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LOL! It's in rather bad taste I'm afraid.

Have you never heard of anyone refer to sexy high heels as CFM or "f*ck me" shoes? It stands for *come f*ck me".


And the story behind the perfume is: it contains a pheromone blend from Androtic's that they call "Angelina Jolie in a bottle". So we researched what the actress actually likes in perfume notes, and crafted a perfume that she might like to wear, so the vibe is complete - wear it to channel that vibe, put on your Angelina suit.





You know, you should send Angelina a bottle.....she might like it.....

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Oh I LOVE the detail behind the making! Thanks Mara, this is truly an amazing scent. I wasnt dure if it would work with me, but OMG it is amazing. A totally versatile scent that seems to work for all types of ladies

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Thank you so much for the clarification. I knew it had to be something wicked and fun. Great!! I just ordered a sample only. I'm sure I want the big one (I guess that would be both literally and figuratively speaking). :blink:

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I'm sure I want the big one (I guess that would be both literally and figuratively speaking). :blink:




A girl after my own heart!!

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I wore this again last night (and little EST in the hair)..... GIRL !!!! all I can say is, I need a wheelchair, that.... and someone to rub the silly grin off my face. Mara ? I'd like a full bottle pls, thx u, now I need some rest.


ps: I didn't even get a chance to put ON my CFM shoes !!!

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I wore this again last night (and little EST in the hair)..... GIRL !!!! all I can say is, I need a wheelchair, that.... and someone to rub the silly grin off my face. Mara ? I'd like a full bottle pls, thx u, now I need some rest.


ps: I didn't even get a chance to put ON my CFM shoes !!!




OH MY!! You go girl !!!! I am going to surely take my bottle on vacation.....

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omg omg! daym this sounds so good, and I didn't receive my package yet...grr *tapping foot for mail man to come!* So I can start shopping again!


is it resiny? daym...I would have bought the bottle right away, but since it has amber I'll have to try the sample first...omg tal, I can't miss it!

Edited by esmeralda
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OK.....wearing this tomorrow on our road trip to FL.....by the time we get there, my man most surely WILL be ready to CFM......I swear, this one spins him like a top!!

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Alright, just received my huge order and started sniffing away. CFM to me is a sophisticated and sexy scent, but you can wear it anytime. I love the mix of spiciness and softness I get after it's on my skin for a while, I think it's cinnamon I'm smelling. I'm definately gonna have to get two more bottles to hoard.


Quick question, even though this already has tal in it, would it be possible to add one of the unscented pheromone blends to it?

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We CAN add pheros to anything. Dolly got this one amped with Blatant Invitation, and I tried wearing it layered myself and had good results.


But here's something to keep in mind, just in general - Dr. Stone says that more is not necessarily better when it comes to phero ingredients. He says that often blends with only 2 to 3 ingredients work the best, and adding more can totally nullify the effects of the entire thing.

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We CAN add pheros to anything. Dolly got this one amped with Blatant Invitation, and I tried wearing it layered myself and had good results.


But here's something to keep in mind, just in general - Dr. Stone says that more is not necessarily better when it comes to phero ingredients. He says that often blends with only 2 to 3 ingredients work the best, and adding more can totally nullify the effects of the entire thing.



Yeah, I have worn it layered with Unscented Blatant Invitation, also.....and that works REALLY WELL......killer combo! Can't wait to try my "turbo boosted" version.....

Edited by Dolly
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You know, Dolly, it's your fault I had to buy a full sized C.F.M (the name had a little to do with it)! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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WELL.....this is an unsolicited opinion.....BUT, your BF may have been picking up the TAL vibe that a lot of men don't like.....some men are intimidated/don't like a "take charge" type of female (thankfully, my man loves it). I had some that I dated who became very cold/aloof when I would wear TAL.


Anyhoo.....your problem is precisely why I never (until recently) told any man that I was involved with that I was using pheros. They would have thought nothing good about it. However, my current sweetie knows I use them, and I have gotten him to wear Super for men, himself. I won't let him take the bottle out of my house though.....not letting him out of my sight with that one on.....


To keep things exciting though, unless I specify, my darlin' never knows IF or WHEN I am wearing, or WHAT pheros I am using.....keeps my testing more objective......



