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Autumn Rain


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OAK ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism.
TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance.
OUD (Agarwood) ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health.
APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, fortelling spells.
HAY ~ Friendliness, fruitfulness.
FERN ~ Stamina, virility/fertility, sincerity, fascination, eternal youth, bestows confidence, riches, creates perimeter of protection, luck. Representative of ancient knowledge.
FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, consecration, protection, exorcism. Associated with silver and the moon.
EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone has this, can they please review it? I'm dying to know what it smells like!

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I've been wearing this for about an hour, and although I like guy-scents on me; I think I would like this more on a guy. It smells so good! I'm smelling lots of woods and a hint of spice and earth. Before I looked at the notes, I had no idea there was hay or apple in this. But now I can kind of sense the barest hint of those notes mingling in the background. I think the apple is giving this a sort of crispness but without making it sweet. Great outdoorsy autumn scent for the guys!

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Excellent review, thanks!

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This scent makes me want to get a boyfriend or at least cajole my currently drunk male roommate to wear this so I can slather him with it and maul him. I have only smelled earth in Totem: Bat and Punxatawney Immortality Elixir, and HATED it so I felt leery of this but it is So, So Good. The hay and the fern harmonize with the earth that makes it smell like it's in it's place, not THE ONLY NOTE I CAN SMELL like the others I've tried. I'm catching a tiny whiff of soap, it smells clean. After some drydown, it's all woodsy and clean and smells even more heavenly. I'm going to blend this with some B2.2 to spray my pillow tonight and seriously reconsider my 7-year single streak. :D

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This one is quite light on me -- with oak, teakwood and oud I was anticipating something much darker and earthier. I definitely get the apple -- it's a deliciously crisp rather than sweet and fruity one, as Hearts said. I definitely get a visual of the fields after haying is done and nothing but stubble and bare earth remains -- later fall, post harvest, rather than early fall. Cool and rainy. I think more a scent I would want to smell on a guy than wear myself -- the drydown especially is beautifully clean and fresh.

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This is very green on me, even after the drydown - the fern is so strong on me. I get hints of the other notes but it's mostly damp green and just a faint touch of earth on me. I love that touch of apple I get in the vial, though, it's tart and juicy.

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Straight out of the vial this reminds me of, but is lighter than, a PE I had Mara conjure for me a couple of years ago, called Wendy's Wandering Moonlight. The addition of hay and apple go a long way to carry this out of a wood-dense rainy forest to an apple orchard after a rain. Fresh, light, beautiful.


At first, the fern is strong, but within less than ten minutes the hay-strewn path beckons you to a wagon which carries passengers, bumping along ruts, to fields and rows heavy with "you pick" pumpkins and apples.


A north wind blows in a whirling rain. Surprisingly, behind the hay barn a wee Candy House appears within a fog. Blue Smoke whisps up and drifts toward the wagon. Perhaps the apples and pumpkins can wait a bit.

Edited by Wanderlust
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  • 2 weeks later...

LOVE! This is the perfect autumn scent, everything is very balanced. The earthy part of the scent manages to know it's place in this blend. (I usually have issues with the dried "leafiness" aspect of autumn scents taking over.) If my skin didn't eat this up, I would love a full bottle.

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Where are all the spices I'm smelling in this? I totally got straight up allspice at first. Like AHE w lumina! Now I'm getting a hint of apple and more woods but now I'm really confused! I hope it smells earthier on the bf. I make masculine smells smell so feminine. It has great throw and I can tell it's going to last a long time.

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Straight out of the vial this reminds me of, but is lighter than, a PE I had Mara conjure for me a couple of years ago, called Wendy's Wandering Moonlight. The addition of hay and apple go a long way to carry this out of a wood-dense rainy forest to an apple orchard after a rain. Fresh, light, beautiful.


At first, the fern is strong, but within less than ten minutes the hay-strewn path beckons you to a wagon which carries passengers, bumping along ruts, to fields and rows heavy with "you pick" pumpkins and apples.


A north wind blows in a whirling rain. Surprisingly, behind the hay barn a wee Candy House appears within a fog. Blue Smoke whisps up and drifts toward the wagon. Perhaps the apples and pumpkins can wait a bit.

I always wanted to try your Wandering Moonlight.. that label was gorgeous..

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Maybe I have completely lost it, but this rain/water note smells like the same one in Mermaids of Atlantis??? At least I think that is the one and what it is called. I am not getting any hay, apple, or wood. It is giving me the same vibe as Sneaky Clean. It is very blue/green on me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you like outdoorsy kinds of scents - and I do! - then this is a perfect scent for you. This is outdoor Fall in a bottle. The woods, hay, earth and a touch of fern to soften it and the apple to give it a natural little crisp/sweet note to offset the depth and earthiness of the rest. And on my skin it has a certain lasting power, although after several hours all I can really smell are the woods and a touch of the frankincense.


I took a chance (not a big one really haha) and bought a full bottle of this. I am glad I did. This is a season-perfect scent.

Edited by quietguy
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