has never heard my name, just got up from his lunch table when I walked up with my tray and told me to please sit down as he was making room for me.


I am not sure if this counts as a hit, since I was only around him for seconds. I wore a really nice dress, but this man never talks to anyone he doesn't know.


Is there a rule of thumb how long minimum you have to be close to someone for a phero to hit home?

I know I must have really gotten to a coworker cause he practically wouldn't leave my side all day. Had no good reason to be there, but there he was, chatting, standing very close whenever he could. I think at some point he was actually breathing me in. I could feel him exhaling on my hair. Another has started to wink at me everytime our paths cross. My boss gets really nervous around me.


Strange though, while I get such a fantastc showing from men all around, husband, since that first little hit, does not respond. He's upset about his business at the moment, a lot of things didnt work out well recently and he's depressed about that. I should probably get some mood lifting phero for him, poor sweetheart....

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Strange though, while I get such a fantastc showing from men all around, husband, since that first little hit, does not respond. He's upset about his business at the moment, a lot of things didnt work out well recently and he's depressed about that. I should probably get some mood lifting phero for him, poor sweetheart....


If you have Open Windows, wear some of that around him. Great mood lifter. When my man is in a funk, it is like flipping a switch.

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Raq, I have the oil and I roll once from belly button to cleavage, and once diagonally from belly button to each boob. Smooth it around with one wrist, put cover scent on after 20, then clothes after another ten. The occo on wrist is just a dab no more so I put the scent out when I move my hands.


Dolly, thanx for the Open Window tip. Will see if it cheers him up...

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  • 5 weeks later...

So is it true that some people cant smell certain cops/mones? Everyone's complaining about how bad BI smells and I just recieved my order yesterday & YES - its a little bit funky but not rank like everyone has been saying - I've had no problem covering it up? I even had a few ppl smell me to see if they could detect anything unpleasant - was my batch short of cops?

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If I read your question right, are you saying "alpha" as in personality, assertive ect? My answer would be yes and no. It certainly makes a statement and gets attention but it's also femme and a little flirty. A little one step forward one step back, But the message is Blatant as they say. IMO

A more assertive or sexually aggressive phero blend would be Sexpinoage.

Edited by StacyK
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So is it true that some people cant smell certain cops/mones? Everyone's complaining about how bad BI smells and I just recieved my order yesterday & YES - its a little bit funky but not rank like everyone has been saying - I've had no problem covering it up? I even had a few ppl smell me to see if they could detect anything unpleasant - was my batch short of cops?


Everyone will perceive the smell differently. I doubt very highly if it was short of cops. If you got yours in silicone, make sure you shake it before applying.

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Would any of you ladies who have tested/worn this say that it is an 'alpha' mix?

The none in it might give it the an aggressive edge in the come hither department, but I think, for me, the Est buffers that pretty well giving me a definite feminine vibe. I would agree with StacyK about Sexpionage being on the more alpha side in comparison :)

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Thanks StacyK and NuTrix.


I am just wondering about congruence.


If I read your question right, are you saying "alpha" as in personality, assertive ect? My answer would be yes and no. It certainly makes a statement and gets attention but it's also femme and a little flirty. A little one step forward one step back, But the message is Blatant as they say. IMO
A more assertive or sexually aggressive phero blend would be Sexpinoage.



The none in it might give it the an aggressive edge in the come hither department, but I think, for me, the Est buffers that pretty well giving me a definite feminine vibe. I would agree with StacyK about Sexpionage being on the more alpha side in comparison :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I have been seriously debating between Blatant Invitation and Sexpionage, but after reading this, I've just ordered BI. It seems to have a "softer" affect on people. I do have a trial of compromising positions, however. It has had a very strong reaction on me, and on the limited number of people who I've been around, but maybe I need to pay more attention. I was going to order the full version today, but posts on here convinced me to try BI. Fingers crossed....:)

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Crossing my fingers for you too, lol! Looking forward to you future posts/findings :)

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Hey Storms, I ordered BI for the same reason as you. I was hoping for "softer" than sexpionage. My man is an alpha type man, and I wasn't sure how he would respond to Sexpionage. Est heavy blends make him very touchy and huggy, so I know he responds well to the est.


BI... Knocks him across the head. On more than one occasion, I have been attacked (in the most positive way!) while waiting for the BI to dry down before getting dressed. In fact, I have learned to make sure I put my fragrance cover on at the same time, just in case!