Heh, I absolutley love C.F.M however when i wear it sometimes it makes me kinda bitchy especially if Iam wearing it when I have my monthly enemy....hehehe. I actually don't tell anyone about the potions not even my boyfriend although my boos at work has seen me on this website before but my boyfriend knows I use scented oils instead of actual perfume sprays. I tend to keep this stuff to myself though because around here mostly everyone is in there 20s or early 30s and people are noosy and kinda snoopy. If this gets out everyone is going to jump on it then I wouldnt be the special one smelling differently good...hehehehe no no, but I guess as a loyal and solo wiccan I like to keep some things private. My bestfriend/only real girl friend knows I use potions.

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Heh, I absolutley love C.F.M however when i wear it sometimes it makes me kinda bitchy especially if Iam wearing it when I have my monthly enemy....hehehe. I actually don't tell anyone about the potions not even my boyfriend although my boos at work has seen me on this website before but my boyfriend knows I use scented oils instead of actual perfume sprays. I tend to keep this stuff to myself though because around here mostly everyone is in there 20s or early 30s and people are noosy and kinda snoopy. If this gets out everyone is going to jump on it then I wouldnt be the special one smelling differently good...hehehehe no no, but I guess as a loyal and solo wiccan I like to keep some things private. My bestfriend/only real girl friend knows I use potions.


I TOTALLY get bitchy when I wear a lot of Tal products. You may want to try softening it with TAH.

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You know, Dolly, it's your fault I had to buy a full sized C.F.M (the name had a little to do with it)! :snowball:


You're gonna love it......I now have two full-sized bottles, and a third on order.....

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I was wearing this yesterday and was totally loving it on me. Hehe! I have a full bottle on the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's interesting, this reminds me so much of LP #9 (which I can't wear - no offense M&D - because as a personal choice I no longer wear cologne), it's got that same evocation of citrus smoothed by wood lending a more male vibe (which makes sense, given the concept). If it weren't for the TAL I'd say this would make a nice unisex scent (maybe a future variant?). The scent itself doesn't seem to last too long on me (though the TAL isn't too strong in terms of its' signature), but tomorrow I'm going to slather and see what happens, heh.

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It's interesting, this reminds me so much of LP #9 (which I can't wear - no offense M&D - because as a personal choice I no longer wear cologne), it's got that same evocation of citrus smoothed by wood lending a more male vibe (which makes sense, given the concept). If it weren't for the TAL I'd say this would make a nice unisex scent (maybe a future variant?). The scent itself doesn't seem to last too long on me (though the TAL isn't too strong in terms of its' signature), but tomorrow I'm going to slather and see what happens, heh.


Fabulous Luna, can't wait to see how it goes tomorrow! :jumpforjoy:

Oh and congrats on being the new Quiditch Captain!!! :goldfish5:

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LOL, I'm not even into HP (well, I have seen three of the movies, but that's it).


The experience reminded me of wearing Cougar Potion in that I had this aura all day, although the scent didn't really last beyond a couple hours, but the TAL made it so I got noticed (Three times I had men come up to me saying something like, "Well hi!" That was hilarious.). I did have a more "secure" feeling, I guess you could say, more outwardly self-confident like I experience with Dominance. It's interesting...I plan to test it on my OTL but there's only a few pheromones he really responds to, so I have a feeling he'll just sort of shrug and I'll have to break out the heavy artillery. :)

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LOL, I'm not even into HP (well, I have seen three of the movies, but that's it).


The experience reminded me of wearing Cougar Potion in that I had this aura all day, although the scent didn't really last beyond a couple hours, but the TAL made it so I got noticed (Three times I had men come up to me saying something like, "Well hi!" That was hilarious.). I did have a more "secure" feeling, I guess you could say, more outwardly self-confident like I experience with Dominance. It's interesting...I plan to test it on my OTL but there's only a few pheromones he really responds to, so I have a feeling he'll just sort of shrug and I'll have to break out the heavy artillery. :)



So, how did it go? Come on, luna, spill it....

