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Cuddle Bunny: Vampire Bunny

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OAK MOSS ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. Parental love.
BLUEBERRY ~ Protection, communication, peace, calm.
TOBACCO ~ Healing, purification, spiritualism. An ode to the Gods.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
MAPLE ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant.
OAK ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Berries sometimes heavily amp on my skin, so all I can smell is blueberries, like a kid obsessed with some blueberry lip balm. I have no other Cuddle Bunny experience, so even though I absolutely would not like to cuddle with myself right now, the Cuddle Bunny phero is very much affecting me. I just taught a class and was much more calm and even and I can honestly say my presence was more calming to the students than usual. I had one pregnant lady who's do in 5 days, and sometimes that might stress me out since her needs are 100% different than all the other regular students who came to do core and twists and generally get their asses kicked. But I was able to be more "commandingly loving," for lack of a better term and teach two simultaneous classes without it detracting from anyone's experience. I'll have to look into other Cuddle bunnies!

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Berries sometimes heavily amp on my skin, so all I can smell is blueberries, like a kid obsessed with some blueberry lip balm. I have no other Cuddle Bunny experience, so even though I absolutely would not like to cuddle with myself right now, the Cuddle Bunny phero is very much affecting me. I just taught a class and was much more calm and even and I can honestly say my presence was more calming to the students than usual. I had one pregnant lady who's do in 5 days, and sometimes that might stress me out since her needs are 100% different than all the other regular students who came to do core and twists and generally get their asses kicked. But I was able to be more "commandingly loving," for lack of a better term and teach two simultaneous classes without it detracting from anyone's experience. I'll have to look into other Cuddle bunnies!

Love this description - if it will make a baby vampire bunny cuddly; it can definitely help you be more "commandingly loving" - great term and something I really want to tap into :thumbup:

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I am really surprised -- when I read this description and saw "mash-up between Blue Smoke and Cuddle Bunny" my eyes almost started out of my head because I am a huge fan of both... but that is why we get the sampler! I've tried this twice now and it just doesn't go with my skin. I don't get the blueberry at all (and I know it's my skin and not the scent because of Eastwood's review) -- it's like Smarties smashed into powdered form and rubbed onto my wrist. I am secretly relieved to have at least one thing to check off the full bottle list. Glad to have my sample so I can enjoy the adorable label!

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Ooooh I like this! I was really intrigued by the concept, trying to imagine what it would be like, and it's not quite what I thought, BUT...I'm really enjoying what I do get, which is that lovely velvety base and a somewhat candied blueberry topnote. I didn't even know I could enjoy something like this until I actually smelled it. I think as this one ages then the other darker elements will emerge. I get a bit of the woodsmoke around the edges right now, and the oakmoss becomes more prominent in the drydown. I would be fine with VB evolving into a somewhat less sweet blend, even.

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this variant is a mash-up featuring elements of the original Cuddle Bunny scent combined with our sold-out Autumnal favorite Blue Smoke: a base of plush oakmoss, pipe tobacco and maple sugar blended with cozy Fall notes of woods and woodsmoke, deep black musk and a touch of tart blueberry.

Cuddle Bunny is my favorite phero to wear out and about. This scent is fabulous with it! The original CB can be a little poky for me sometimes. Right off the bat, I get the blueberry, but I can smell all the notes underneath. I’m loving all the Fall scents!! It’ll be 89 degrees here today, so this is perfect. Not too deep and dark, but still definitely an Autumn scent - I might need a full bottle of this..

Edited by Bella15
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LOVE LOVE LOVE! This smells exactly like I thought it would!! I love regular Cuddle Bunny and I liked Blue Smoke except that there was something in it that was just too masculine. This is perfection! It is like the masculine part of Blue Smoke has been replaced with something more girly. Love the blueberry, LOVE the maple! I get lots of maple!! The whole thing is just perfection. Should get a backup bottle.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

My first time hookah smoking was of blueberry tobacco. Thus, this scent has positive associations for me. I love Vampire Bunny. Every note in here is a win. Oak Moss is probably the 'cuddle' factor. FB


ETA: I have some residuals of Vampire Bunny on my sweater and I cannot get over how pretty and feminine this is. I'd think Tobacco would make this gruff but all it reminds me of is clean nighttime relaxing. I think it's because the blueberries is fresh, like opening a new pack of blueberry tobacco. Blueberry almost makes this fae-like, magical. I think it's also Maple + Blueberry together that makes this an ingenious combination. Oak is also a favorable note of mine.


This is my first experience with Cuddle Bunny pheromone blend and it's definitely palpable! It puts me in the perfect frame of mind for intimacy.

Edited by Ivysaur
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  • 2 months later...

I'm very fond of this one, too. The scent wears so softly I can hardly believe that it covers Cuddle Bunny! The scent and phero feel very congruent with each other. I used to avoid wearing CB to my old job because EST heavy blends caused the chef I worked for to get into a pissy mood. But I've worn it at my current place of employment and it works really well for me. I almost think I might need a second bottle of this one...

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  • 4 months later...

I am in love. I was just trying to pick a few scents to try. I had no idea what my husband would like. I could wear this daily. I like the way I feel wearing it and everyone around me seem so relaxed I get so many compliments. Will be a full size bottle I purchase. 

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  • 5 years later...

With the new version out, thought I would look back and review this one. What I mostly get are blueberry and oak moss. The blueberry is a sweet, almost candied berry. The oak moss is there, but doesn't ever get too powdery. It adds a fuzzy feeling. The musk is in the background giving it some depth. There's also an undercurrent of masculinity. Not enough to make it unisex, just enoughh to give it some dimension and a little twist. Overall, I get sweet, clean fuzziness with an edge. The label is a perfect representation because it's something cute that lures you in, but has a hidden danger lurking underneath. Eventually, as it fades, it settles down into a really soft skin scent.

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