The funny thing is, it makes him want to ...ahem... just please me. ...whether or not we go farther. BI was the first sexy blend I tried that got such a strong reaction out of him.


BI made me a believer!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've read all the reviews of BI multiple times but I'm still curious - would those of you who have it say it's more effective in spray or oil form?


I ALWAYS get BI either in oil or silicone. It is a very sexual blend, and I personally prefer to keep the sexual blends close to my body. Only those who get into my personal space should detect them. You really don't want sexual blends diffusing and flying across the room, which is what happens with spray. I get the social mones in spray......NOT BI.

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Exactly! I think I was getting thrown off by all the reviews mentioning it in spray form. But I suppose I forgot to consider the trial sprays and also, that some folks are super precise in their applications whereas I'd probably accidentally get it in my hair and have a new mess of issues. Thanks, Dolly!

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would those of you who have it say it's more effective in spray or oil form?


I love my spray but i only use it at home. Considering I use it for sexy time only, I want the diffusion to be huge and in his face. That's the whole point. And I don't need it to last that long either. That's why I use my spray.

I've decanted some into a 5ml spray (in the Odalisque fragrance) to layer with the oil, but like Halo I tend to wear it for HIGH impact on hubby...though I've worn it out just for fun to see what would happen...usually sprayed to torso and smooshed around with my wrists and then it's under my blouse mostly, so the diffusion isn't as crazy as when I load up for in the home. I'm horrible, I know...I'm an instigator at heart...I just like to be covert about it :D

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I love my spray but i only use it at home. Considering I use it for sexy time only, I want the diffusion to be huge and in his face. That's the whole point. And I don't need it to last that long either. That's why I use my spray.



And I have a spray as well....BUT like you say, only at home. Out and about, silicone or oil.

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  • 4 months later...

Wow I like the selfies of this one. Haven't had the courage to wear it out so it will be just for home for me. Put it on ( dab on each wrist and one between the girls) and wowza!!! I organized and cleaned like never before. Started thinking about deep things...the future, what I want and how to get there from where I am. I can feel intimidated easily by obstacles...they seem like a mountain sometimes and want to find a way around... but this just made me want to put on the climbing gear and go for it. Or made the mountain small in my mind..... At this rate I don't care what effect it will have on any future men...I am loving this blend just for the clear way it lets me look at things and the feeling there is nothing I can't handle. Instead of "I'm not sure I can" it gives me " Why the F not go for it?"


I think today I decided to go back to school to further my nursing career.....thanks BI !!!

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:D That's AWESOME! On an occasion when you feel like - "why not?" I have BI in a favorite scent that I wanted to wear more often. I paired BI with Lace to chill out the heat factor and it was received really well! That's just my experience but if you wanted to give it a go sometime.....*whistles and walks away*

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I have been contemplating adding another unscented pheromone To my next order but am not sure what to go with. I love the reviews on photos that give you self effects involving motivation and confidence. Not necessarily the sexual photos. I have the Sexpionage for that. But yes, thinking about the future and feeling like I can do anything in the world really appeals to me! Any thoughts friends?

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I know the blends with a bit of androstenone pick up my butt and give me umph. BI, Leather and her big sis Dom come to mind for starters....

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I had stayed away from Dom for a very long time, being concerned I may come off too alpha or overly dominant for my personality, soooo, I started out with Leather and felt the Est gave me that touch of feminism that I was concerned would be missing in straight Dom. That being said, I also got a Dom sample to try in the Nov sale of 2012 and I also tried it in the Sex & Violins scent (which went well and I ultimately got a FB of...with added cops of course ^_~ ).


The selfies are slightly different for me: Leather keeps me my flirty, girly self and the effects on others are to want to assist me in accomplishing the things I've asked of them or to simply offer to assist me without even being asking (great for work and I use it there A LOT) Dominance is a little more, serious? for me. Selfies are confidence and very alpha take charge kinda feel, but not in a crack the whip kind of way. More of a focused type of vibe....which actually translates nicely into the bedroom as well hehe...


Leather and BI are similar in effects on myself & others except that the cops in BI really can take things in a different direction, as I'm sure you could have guessed :D BI makes me decidedly horny too but VERY flirty and effects on others, unless it's buffered, will send things to questionable conversation just about...immediately :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, we are singing two services and having a social in between on Sunday when I should have a chance to get near ACD. I'm thinking I might BI it up, as I have a trial vial of Petit-Four Your Thoughts. For science, of course.

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