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Oh I'll report, ma'am, but I won't see him again till next weekend (barring any unforeseen disasters...we live at opposite ends of the state). But to elaborate, in my experience he only responds to copulins and EST; I try other things but it's like throwing a rubber ball at a brick wall. :)

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Oh I'll report, ma'am, but I won't see him again till next weekend (barring any unforeseen disasters...we live at opposite ends of the state). But to elaborate, in my experience he only responds to copulins and EST; I try other things but it's like throwing a rubber ball at a brick wall. :)



Well, I have found that some men respond well to TAL, and some not so well......I had some that turned cold and aloof on TAL, but went wild with TAH. My man (and some others) are just the opposite.....he likes TAH ok, but when I wear TAL, it spins him like a top! He loves it (even though he doesn't know that is what it is). Keep us posted!!

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Okay, as promised...when my OTL arrived at my abode I was all slathered and ready to see what would happen. As I've mentioned previously, the man has perfect hearing but a rather faulty sense of smell. Usually I get a "that's nice" or a shrug which generally means the scent just doesn't register on his olfactory radar.


During our usual I'm-trying-to-climb-into-your-skin hug he took a whiff of me (because he knows I like that) and then he held me at arms' length and said, "Why do you smell like Louis?"


"Louis" is a friend of his (that's actually his nickname) and his signature scent is CKOne, despite my telling him on several occasions that the 90s are over and he needs to find a new cologne. And then it hit me: CFM does kind of smell like CKOne, it has a unisex aura which is a little more masculine than feminine.


I said, "Do you like it?" and he grimaced and said, "I thought you said I wasn't allowed to smell like him!" And we laughed about it during the course of the evening. I observed him to see if there was any out-of-the-ordinary reaction, but as I figured, not really. Given that he's getting up there in years and with the smell issue, the only two things which work consistently are copulins and EST, which means I'm breaking out the Super tonight...for both of us! ;)

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lol, aww sorry to hear that it didn't work for you


I said, "Do you like it?" and he grimaced and said, "I thought you said I wasn't allowed to smell like him!" And we laughed about it during the course of the evening.


That made me laugh too, lol! you guys are cute!

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  • 2 weeks later...

HFS!!!! (aka holy f**k'n sh*t)


I LOVE THIS!!!! Me and ambers are usually enemies, but this one just took my breath away. Even though I bought a full bottle from my 6th sense (LOL!) I feel so horrible, cause if I sampled it before I would have hoarded it lol


In the bottle I smell saffron/patchouli/woods


On my skin: tea, patchouli, sweet, roses and woody? (it that the right word?) lol...it's so fricken beautiful, I took a sniff, and I was like Sh*t! This one beats my most fav't (pink emerald)!


It's sweet, but not as sweet. But it's definately exotic, I've never smelled anything like this (and I don't like "exotic" scents) It's extremely feminine but gives off a strong signature scent. I know that I like cutsy stuff, but this one, omg, hands down! No wonder why it sold out so fast!


So just to make sure I wasn't going crazy, I asked my dad to smell it, and he was like WOW, share it with your mom too (Never!!!) lol and my sister liked it alot too! I wont be wearing this one as often since, I don't want it to finish up fast!


To conclude my rambling, if you have this one and don't like it, please call me! lol!

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Okay cool now I don't feel crazy for freakin out when I saw that it was sold out :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


Dayum girl! If I remember correctly, was it you that collected 2 or 3 bottles and still felt bad?! LOL! I'm jealous! lol!! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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I already had a bottle and I just received my other two today!!!! Now I have all of the orders that I had placed I am soooooo happy!!!! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: :jumpforjoy::jumpforjoy::jumpforjoy::jumpforjoy::jumpforjoy:


lol! doesn't it feel so nice when you see that brown carton box? :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: I love that feeling lol! I'm happy for you btw! Enjoy!

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lol! doesn't it feel so nice when you see that brown carton box? :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: I love that feeling lol! I'm happy for you btw! Enjoy!



Yes it does thanks! I never received the tracking info so I had no idea that they were coming. What a great way to end a rough week :banana-computer:

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lol, I'm one happy camper now since I'm going to have a one more bottle :banana124: Yay!!!



So glad you got a bottle! I have three...... ^_^ .....after all, it is one of my darlin's favorites.....I couldn't risk running out!!

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So glad you got a bottle! I have three...... ^_^ .....after all, it is one of my darlin's favorites.....I couldn't risk running out!!


LOL, it's okay dolly...I've just started hoarding...I'll be an addicted maniac soon lol.


Off topic: but your new avatar is HOT!

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